British Censorship! UK Government to Arrest Citizens for ‘Misogyny’

The U.K. will start arresting people for “misogyny” and they will monitor your social media to make sure you don’t say anything at all that they don’t like. They say that they are doing this to “combat the radicalization of young men online.” This sounds like radical government to me! Jim Ferguson, a former Parliamentary candidate and journalist, joins us to discuss this.

This is PROOF that Ireland has COLLAPSED into a pile of Wokeness

A teacher in the U.K. was arrested for refusing to use a trans students name and chosen pronouns saying it was against his religious beliefs. Enoch Burke was released in June but arrested again this week because he continues to show up at the school that fired him. He’s a bit of a cultural icon in Ireland but this story is lesser known abroad so we’ve invited Irish author and commentator Ivor Cummings on to discuss this.

Academic Freedom Around the World Declining for First Time Since WWII

The halls of academia have long been regarded as bastions of free thought and scientific inquiry. However, a recent study paints a concerning picture of dwindling academic freedom worldwide. This shift, occurring for the first time since World War II, threatens to undermine global innovation at a time when creative solutions may be needed more than ever.

The research, conducted by a team of international researchers, reveals that after decades of steady improvement, global academic freedom has begun to decline over the past decade. This shift represents the first significant downturn since World War II and raises serious concerns about the future of innovation and scientific advancement.

Academic freedom, the right of scholars to pursue research, teach, and express ideas without undue interference, has long been considered a cornerstone of scientific progress. However, its importance to innovation has never been quantitatively measured on a global scale until now. The study’s findings not only confirm the crucial role of academic freedom in driving innovation but also sound a warning about the potential consequences of its current decline. Read more…

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Big Pharma is secretly “ghostwriting” articles in top medical and oncology journals to trick doctors into buying their drugs.

Here’s how the scam works:

  • First, pharma pays companies big money to ghostwrite studies that look legit.
  • Then, they approach doctors, offering them prestige in exchange for slapping their names on these ghostwritten studies.
  • Once published in top medical journals, these articles deceive other doctors into prescribing their drugs, believing the results are authentic.
  • This scheme tricks doctors into promoting treatments based on false research, driving up drug sales while putting patients at risk.

Drugs are the Third Leading Cause of Death

Peter  Gertjie Director Of The Nordic Cochrane Centre In Copenhagen And Professor Of Research Design And Analysis At The University Of Copenhagen: “Two years ago i found out that our description drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

Our drugs kill around 200 thousand people in america every year and half of these people die while they do what their doctors told them.”

He is explaning that doctors don’t act properly in these cases that somtimes they should not give these drugs if the patient is ill by aonther illness or he is using other medications. Sometimes food or beverage must be used while these medications are given. 

He continues, describing that drug manufacturers act like mafia.

Gut Reaction: How Early Antibiotics Set the Stage
for Lifelong Allergies

New research reveals how antibiotics in infancy may set the stage for a lifetime of allergies, offering fresh insights into prevention and treatment.

  • Early-life antibiotic use depletes gut bacteria, leading to long-term allergy risks
  • Butyrate, produced by gut bacteria, plays a crucial role in preventing allergies
  • Researchers identified a specific immune cascade triggered by antibiotic use
  • There’s a narrow window after birth for effective intervention against allergy development

In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the University of British Columbia have uncovered the intricate biological pathway that links antibiotic use in infancy to a lifetime of allergies, offering new hope for prevention and treatment. Published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology on August 20, 2024, this research provides a comprehensive understanding of how early-life antibiotic use can lead to lifelong respiratory allergies and asthma.  Read more…

Grape Exosomes: Nature’s Nanoparticles for Cellular Communication and Regenerative Healing

Tiny particles from grapes may hold the key to unlocking profound healing effects throughout the body.


  • Grape exosome-like nanoparticles (GELNs) can communicate directly with human cells
  • GELNs stimulate intestinal stem cell growth and protect against colitis in animal studies  
  • The microRNAs in GELNs may regulate gene expression to promote healing
  • GELNs exemplify how food acts as information to influence cellular function

Unveiling the Power of Grape-Derived Nanoparticles

For centuries, grapes have been revered for their health-promoting properties. Now, cutting-edge research is revealing that some of grapes’ most potent healing effects may come from microscopic particles called exosome-like nanoparticles. These grape exosome-like nanoparticles (GELNs) are emerging as a fascinating example of how foods can act as information carriers, communicating directly with our cells to influence gene expression and promote healing.

The GreenMedInfo database has documented over 300 health conditions that may benefit from grapes and grape seed extracts.[1] While many of grapes’ effects have been attributed to antioxidants like resveratrol, the discovery of GELNs suggests an additional mechanism through which grapes exert their wide-ranging therapeutic properties. By exploring the unique characteristics and functions of these nanoparticles, we can gain insight into the profound healing potential of grapes and other plant foods.  Read more…

Under certain cooking conditions, aluminum foil releases excess ALUMINUM into food

Under certain cooking conditions, aluminum foil will release higher levels of aluminum particles into food. While these slight increases in dietary aluminum do not cause acute health problems, long term exposures could impact vital organs and neurology.

A study titled, “Effect of an aluminum foil-processed diet on internal human aluminum burden” found an increase of aluminum in the urine of individuals who ate from foods prepared in aluminum foil. The aluminum burden was fully reversed after the exposure to aluminum foil was stopped. It’s unclear whether the increased aluminum levels have a detrimental impact on human health and neurology. However, aluminum is known to damage neurons and cause kidney and liver damage. If it is not properly excreted from the body, it can accumulate in tissues and cause further damage down the road.

Aluminum causes neurological damage, among many other harms

Aluminum is prevalent in everyday life, found in food, water, cookware, personal care products and vaccines. The World Health Organization estimates that the average American adult consumes between 7.1 and 8.2 milligrams of aluminum daily, well below the safe weekly intake of 70 milligrams for an average adult. However, high levels of aluminum exposure have been associated with various health issues, including neurological damage, bone disorders, kidney and liver damage, respiratory issues and blood disorders.  Read more…

Are Herbs Really Damaging People’s Livers? A Closer Look at the Facts Behind the Claim

In recent years, a narrative has emerged warning the public that herbal supplements may be damaging their livers. Mainstream media headlines such as “6 Supplements, Including Green Tea, Turmeric, Linked to Liver Toxicity” and “Silent Threats: Everyday Herbs and Drugs Linked to Liver Damage” have contributed to a growing sense of fear around herbal products. But how valid are these claims?

Are herbs inherently dangerous to the liver, or is this another example of fear-mongering fueled by conflicting interests? A deeper look at the facts reveals a far more nuanced story, one that challenges these sensational claims and shines a spotlight on the very real dangers posed by pharmaceuticals and other commonly used substances.

The Origins of the “Herbs Are Harmful” Narrative

Herbal medicine has been a cornerstone of healing practices for millennia. Traditional systems like AyurvedaTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and indigenous medicine have long used herbs to support liver health and treat a variety of ailments. Despite this, herbs have come under fire in recent years, largely because they threaten the dominance of pharmaceuticals. Many widely used herbal supplements, such as turmeric and green tea extract, are natural and non-patentable, making them less profitable than synthetic pharmaceuticals, which dominate the market.

Several factors contribute to the negative portrayal of herbs:

  1. Pharmaceutical Competition: The pharmaceutical industry, which has a vested interest in promoting synthetic drugs, views herbal remedies as a threat to its business model. Many of the studies and reports condemning herbal supplements come from sources closely aligned with pharmaceutical interests.
  2. Isolated Incidents Amplified: Many claims about herbal liver toxicity are based on a few isolated cases that fail to consider other potential contributing factors, such as alcohol use, pre-existing conditions, or concurrent prescription drug use. These isolated incidents are often sensationalized, creating an inaccurate picture of the risks.
  3. Regulatory Bias: Agencies like the FDA are designed to regulate pharmaceuticals, not herbs. This imbalance in regulatory oversight means that herbs are more easily criticized, while pharmaceuticals, despite their well-documented side effects, are often given a free pass.

The Reality: Pharmaceuticals and Their Impact on Liver Health

When it comes to liver health, the real threat often lies in the pharmaceuticals that many people take daily. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are among the leading causes of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) in the United States. Notably, many of the most commonly used medications, such as acetaminophen and NSAIDs, are known to cause significant liver damage.  Read more…

Gates Insider: Digital ID Will Be Embedded Under the Skin of Every Child by 2025

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has begun rolling out Digital IDs that will be embedded under the skin of every child in the world – with or without parental consent.

The People’s Voice has warned for years that Gates and the World Economic Forum are planning to create a digital database that tracks all citizens across the globe as part of its Agenda 2030 for humanity.

Now the elite are making their move and innocent children in Bill Gates’ laboratories are being tagged with Mark of the Beast microchips in pilot programs as we speak.

EXPOSING how Big Pharma lies, obscures and prevails w Sharyl Attkisson

Award winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson sits down with Clayton Morris to discuss her new book “Follow The Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails.


How ‘Big Pharma’ traded principles for profits: ‘Hype fears’ and ‘exaggerate supposed benefits

In December of 2002, Sharyl Attkisson, an Emmy-winning investigative reporter for CBS News, had an unsettling interview with smallpox expert Jonathan Tucker.

In a post-9/11 world, with fears of terrorists using a long-eradicated disease like smallpox as a bioweapon, the US was preparing to bring back the smallpox inoculation program.

But to Tucker, the very idea was “agonizing,” writes Attkisson in her new book, “Follow the Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails” (Harper, out Tuesday).

Why? Because it involved “weighing the risk of a possible terrorist use of smallpox . . . against the known risks of the vaccine,” Tucker told the author.

This was news to Attkisson, who couldn’t wait for her own daughter to be eligible for the smallpox vaccine. “A ‘toxic’ vaccine?” She writes. “Didn’t the smallpox vaccine save the world, once upon a time?” But as she soon discovered, it had serious side effects, including a surprisingly high possibility of death.

Attkisson witnessed firsthand how deadly the vaccine could be in April of 2003, when a colleague at NBC, journalist David Bloom, died from deep vein thrombosis while on assignment in Iraq.  Read more…

The GREAT Electric Car Scam just got EXPOSED by Ford
Ford announced that it would focus on making hybrid vehicles instead of battery-powered electric vehicles (EVs) because EVs just don’t sell and are not the most eco-friendly option when it comes to cars. Will the Biden administration let them out of the EV mandates though?

EXPOSING the great Plastics SCAM and environmentalists are P*SSED
A new study shows that replacing plastics with alternatives would be “worse for greenhouse gas emissions in most cases.” Maybe we should have done this math before making such major social changes!?

Hunter Biden Enters Surprise Guilty Plea, Avoiding Trial on Tax Charges

He had pleaded not guilty to all nine counts in January

Hunter Biden pleaded guilty in his federal tax case on Sept. 5, a surprise move that allows him to avoid a trial.
The change of plea came hours before jury selection was set to begin and ahead of his sentencing in a separate case in Delaware.

“I will not subject my family to more pain, more invasions of privacy and needless embarrassment,” Hunter Biden, 54, son of President Joe Biden, said in an emailed statement after he entered his plea. “For all I have put them through over the years, I can spare them this, and so I have decided to plead guilty.” The choice to plead guilty to misdemeanor and felony charges came without a plea deal, which typically includes benefits such as dropped charges.

“Hunter decided to enter his plea to protect those he loves from unnecessary hurt and cruel humiliation.
This plea prevents that kind of show trial that would’ve not provided all the facts or served any real point in justice. He will now move on with us to the sentencing phase,” defense attorney Abbe Lowell told reporters outside the federal courthouse in Los Angeles.

Hunter Biden quickly responded “guilty” as the judge read out each of the nine counts. The charges carry up to 17 years behind bars, but federal sentencing guidelines are likely to call for a much shorter sentence. Hunter Biden also faces up to $1.35 million in fines. Read more…

From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia

A total demolition of the previous forms of existence is underway: how one comes into the world, biological sex, education, relationships, the family, even the diet that is about to become synthetic.”
Silvia Guerini, radical ecologist, in ‘From the ‘Neutral’ Body to the Posthuman Cyborg: A Critique of Gender Ideology’ (2023)

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain.

The big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.[1]

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and big financial institutions, like BlackRock and Vanguard, are also involved, whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, pushing biosynthetic (fake) food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating and financing the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.[2]

The billionaire interests behind this try to portray their techno-solutionism as some kind of humanitarian endeavour: saving the planet with ‘climate-friendly solutions’, ‘helping farmers’ or ‘feeding the world’. But what it really amounts to is repackaging and greenwashing the dispossessive strategies of imperialism.

It involves a shift towards a ‘one world agriculture’ under the control of agritech and the data giants, which is to be based on genetically engineered seeds, laboratory created products that resemble food, ‘precision’ and ‘data-driven’ agriculture and farming without farmers, with the entire agrifood chain, from field (or lab) to retail, being governed by monopolistic e-commerce platforms determined by artificial intelligence systems and algorithms.

Those who are pushing this agenda have a vision not only for farmers but also for humanity in general.

The elites through their military-digital-financial (Pentagon/Silicon Valley/Big Finance) complex want to use their technologies to reshape the world and redefine what it means to be human. They regard humans, their cultures and their practices, like nature itself, as a problem and deficient.  Read more…

THE FAKE AWAKENING – What it is & How to Avoid it