We are starting to see an escalation in the news of reports on Avian influenza commonly known as Bird Flu around the world and the need to cull birds and other animals as well as to start to vaccinate at the very least farm workers.

Bird Flu was first identified in 1878 by Edoardo Perroncito in northern Italy. We are told Bird flu is spread by close contact with an infected bird (dead or alive). While bird flu is primarily a concern for birds, they are also finding it in other species, but we know PCR tests are incredibly unreliable and should not be used to diagnose, and  former coronavirus coordinator Deborah Birx wants to test farms animals weekly.  Bird flu can pose a risk to human health, particularly for people who work with or around infected birds, such as farmers, veterinarians, and poultry workers, but is usually a mild disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) closely monitor bird flu outbreaks and provide guidance on prevention and control measures to minimize the risk of transmission to humans.  This primarily is culling whole flocks of poultry and now cattle. However the former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said he predicts a bird flu pandemic will happen.

Finland is already offering vaccinations but from a different strain than what is circulating and are saying it should still protect against the H5N1 virus.  Since at least 2009 they have been  doing gain of function type research and it seems that most outbreaks are related to lab leaks.

Is this Disease X that the World Health Organisation have been fear mongering about for months?  Is it Plandemic 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and we are heading towards further lockdowns? Why are they doing gain of function to make Bird Flu and other diseases more serious and infectious?  Is it part of the plan to disrupt food supplies? 

Plandemic 2.0 Bird Flu Fear

Bird Flu fact or Fiction

Former coronavirus coordinator Deborah Birx (part of Fauci’s Corrupt Covid Team) wants to test millions of U.S. cows every week and screen dairy workers for “asymptomatic” cases of bird flu!

Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said he predicts a bird flu pandemic will happen — it’s just a matter of when that will be.

Is Bird Flu Being Weaponized?

As countries order millions of bird flu vaccines, Jefferey Jaxen investigates the unfolding media excitement surrounding the Bird Flu. He dives deep and reveals that the trajectory of H5N1 outbreaks since 1997 have run parallel with gain-of-function research. Now, scientists around the world continue the call for a pause on this research before another pandemic arises.

Is Bird Flu A Tool Of The Green Agenda?

Unlike COVID, the bird flu has one distinctly different feature that is threatening American food security. As nearly 100 million birds and counting have been culled, will governments use this tragic opportunity to push net zero goals?

Bird Flu Gain of Function 

Unlike COVID, the bird flu has one distinctly different feature that is threatening American food security. As nearly 100 million birds and counting have been culled, will governments use this tragic opportunity to push net zero goals?

Bird Flu in the news…Again

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: I originally wrote and posted this article Feb. 25, 2023. Seems like a good time to recycle it

This week (Feb 2023), Argentina and Uruguay declared national health emergencies following outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1, a virus that is destroying poultry flocks and wild birds. Ten South American countries are seeing an outbreak of the H5N1 ‘Bird flu’ virus.

Is this something new?

There have been many ‘outbreaks’ of H5N1 and other strains of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in the U.S. and various parts of the world over the last 150 years. The previous outbreaks have a striking similarity to the current ramping up of global hysteria. And, like historical outbreaks, reports of human illness and human deaths have been exceedingly rare.

Recycling the “News”

A naturally occurring virus is not a living organism, but it can make copies of itself. The ability to replicate is what gives the impression that a virus is “alive.” There are only five groups of living creatures in which influenza A viruses can replicate: large land mammals, sea mammals, wild birds, domestic birds, and humans. Since 1977, only a few influenza A viruses, specifically H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2, have been associated with human illness.

Just because a ‘viral particle’ can be identified, it doesn’t mean it is the cause of disease. In fact, influenza A viruses are completely benign, silent passengers in the intestinal tracts of all types of waterfowl. During transglobal seasonal migration, thousands of ducks and geese congregate in available lakes and ponds along their journey. An examination of the lake water where flocks have converged would reveal tens of billions of influenza A particles.

Influenza A subtypes have been delineated as either ‘mildly pathogenic,’ meaning they cause minimal or no disease, or ‘highly pathogenic,’ meaning their presence has been associated with widespread death among all types of birds. All outbreaks of “Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza” (HPAI) viruses since the 1980s have been caused by antigen subtypes H5, H7, and H9.

The virus in the current news articles is a highly pathogenic subtype called H5N1. This is the same strain that was circulating in 2005 and came to be referred to as bird flu when I wrote my book, “FOWL! BIRD FLU is Not What You Think.” What is not being said—again—is that outbreaks of highly pathogenic viruses have been causing problems in bird populations for a very long time.  Read more…  

Australia Mandates 'Food Rations' To Prepare for Bird Flu Pandemic

Food rationing and lockdowns have arrived in Australia as the WEF puppet government lays the groundwork to plunge the masses into starvation, and Australians pay the price for allowing the government to confiscate their guns without a fight.

The elite have warned that a global food crisis is on the agenda and Australia has emerged as the New World Order’s testing ground where Chinese style authoritarian tactics are tested on the captured population before they are rolled out to the rest of the world.

Will Australia put up with the sadism of the global elite, including starvation rations, mandatory vaccines, and a poisoned water supply, or will they wise up, rise up, banish the tyrants, and reclaim their freedom?

Bird Flu Strain Discovery Forces Sydney Egg Farm
Into Bio Lockdown 

FDA is trying to crack down on Raw Milk sales because of “bird flu”

Food Supply Will Be Shut Down Worldwide With The Bird Flu Fraud – Get Ready For More Shots

Bird Flu is now being pushed 100% and millions of chickens, pigs and cattle are being euthanized all because of the Bird Flu Fraud which they call Disease X.

‘We’re Flying Blind’: CDC Has 1M Bird Flu Tests Ready, but Experts See Repeat of Covid Missteps

It’s been nearly three months since the U.S. government announced an outbreak of the bird flu virus on dairy farms. The World Health Organization considers the virus a public health concern because of its potential to cause a pandemic, yet the U.S. has tested only about 45 people across the country.

“We’re flying blind,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, director of the Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health. With so few tests run, she said, it’s impossible to know how many farmworkers have been infected, or how serious the disease is. A lack of testing means the country might not notice if the virus begins to spread between people — the gateway to another pandemic.

“We’d like to be doing more testing. There’s no doubt about that,” said Nirav Shah, principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…”  Read more…

Dr. Meryl Nass: One of the approved Bird Flu quackccines, Audenz, with a novel adjuvant MF59, had a death rate of 1 in 200 during clinical trials.

Bird Flu Panic Rises

The bird flu vaccine is now in full development for not just humans but for cattle as well. Watch as we break down the COVID-like pre-positioning and how a critically-thinking public may not fall in line this time around.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg On False Pandemics

Epidemiologist & Former Member of German Parliament, Wolfgang Wodarg, MD, discusses his new book, False Pandemics: Arguments Against the Rule of Fear, which examines the fabricated pandemic alarms of swine and bird flu designed to mislead millions. Hear why he believes it is vital for our immune systems to be exposed to viruses and his surprising take on the threat gain-of-function research.

Dr. McCullough – Disease X Is Already Here, The Lied About The Vaccine, There Are Cures For Viruses

Dr McCullough thinks Bird Flu is disease X.  In this video he talks about COVID as well as bird flu and its vaccine that has already been pre purchased and early treatment and why it was suppressed.

You don’t die with an asymptomatic infection! Will You Wake Up?

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