Following on from last week’s Introduction to Mind Control, this week we are going to take a deeper look at the role the entertainment industry plays in mind controlling the masses and it’s stars.

The entertainment industry, including television, movies, theatre and music and especially music videos are (one of the) primary ways to keep the mass population dumbed down at best and to mind control at worst.   They even changed the frequency music was played. “There is allegedly something sinister and evil about 440 Hz. It is said that the Rockefeller Foundation had an interest in making sure the United States adopted the 440 Hz standard in 1935 as part of a “war on consciousness” leading to “musical cult control.” (The great 440 Hz conspiracy)

The more you look, the more depraved the entertainment industry is.  It has connections with CIA, Freemasons, Planned Parenthood, the Rothschilds and even the Ku Klux Klan, who use Hollywood and all aspects of the entertainment industry to cast spells that serve their agenda.  This includes warning us of future events.  We think we are watching a movie, but in fact it is a documentary. 

They use deep mind control techniques, blackmail through sex, introduction to Freemasonry and Satan/Luciferian religion and other devious tactics to control actors and musicians.  If you want to succeed in the industry you have to must abide by their rules and literally sell your soul to the devil. Stars are seen just as commodities and once they are past their usefulness or start to whistleblow, they are “suicided”, have a freak accident or at the very least their reputation is sullied.

Satanism, sex, transhumanism and transgender used to be mostly subliminal except in horror and X rated movies, but now is fully in your face at events such as Olympic ceremonies, Super bowl, Oscars etc, and is even hidden in plain sight within children’s programs, especially those from Disney.  It appears that the agenda is to make Satanism the religion of choice, to normalise paedophilia and sexualise children at a younger and younger age.

The only way to stop this programming, especially in the young ones who they particularly want to target, is to stop watching TV and music videos, playing computer games, and instead get out in nature, read books, listen to music at 432Hz, play games and allow your own creativity to flourish.

Hollywood Exposed: The Banned Documentary 

Satanic Hollywood’s Secret Religion
X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs reveals World’s Secret Religion. Part of the Great Awakening is realization that our Society is run by Secret Societies, like Freemasonry.

Hollywood’s Hidden Darkness: Rituals, Sacrifices, and the Sinister Cost of Fame

Behind Hollywood’s glamorous facade lies a chilling reality: a hidden world of dark rituals, occult sacrifices, and the relentless pursuit of power through unthinkable means. The industry’s most famous faces are not just stars—they are players in a sinister game, where fame and fortune are bought with the highest price: the human soul.

Selling Souls for Stardom

Music legend Bob Dylan once revealed that his success came from a deal with the “chief commander” of an unseen realm, not from talent alone. This wasn’t metaphorical but a raw confession about a pact with dark forces. Kanye West has spoken of the “sacrifices” that haunt the famous, pointing to icons like Michael Jordan and Bill Cosby, suggesting that their success required profound personal losses. In Hollywood, fame isn’t just about making sacrifices; sometimes, it’s about being the sacrifice.

The Adrenochrome Epidemic

The darkness goes deeper with Adrenochrome, a substance allegedly harvested from the adrenal glands of terrified children. Whispered about in elite circles, this drug is said to offer a euphoric high and prolong life, but at a monstrous cost. The youthful appearances of Hollywood elites are not due to good genes or health regimes—they are the result of ritualistic consumption of Adrenochrome, perpetuating a cycle of fear and exploitation.

Megan Fox’s public claims of being a witch and engaging in satanic rituals hint at her involvement in these dark practices. Her admissions are not just for shock value; they’re signals of a deeper, disturbing reality where demonic forces demand more than just prayer—they require sacrifice and the draining of innocence.

Ritualistic Offerings

Artists like A$AP Rocky and DaBaby have shared eerie patterns of losing loved ones at the peak of their success. These deaths are not coincidences but are seen as necessary offerings to maintain the unnatural flow of power within the industry. Even Tom Brady, celebrated as a wholesome family man, is implicated. His wife’s claim of being a “good witch” and their use of “magic” for success are not innocent beliefs but a link to occult practices that demand their own toll.

A Web of Darkness

From Hollywood to the halls of political power, a vast network thrives on control, sacrifice, and submission to malevolent forces. Celebrities like Brad Pitt and Robin Williams, who have spoken about possession and the use of otherworldly forces, are more than just eccentric—they are victims of a dark system. Adrenochrome addiction is rampant among the elite, with children trafficked and sacrificed for this potent substance. The elite’s obsession with youth and vitality comes at a horrifying price, draining the lives of the most innocent.

The Real Cost of Fame

Fame, power, and wealth in this world are bought with the highest of prices. The seemingly perfect lives of celebrities hide a spiritual emptiness, the result of deals with the devil, blood sacrifices, and an unholy covenant. Society, by glorifying these figures, unwittingly perpetuates this cycle of darkness. The glitz and glamour are just the bait; the real game is played in the shadows, where the price of admission is nothing less than one’s soul and the very essence of humanity. (The Queen)

Hollywood Industry Satanism – The Sacrifice

MK Ultra Mind Control in Hollywood

The Hidden Face of Hollywood’s Secret Cult Revealed on Camera 

Dionysus/Bacchus: God of Theater (among other things) has dominion over all theatrical and dance performances. He is the patron of actors. He was invoked before all performances and presided over drama competitions.

The Hollywood’s Dark Secrets

In a shocking twist that has sent shockwaves through Hollywood and beyond, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg—two of the most revered figures in the entertainment industry—are reportedly facing heinous charges that could forever tarnish their legacies. According to insiders, investigators have unveiled a chilling web of crimes, including child rape and murder, allegedly committed by Hanks, Spielberg, and other high-profile figures. As the investigation deepens, the once untouchable elites of Hollywood are now staring down the barrel of justice, with the possibility of spending the rest of their lives behind bars.

Hollywood’s Golden Icons: A Tarnished Legacy. For decades, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have been hailed as Hollywood royalty. Hanks, with his everyman charm and roles in iconic films like Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan, became the face of American cinema. Spielberg, the genius behind blockbusters like Jurassic Park and Schindler’s List, earned the title of one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Their influence stretches beyond cinema; they are cultural icons whose work has shaped the world’s view of America, heroism, and humanity.

But behind the veneer of respectability and success lies a dark, sordid reality that is now being brought to light. Investigators have allegedly uncovered evidence suggesting that these two titans of the industry have been involved in some of the most disturbing crimes imaginable. The shock and disbelief that such beloved figures could be implicated in such horrific acts have sent ripples of fear and anger through the public and the industry alike.

The Allegations: Crimes That Defy Comprehension. The charges facing Hanks and Spielberg are nothing short of horrifying. Reports suggest that they are being investigated for a series of heinous crimes, including child rape and murder. These allegations, if proven true, would not only shatter their careers but also deeply affect the millions who have admired and respected them over the years.

While details remain sparse, sources indicate that the evidence against them is compelling and damning. Insiders have come forward, risking everything to expose what they describe as a well-organized and long-running operation involving numerous high-profile individuals. The crimes allegedly took place over several decades, with some incidents dating back to the early years of Hanks and Spielberg’s careers.

The Whistleblowers: Courage in the Face of Threats. The investigation owes much of its momentum to a growing number of whistleblowers—individuals who have come forward, often at great personal risk, to expose the truth. These insiders, who have worked closely with Hanks, Spielberg, and other accused individuals, have provided investigators with crucial information that has brought the alleged crimes into the public eye.

These whistleblowers have described a culture of silence and complicity within Hollywood, where the powerful protect one another, and where those who dare to speak out are swiftly silenced. However, as the tide turns and more individuals find the courage to come forward, the walls are beginning to close in on those who once seemed untouchable. (DavidWilcock) 


Disney Occultism and Pedophile Symbolism

Disney Sorcerers – Stealing The Innocence Of Children

Little Demon

Disney’s/ABC’s cartoon series released in 2022 called ‘Little Demon’ is about a 13 year old girl who is the actual daughter of Satan, born to a mother who practices Paganism.

Thirteen years after being impregnated by the Devil (Danny DeVito), a reluctant mother (Aubrey Plaza) and her Antichrist daughter (Lucy DeVito) attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware but are constantly thwarted by monstrous forces, including Satan, who yearns for custody of his daughter’s soul.

More on this is available at  Disney’s Anti Christ “Little demon” cartoon is disturbing! 

China McClain Exposes Satanism

On August 30, 2021, Disney star China McClain exposed satanic worship in Hollywood. “They know full well that God exists” she says. “They also know that Satan exists.”

“They are just counting on you all not to know. But either way, the things that you take in that they’re feeding you, they affect you, whether you realize it in the moment or not.”

Disney President on LGBTQIA roles

Disney “The Santa Clauses, has sparked debate surrounding a scene where children hold signs spelling out “We Love You Satan.” The controversy centers on whether this reference promotes or trivializes Satanism.” 

Accurate Context: The scene in question is a comedic moment in the third episode, where a group of elves, attempting to spell out “We Love You Santa,” mistakenly write “We Love You Satan” instead. The intention is to showcase the elves’ mischievous and playful nature, not to promote or endorse Satanism.” (AI text)

Disney and the CIA

The X-rated messages hidden in classic Disney posters that go completely over kids’ heads – but how many can YOU spot?

The X-rated messages hidden in classic Disney posters that go completely over kids’ heads – but how many can YOU spot?

For over 100 years, Disney films have entertained children of all ages.

However, in recent years some of the most iconic productions from The Walt Disney company have developed a reputation for X-rated hidden messages.

Attentive parents are no stranger to tuning into these films with their offsprings, and over the years, some have spotted naughty hidden messages that completely slipped over children’s heads.

Eagle-eyed Disney fans are convinced the streaming giant has snuck sexy messages into some of the film’s most iconic movie posts, and even some scenes. For images…


The Music Industry

The great 440 Hz conspiracy, and why all of our music is wrong: Alan Cross

Gather ’round, kids. Those of you with tinfoil hats may wish to ensure that they’re fitted snuggly. What I’m about to tell you will shake your faith in all the music you’ve heard in your life.

If you look down the right paths, it becomes clear that governments and various security apparatuses have used music to control us using music. All the music of the West that’s based on the standard 12-tone scale is used for the management of crowds as well as thought control.

Let’s begin with some music theory.

If musical performances were to sound the same the world over, some standardization was required. As early as 1885, the Music Commission of the Italian Government declared that all instruments and orchestras should use a tuning fork that vibrated at 440 Hz, which was different from the original standard of 435 Hz and the competing 432 Hz used in France.

In 1917, the American Federation of Musicians endorsed the Italians, followed by a further push for 440 Hz in the 1940s.

In 1953, a worldwide agreement was signed. Signatories declared that middle “A” on the piano be forevermore tuned to exactly 440 Hz. This frequency became the standard ISO-16 reference for tuning all musical instruments based on the chromatic scale, the one most often used for music in the West. All the other notes are tuned in standard mathematical ratios leading to and from 440 Hz.   Read more…

Record Master Recording

MK-Ultra Mind Control in Hollywood & Music
– Mark Devlin GuestsWith John Cooper

Ever wonder about the suspicious details surrounding the deaths of some of music’s biggest legends? The deaths of Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Bob Marley, and even Whitney Houston all have odd circumstances, inconsistencies, and damning connections to an elite hit squad known as “Operation 40.” Today’s guest Ole Dammegard has been studying “Operation 40” for over 30 years, working hard to identify the people involved as well as the mile long list of assassinations, false flag attacks, and other crimes that can be attributed to these dirty deed doers of the Puppetmasters.  Watch here…

Ole Dammegard on assassins, the Beatles, Bob Marley, Tavistock and Much More The World Beyond Belief welcomes back frequent contributor Ole Dammegard to explain how an old and evil plot hatched by the Eisenhower administration entitled Operation 40 has plagued mankind since its inception. This loosely assembled group of assassins has pulled off every high level political assignation, assisted in every coop to overthrow democratically elected governments and killed every leader that seems to be emerging from the ranks that might threaten the elite’s hegemony and global domination. Ole also explains some little facts about the many Paul McCartneys, particulars on the assassination of John Lennon and the crude and inhumane slow and agonizing murder of Bob Marley.  Watch here…