Welcome To GEM University

Welcome to the GEM University, the primary educational site for GEMSTONE University of the PanTerraVida Private Society (PTV).  Access is available to anyone who wishes to become a General Education Member (GEM) of the Society.  Please read the information below for further details and take a look at GEMA for News and Project information.

A New Concept

A New World

The PanTerraVida Private Society is an entirely new concept that integrates many life enhancing principles, solutions, and tools.  One of our foundational tools is the GEMSTONE University that has been created and built over the last ten years.  It is an entirely new concept for self-directed learning in areas of interest to many people in our world.  It provides the foundational knowledge and training that is essential to have for the more advanced studies and applications in the full curricula.  And our intention is to create a New World, one free of strife, conflict, debt, bondage, and destruction.  A World that is Best for All.

Unlock Hidden Truths About

The History of Our World

Immerse yourself within a deep dive exploration of our true past and unravel the secrets that have shaped our world for millennia.  All such secrets are now revealed and as the past is revealed, a new future emerges.  Knowledge of the past will prepare oneself for the emerging new world so that we never again make the mistakes that nearly destroyed our world and all of Life on Earth.  Learn about the Babylonian Money Magic System and the nature of the bondage within which we have lived our entire lives.  Shine a light on the intricate web of Law and Equity and learn their simple truths that empower and strengthen our future.  Empower yourself with the knowledge that will provide confidence to step boldly forth and be part of building this new future that awaits us all, as we Declare that Peace is now here, and Sovereign Integrity is the substantive Right of all Living Beings.

We invite you to step out of the controlled holographic reality you might have thought was the real world all your life and learn what is behind the veils.  Start your journey now to access all of this and be part of the solution now emerging on Earth and coming to every screen wherever you might find yourself in the world.  It will be a journey of actually Finding Yourself within a community of inclusive learning, services, and opportunities for all Living Beings – Men, Women, and Young Ones – that seek to create a new world that honors Life and all Living Systems and Things.

Taking the simple steps to become a General Education Member will open up a new world of education, knowledge development, social and community relations, and much more.  All General Education Members of the PanTerraVida Private Society will have access to the soon-to-launch GEMSTONE Earth Media Alliance (GEMA), a unique worldwide communications architecture and platform for our comprehensive education and media content.  This will be a unique platform incomparable to all others as it will integrate many functions on a secure data information highway, complete with marketplace and private banking system with our own private monetary issue and treasury banking system.  The monetary issue of the PanTerraVida Private Society will be known as the Genuine Equity Monetary System (GEMS) and will offer more functionality and uncompromised privacy than any other.

What’s Inside?

In order to access the content inside GEM University, one must first be a Member of the PanTerraVida Private Society.  Our General Education Member level requires no obligation, commitment or cost.  It does require, however, being a Member of the Society, because the PanTerraVida Private Society has established its own private jurisdiction and, with our very extensive knowledge and experience in law and the world system, we have perfected the use of a private society and jurisdiction to exclude all limiting and constraining impediments to a true laissez-faire environment.  We require that everyone who wishes to access the content and benefits of the GEM University and the GEMA Media & Communications platform to be a Member of our Private Society.  This arrangement assures protection and preservation of our private jurisdiction and standing.  This assures our privacy and protection by being contracted as part of our Private Contract Association. 

Once a Member, you will have access to our extensive library of materials relating to Law, History, Monetary Systems, Esoterica Knowledge of the true origins of our history and how the codes of the Matrix were really constructed, and an ever growing compendium of materials, media, deep research, and archived work.  You will have access to our undergraduate course as a prerequisite to our advanced freedom course for Estate Structure and Status Correction.  The first part (Estate Structure) guides our Members how to build a private society and estate to hold assets, businesses, organizations, projects, and family legacy trusts.  The second part (Status Correction) focuses on changing one’s status from a debt bondage slave to a free Living Being with standing and capacity to live a free and creative life.  These advanced courses are available to our Full Participation Members as described on our application page.

The content inside GEM University are the fruits of over thirty years of intensive research.  We have now made this work available to General Education Members with no obligation other than the basic steps to be a general Member of the Society and Private Contract Association.  This private jurisdiction has been perfected and tested for over twenty years.  We protect it assiduously against outside intrusion.  Private contract and private association are essential elements for maintaining our privacy.  But privacy does not mean secrecy, other than key proprietary data and materials.  We protect the data about the Society and our Members, but at the same time maintain open transparency and a firm focus on Going to Peace. 

Did you know you have been in bondage for your entire life?  Did you know that you are considered “lost at sea” and not actually with any standing on the Land?  Without standing on the Land you have no access to real Law and you are effectively without capacity and therefore a slave to the world system.  You now have the power to change that for yourself, your family, and for all future generations – if you will.  The first step in doing so is expanding your knowledge and awareness, which is what you will find inside GEM University.  We consider every Living Being a gemstone of unique qualities and inherent capacities, but as with any gemstone in the rough, it must be shaped and polished to bring out its inner essence.  You will find tools not to be found anywhere else inside the GEM University. 

What’s inside?  The true being that you are, yet to be discovered!

Three Member Levels

General Education Member

A General Education Member has full access to all content in the GEM University web site.  Every General Education Member is enrolled as a full Member of the PanTerraVida Private Society and will have full access to the Gemstone Earth Media Alliance (GEMA) worldwide information highway now being built.  Many benefits will be added as we move forward and continue to expand our extensive and growing learning environment.  Many exciting developments are in the works and ready to be discovered.  Come join us and walk through a doorway into a New World.  Start your journey out of the realm of death onto the Land of the Living.
GEM is the starting place for all levels of study and participation within PanTerraVida.  You can upgrade to other levels at anytime.

PanTerrans Entering A Real Life

The PEARL member level is for those who wish to engage a proactive involvement in and with our worldwide projects and the active building of a new world system without immersion in the education we offer. PEARL stands for “PanTerrans Entering A Real Life” because our foundational principles are based on real work in the physical world (Real Acts and Deeds) that are required to build a new reality on Earth.  Doing so will substantiate our Being as we claim our Lives, our Law, our Land, our Estates, and our World.  More details will soon be available.
The starting place for PEARL Members is at the GEM level, so please go ahead and apply to be a GEM today and you can upgrade once the PEARL level is available.

Full Membership

Full Members engage with the Society in the advanced education and the completion of the Estate Structure and Status Correction courses.  Full Members are fully involved with building the Society and our projects and being the pioneers with our private banking and monetary systems.  The price of admission to Full Member status is one’s Being, Passion, Commitment, and Excellence – to walk the steps and do the work, inside and out, and bring forth one’s inner Brilliance to help build the PanTerraVida Master Plan into realized manifestation.
The place to start to become a Full Member is as a GEM and you will then have the opportunity to upgrade after 90 days as a member.

Member Benefits

World environment day with global community teamwork, a group of

PanTerraVida (formerly PanTerra D’Oro) has been quiet and behind the scenes for many years.  We have been preparing for significant expansion for a long time, and it is now here.  In the months and years to come, our Members will be participating in an exciting journey as leaders in building a new world reality.  General Education Members (GEM’s) will be on the front lines with our educational media, projects, the GEMA information and data system highway, our private banking and monetary issue, a worldwide marketplace, living universities throughout the world with hands-on learning and participation, the most expanded home schooling content based on real knowledge for training young ones to inherit the future we are building with a foundation of classical education that stimulates critical thought, creative minds, and emotionally balanced beings, health and rejuvenation centers to optimize our physical experience with all of this, and much more.

Not only is all this at no out-of-pocket cost to our Members, everyone will be a participant in pioneering a new reality with respect to banking and monetary functions – where we create value and it becomes the currency we exchange for goods and services and intellectual property that creates new technologies and manifested ideas that are the tools we use to build a new world.  Imagine a world without debt and a private jurisdiction that honors and respects creative value and converts the value we create into a new monetary issue from a private treasury that is founded on a new law form where the People are the Law and the People stand in Peace and Sovereign Integrity on the Land that has been reclaimed and returned back to the Living.  We are “Walking Into Life” – hand in hand, day by day, heart to heart, community with community, where opportunity and freedom abound.

General Education Member Benefits:

  • Full access to GEM University content.
  • GEMA Trust Account with worldwide universal debit card system, GEMS Account, creative learning converted to matching monetary issue (“earn as you learn”), building a new estate and trust for the future.
  • Full access to the GEMA worldwide platform with quality social media, intelligent journalism and research, open and secure communication platform, personal home page to custom design to one’s predilections and content preferences, no censorship, a true free speech zone, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) – Virtual Private Currency (VPC) – Virtual Private Economy (VPE) with no denigrating content that debases our quality of spirit and being, a marketplace that links the world at the speed of light.
  • Hosting contracts for individual nodes of our discreet, distributed, and decentralized Nodal Network Technology with no back-doors and no unwanted guests tracking or capturing of our data.
  • General Education Members can apply to become Full Participation Members at any time or to be a PEARL Member once that level is available.

PEARL Benefits:

  • Opportunity to engage Individual Co-Creator Contracts (formerly referred to as “Jobs”).
  • Opportunity to engage Company/Organization/Project/Community Co-Creator Contracts.
  • All contracts executed in our Private Jurisdiction, Law Form, and Court of the People.
  • PanTerraVida is seeking qualified professionals in many genres, enthusiastic interns, students, graduates, all who wish to work and play while building our projects throughout the world – builders, designers, technicians, mathematical geniuses, engineers, teachers, and educators, land and soil remediators, environmental artists, forestry masters, permaculture leaders, community organizers, air and water purifiers….the list goes on and on.  If this is you please contact us to tell us a little about yourself and how you can be of assistance. 
  • Inventors and Free Thinkers with Intellectual Property seeking safe haven where intellectual property is converted to monetized value creation, properly and privately capitalized, debt free, non-recourse – in all sectors such as energy, food, soils, health, travel – imagine a real Copyright and Patent Office where Intellectual Property and Content is retained privately in our Private Treasury Vault and underwritten to convert ideas to monetary power to move ideation towards realization without any games or manipulation – the universe is the limit! 

Full Member Benefits:

  • Full Members are able to engage the complete educational process and practical applications for the Estate Structure and Status Correction courses.
  • This is a comprehensive approach to removing oneself completely from the public “Matrix” system and establishing one’s Life (and that of one’s family, businesses, projects, and organizations) within the private jurisdiction of the PanTerraVida Private Society.
  • Full Members are the pioneers in this work who are also integrally part of the building, design, management, and creation process of and for the Society, as well as building their own societies and estates in a new reality free from bondage and constraints.
  • Full Members are also the pioneers in the development of the PanTerraVida Treasury, banking system, and private monetary issue, learning and applying the knowledge of how to remain private without compromising their lives in any way.  In fact, the freedom of living in the private, having one’s estate structured as a private society, and having oneself as a Living Being fully disconnected from the bondage of the world system cannot be quantified.  It is an energetic, spiritual, and practical state of Being unlike anything that can be achieved within the Matrix (no matter what any other “freedom” system or approach says to the contrary).
  • As the pioneers of the PanTerraVida Treasury and monetary issue system, Full Participation Members do not have attachment, consent, or obligation to the public Matrix system, because one of the primary methods of legal attachment is by and through the use of public currencies and banking systems.  This attachment is being eliminated by the pioneering work of the Full Member participation in the PanTerraVida Private Society, and is a “benefit” of unquantified scale.
  • Our intended goal as a Full Participation Members of the PanTerraVida Private Society is to progressively free ourselves from all forms of enslavement and bondage, inside and out, moving towards the attainment of “Freedom Absolute.”  Such a state of Being cannot be described as a benefit or a destination, because it is an ever increasing mode of Being, and by moving inexorably forward with such intention, we change our own reality and by so doing we change our world.
  • The price of admission to be an Full Member is one’s Being, Passion, Commitment, and Excellence – to become a gem of unparalleled brilliance, to be the Being you have always been while temporarily tarrying in the illusion that you were anything less.  But it requires the Passion and Commitment to do the work and PanTerraVida has developed the pathways of the work to place oneself on the path.

We Look Forward to Welcoming You to

PanTerraVida Private Society and GEM University


The GEMSTONE Earth Media Alliance (GEMA) project envisions building a technical architecture and worldwide platform that will be enclosed within the PanTerraVida jurisdiction, established as a Private Contract Association within the Society and jurisdiction, for full private capacities and environment – one that is founded on the principles of freedom, open dialog, unfettered expressed and free speech, as well as a safe and secure environment free of violence, hate, and the other degenerative influences found in today’s internet. 

We will start with this small and focused section in GEM University to build out the three basic points of focus:
1) Introduction and framework for the ultimate GEMA system;
2) The beginning phase of building our News and Special Reports  network;
3) A presentation platform for reporting on PanTerraVida Projects and work in the world in fulfillment of our Declaration of Intention and Master Plan.
These three areas will first be built here inside GEM University while a new web site will be designed and built, and when ready, to move the three building blocks of the first phase of GEMA onto the site.

The GEMA News and Special Reports are a compilation of latest news gems and in depth reports from around the world on health, geopolitics, environment, technology and latest world events.  They are updated regularly throughout the week so please keep checking back.