Operation Amber Alert Documentary. Where are the 323,000 missing migrant childeren !!!
“Operation Amber Alert” – an unyielding, aggressive indictment of a system that has sold its soul. This film will not just expose; it will scream the truth about America’s descent into moral oblivion.
We will tear down the veil covering the sinister public-private partnership between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Mexican cartels, a union that has turned this nation into the human trafficking capital of the world. But the horror doesn’t stop there. We’ll also rip open the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) complicit public-private partnership with NGOs, transforming America into the child trafficking capital, where the sanctity of childhood is obliterated for profit.
These NGOs are now facing the wrath of the Department of Justice (DOJ) for their part in allowing the rape of migrant children within their own facilities – a betrayal of the highest order. With 323,000 children missing, lost in this nightmarish system, the culpability is clear, and the hands that fund this atrocity are stained with guilt.
Republicans, who continued to finance these child trafficking NGOs even after the rape of children was known, will be held accountable in this film. Their funding is not just an oversight; it’s an endorsement of evil.
“Operation Amber Alert” will ensure that these atrocities are not just a footnote but a glaring, indelible stain on the soul of America. Historians will write volumes about this dark chapter, and we are here to make sure it’s never forgotten. Prepare to confront the horror, to demand justice, and to never look away from the truth.
Border Czar Homan is NOT Playing Around! JJ Carrell Responds
Canada is about to COLLAPSE under Trudeau’s open border policy
Claudia Sheinbaum and Trump Agree to Stop All Immigration in Mexico: A New Era in Bilateral Relations
The recent call between Claudia Sheinbaum, President of Mexico, and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has caused a political and international stir. During their conversation, both leaders agreed to implement drastic measures to halt migration through Mexican territory and combat drug trafficking into the United States.
The Agreement
Trump stated that this dialogue would mark a significant shift in the relationship between the two countries, declaring:
«Indeed, we are closing our southern border.»
Sheinbaum, for her part, committed to taking immediate actions to block migration routes heading north. This decision could redefine Mexico’s immigration policy and its role as a transit country for thousands of migrants from Central America, South America, and other regions.
In addition, the leaders discussed the need to address the issue of drug trafficking from both fronts: controlling the flow of drugs into the U.S. and reducing domestic consumption, as the U.S. remains one of the largest drug markets in the world.
Tariff Pressure and Reactions
The agreement comes amid ongoing economic tensions. Just 48 hours before this conversation, Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Mexico unless more severe measures were taken against migration and drug trafficking. This type of economic pressure has been a recurring tool for the former president in past negotiations with Mexico.
However, the implications of this agreement go beyond the economic realm. Various human rights groups have condemned Sheinbaum’s decision, warning of the risks faced by migrants who could be stranded in Mexico or forced to take more dangerous routes. Read more…
Are they planning a false flag event in London?
Yesterday, as I was finalizing my new report on Great Britain, an update to my August 26 article “The Coming Collapse of Britain,” YouTube randomly suggested to me a short video by one Craig Houston titled, “Why are ALL LONDON webcams offline…?“
I was nearly floored: Mr. Houston looked through hundreds of Webcams across London and could not find a single one that was live. See for yourself here and here! That’s extremely odd: clearly, someone made the decision to switch them all off – they couldn’t all have failed randomly.
One of the webcams over the Westminster bridge displayed the last image it recorded: it was on 2 September 2024 at 16:51, which at least gives us a clue about when the Heart of Darkness went dark to the world. I posted a comment about this in my TrendCompass report yesterday and one of the readers found a working Webcam at Abbey road. Still, that’s one out of hundreds that are still dark.
Why someone would decide to cut all the webcams is a mystery, and an ominous one. Mr. Houston didn’t offer any explanations, which is understandable given that he lives in Britain where singing, “kung fu fighting,” or silently praying on the sidewalk can get you arrested. But where he declined to tread, I’ll venture a guess.
They’re planning a false flag event to blame on Russia
I think it’s the only explanation that makes any sense to my mind: they are planning a false-flag terror attack on London which they’ll blame on Russia, so that they can trigger an all-out, whole-of-society mobilization by all of the Western powers against Russia. Now, if this seems far-fetched, there are now several important elements that fit coherently with this scenario, starting with the general geopolitical state of things. Read more…
World Health Organisation whistleblower, Dr. David Bell: The WHO is being used as a tool, by people who want to take over the world.
“The WHO is significantly funded by private interests. Its second-largest funder is a private organisation that has significant pharma investments. Clearly, there’s a conflict of interest… In a democratic society, you would not let that organisation have any power over your people. It would be completely irrational to do that.”
“It’s completely illogical to go down the path we are going at the moment, where we give more power to this organisation to control our own health policy.”
The Flu is the Cure – Dr. Peter Glidden

The FDA safe limit of Aluminum is 25mcg BUT, babies get 250mcg on the first day of life with the Hepatitis B vaccine alone. Remember, ingested and injected are 2 different biological processes.
RFK Jr on How Bill Gates Had the Foresight to Buy Over a Million Shares of BioNTech Stock
RFK Jr on How Bill Gates Had the Foresight to Buy Over a Million Shares of BioNTech Stock Before the World Found Out About the COVID Pandemic “The same week Bill Gates, who was overseeing the [Event 201] simulation, bought 1.1 Million shares of BioNTech vaccine which later became the Pfizer vaccine. He then sold almost all that stock two years later at a $242,000,000 profit. And a week after that he announced the vaccine didn’t work. That’s what you call a ‘pump-and-dump’ scheme.” (Chief nerd)
CDC Caught Covering Up Heart Failure Surge’s Link to Covid ‘Vaccines’
An alarming batch of explosive unsealed documents has revealed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been aware that Covid mRNA “vaccines” caused surges in deadly heart failure since the injections were first rolled out for public use.
Official U.S. government documents have revealed that top CDC officials were aware that Covid mRNA shots triggered potentially fatal heart damage in recipients from as early as February 28, 2021.
When President Joe Biden was sworn into office on January 20, 2021, he signed an executive order demanding that 100 million Covid “vaccine” doses be administered within his first hundred days in office.
This goal was met on March 19, 2021.
On March 25, 2021, he announced he would increase the goal to 200 million within his first 100 days in office.
This goal was reached on April 21, 2021.
During this campaign, Biden administration agencies, including the CDC, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and foreign groups such as the World Health Organization (WHO), all told the public that the “vaccines” were “safe and effective.”
However, newly unsealed documents, obtained by the Children’s Health Defense via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, show that top Biden admin officials knew that the “vaccines” caused deadly heart failure in recipients. Read more…
Neil Oliver Interviews Edward Dowd – They’ve created a monster!!!
This couple is creating MIRACLES for our pets!
Arla Foods Bovaer animal feed trial: what is it, who is involved and what are the concerns?
In partnership with major UK supermarkets, Arla’s trial could reduce the methane emissions from cows by nearly 30 per cent
Arla Foods – the Danish-Swedish company that owns the UK’s biggest dairy cooperative – is teaming up with major British retailers to trial a new feed additive that could significantly reduce methane emissions from dairy cows.
Arla Foods announced the trial on Tuesday and its UK agricultural director, Paul Dover, said: “Bringing partners together from across the food and grocery industry in this kind of initiative highlights the support there is for British farmers in transitioning to more sustainable farming methods.”
What is the point in the trial, who’s involved and what have the reactions been so far?
What did Arla announce?
On November 26, Arla announced a new project that it hopes will cut the UK’s methane emissions.
What is Bovaer – and how is Bill Gates involved in the wider cause?
Bovaer is a feed additive that works by suppressing the enzyme in a cow’s stomach that produces methane. By doing so, less methane is produced in a cow’s stomach. The additive has been authorised for use in a number of countries, including Australia, Brazil and Canada, and was authorised for use in the UK in April.
In January 2023, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates invested millions into a rival start-up, Rumin 8, which develops similar methane-reducing supplements.
Which supermarkets are involved in the trial?
Arla is working alongside Morrisons, Aldi and Tesco in the trial. Tesco has its own Future Dairy Partnership with the brand, a farmer-led initiative which aims to “put sustainability at the heart of the dairy industry” through enhancing animal welfare and protecting nature.
Methane is a greenhouse gas and contributes to climate change but how does it relate to farming and cattle? Cows have a compartment in their stomach called the rumen, which ferments digested food. As part of this process, methane is produced and then expelled by cattle via belching, which allows the gas to enter the atmosphere.
As part of the project, 30 of Arla’s farmers – alongside a number of retail partners – will trial the use of Bovaer, which reduces the enteric methane emissions from cows by 27 per cent on average. If successful, it is hoped more UK farmers will start to use the feed additives. Read more…
Bovaer 10, a feed additive for ruminants that contains 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP), can have the following side effects:
1/ Inhaling: 3-NOP may be harmful if inhaled.
2/ Skin and eye irritation:3-NOP is an irritant to the skin and eyes.
3/ Reproductive organ damage: 3-NOP may damage male fertility and reproductive organs.
4/ Mesenchymal cell hyperplasia and benign tumors: At higher doses, 3-NOP may cause mesenchymal cell hyperplasia and benign tumors.
“Bill Gates’ Bovaer is so dangerous that it should not be handled without wearing full PPE as it is harmful if inhaled and a skin irritant. It’s side effects include:
Eye and skin irritation, breathing difficulties, male infertility: https://www.fda.gov/media/178913/download
Worse still, Bovaer’s genotoxicity (damage to DNA that could lead to such side effects as cancers and birth defects) is not known! https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6905
Milk, butter, cheese etc, will all immediately be effected, but further, it is not clear whether crops grown in ground where manure has been used as a fertiliser will be effected.” (Zeee Media)
“The biggest lie in the world right now is that cows are killing the planet. At the core of that lie is how methane is calculated.” Video
Outcome of assessment of 3-Nitrooxypropanol “3-NOP” – Assessment
“Japan’s Food Safety Commission found that 3-NOP, the active ingredients in Bovaer, shrinks testicles, decreases sperm count and reduces mobility of sperm. Acute toxicity is toxicity measured over 2-4 weeks. 3-NOP also causes tumours”…
Companies and the approximate dates they began using methane-reducing feed additives: Arla Foods: April 2022, Danone: 2023, Grosvenor Farms: July 2024, Marks & Spencer (M&S): August 2024, Tesco: July 2024, Morrisons: August 2024, Ashgrove: March 2024. Read more….
“Amazon boss injects £7.3m into cattle methane vaccine project Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has invested millions of pounds into a pioneering project aimed at developing a vaccine that would reduce methane emissions from cattle. Researchers at the Pirbright Institute in Surrey and the Royal Veterinary College are working with an international consortium to build scientific evidence for a vaccine that can reduce the number and activity of methane-producing microbes, or methanogens, in a cow’s gut. The project, which is being backed by a $9.4m (£7.3m) grant from the Bezos Earth Fund, is exploring the potential of a vaccine to reduce these emissions by 30%.”
Backlash as Cows Given Synthetic Additive in Feed to Hit Net Zero Europe’s biggest dairy company Arla is facing a backlash after giving cows Bovaer, a synthetic additive to their feed in an attempt to cut their methane emissions as part of the Net Zero drive. Arla, which makes brands including Lurpak butter and Cravendale milk, said it was working with Morrisons, Tesco and Aldi to trial giving cows the additive Bovaer. Thirty of Arla’s 9,000 farmers will test how the additives can be introduced into normal feeding routines, with the aim of then rolling Bovaer out more broadly. Arla said Bovaer had been found to reduce methane emissions from cows by around 27%.Morrisons, Tesco and Aldi said it was a “great way of testing out where we can drive change at scale to bring down emissions”. However, the announcement sparked a backlash on social media, with some shoppers raising concerns about the use of additives in their groceries. Some went as far as to say they would no longer shop at supermarkets involved in the trial, while others urged the grocers to label any products which may have come from the farms using the additive. There is no suggestion that the additive is not safe for consumers, with the U.K.’s Food Standard Agency having approved it for use. The regulator also said that Bovaer poses “an acceptable” risk to the environment. (Jim Ferguson)
Taste the Science: The 253rd Evolutionary Lens
with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying
In this week’s episode, we follow the science to fewer cow farts. Bovear, an FDA approved product that is fed to cattle to reduce their production of methane, is the result of yet more reductionist, metric-heavy research that conflates complex systems with complicated ones. Bill Gates approves, though, so what could go wrong? We discuss ruminant biology, the actual Carbon impact of grazing cattle, and some other great new products from the makers of Bovear, including “the world’s first-ever flavor created by artificial intelligence.”
Then: why is the BBC’s disinformation wing concerned about what Bret said on Diary of a CEO? What happened to journalism?
Industry to Government to Industry
The Revolving Door
As we approach the holidays and the post-sugar “flu”season, it reminded me of an article I previously posted called The Scam of Tamiflu. You can read it here. Among the many problems with the drug included its marginal effectiveness (it decreases flu symptoms by less than 2 days), viral resistance, and possibly the creation of aggressive “mutant” viruses—one would think there would be little interest in Tamiflu, which is still prescribed in 2024. But despite the apparent lack of value to most individuals, the drug has an interesting history.
Enter Donald Rumsfeld
Roche made colossal gains when Tamiflu was first approved in 1999. In fact, between March 2003 and December 2005, Roche’s stock rose from $78 per share to a whopping $208 per share. However, behind the apparent profits to the manufacturer is a paper trail that led directly back to the US government. One government official, in particular, was poised to personally gain from the billion-dollar purchases of Tamiflu stockpiled for the government and for the military.
Developed and patented by the California biotech firm Gilead Sciences, the world marketing rights to manufacture and distribute Tamiflu were signed over to Hoffmann-LaRoche (located in Switzerland) for a 10 percent royalty on every dose sold. That wasn’t such big news, but the fact that Donald Rumsfeld was the former Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences (1997 to 2001) was huge news. Rumsfeld was the Secretary of Defense under President Gerald Ford during the 1976 Swine flu epidemic and was Sec. Def. again from 2001 to 2006 under President George W. Bush and during the Bird Flu 2005 fiasco. Tamiflu was just what the government needed to “protect” the troops.
When Rumsfeld left Gilead’s board to become Secretary of Defense, the company’s stock price was around $7 per share. Beginning in March 2003, Gilead’s stock went from $35 to around $57 per share by the end of 2005 and continued to rise, partly due to the government’s purchase of $58 million worth of Tamiflu. An increase of $43 per share translated into tens of millions for Rumsfeld, as the owner of a Gilead stock and options – a hefty 720 percent profit windfall. Morningstar, Inc. reported that when bird flu rose to prominence during the summer of 2005, Rumsfeld considered selling all of his Gilead stock, but on the advice of his private securities lawyer, who refused to be identified, Rumsfeld was advised to keep the stock and make known to the public his “recusal” from avian flu decisions “to avoid being accused of a sale based on insider information.”
That was such a great spin, and it sounded like it came from a top New York PR firm. Curiously, the Secretary waited until October 26, 2005, before issuing an official press statement about his Gilead holdings, especially since this wasn’t the first time that Rummy (as his friends called him) had been on the inside track and made millions from drug company and defense deals as a government insider. Read more…
The next bankers’ heist: Swap US government-owned land and minerals for Bitcoin
The US government may be planning to use taxpayers’ money to buy Bitcoin and hold it on government balance sheets. Why? To benefit Bitcoin billionaires.
This move would allow the billionaires to exit their Bitcoin holdings at a high price and use the funds to acquire real assets such as land and minerals. It should be taken in the context of discussions about land and minerals owned by the US government.
Howard Lutnick, Chairman and CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, a leading financial services firm, and Chairman and CEO of BGC Partners Inc., a global brokerage company, has been nominated to be President-elect Donald Trump’s Secretary of Commerce. Bloomberg noted on Wednesday that the knot of his conflicts of business interests when in a government position is unlikely to loosen easily. In a recent interview, Lutnick discussed how to take advantage of “$500 trillion of land and minerals owned by the US government.”
The goal, Catherine Austin Fitts says, is to swap the US government’s balance sheet from priceless assets, such as land and minerals, to worthless assets, such as Bitcoin.
“You have to give the bankers credit,” Austin Fitts says. “Who would have thought they could build a bigger heist than the pandemic this quickly?” Read more…
Joe Rogan Experience #2234 – Marc Andreessen
They discuss social media censorship of the 2020 election, AI, debanking and how they are protecting the big banks from crypto in an illegal way, the government and election and why he changed from being a democrat to a republican .
Marc Andreessen is an entrepreneur, investor, and software engineer. He is co-creator of the world’s first widely used internet browser, Mosaic, cofounder and general partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, and cohost of “The Ben & Marc Show” podcast.
IMF Calls For Economy-Crushing Carbon Restrictions That Dwarf COVID Lockdowns
At the height of the covid lockdowns and mandates a massive portion of the global economy was shut down, leading to supply chain instability, huge job losses and a stagflationary crisis. However, climate change propagandists argued that the event was actually a positive for the planet when it was revealed that emissions fell by 5.4%. They asserted that the covid lockdowns were a practice run for what they called “climate lockdowns” – Presenting a plan for scheduled disruptions to global economic activity as a means to slow the effects of climate change.
Globalists also presented climate lockdowns as a kind of collective social punishment in the event that populations refused to cut carbon output on their own. As World Economic Forum “Agenda Contributor” Mariana Mazzucato argued in 2020:
“Under a ‘climate lockdown,’ governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.
Many think of the climate crisis as distinct from the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic. But the three crises – and their solutions – are interconnected…”
After a public uproar over the notion of extending pandemic lockdowns into climate lockdowns, the establishment media would go on to “Fact Check” the issue and assert that it was a “conspiracy theory.” They lied. Read more…
‘Rising Seas’ Alarmism Confounded as Global Land Area Significantly Increases
In February 2023, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that rising sea levels will cause a “mass exodus of entire populations on a biblical scale”, noting in particular the effect around the river basins at the foot of the Himalayas. Rising sea levels have been the poster alarm scare for decades with their associated riff of billions of climate refugees on the move in the near future. As is usual, it is a shame that mere facts get in the way of unhinged political rants. In 2016, a Dutch research project found that since 1985 the world had actually gained more land than was lost to water. So far as the river basins of the Himalayas are concerned, a recent science paper discovered that Bangladesh had experienced a 13.7% growth in its coasts since 1990.
Commenting on the net growth of Earth land mass, National Geographic noted that it amounted to an area the size of Lake Michigan. The changes are spread across the planet and are both natural and man-made. The Dutch researchers at the Deltares Research Institute used Landsat satellite data to map the changes around the world. The mapping scientists were “surprised” at their results. according to National Geographic. More surprise was expressed by the magazine that “coastal areas across the globe had a net gain of more than 13,000 km2”.
With his ludicrous “global boiling” trope, Guterres is little more than a high status ranting fool. But he is plugged into the sea level scare that is ubiquitous throughout the Net Zero narrative. As early as 1989, UN activist Noel Brown was talking about entire nations being wiped off the map by 2000. One sixth of Bangladesh would be flooded and this would displace a quarter of its coastal population, amounting to up to 25 million people. The online science publication No Tricks Zone notes that the opposite has happened, with the total land surface of the country expanding from 134,382 km2 to 137,656 km2. The coasts around the Bay of Bengal have grown by 13.7% to 20,330 km2, while the population has swelled to around 173 million. Read more…
US Government finally admitting our skies are being sprayed to manipulate the weather
Florida introduces Bill to “prohibit the injection, release, or dispersion of chemicals or any apparatus into the atmosphere ‘for the express purpose of affecting the temperature, weather, or intensity of sunlight.’”
This has also been confirmed by Karen Johnson “I served in the Arizona State Legislature for 12 years. I was in the House for eight of those years and in the Senate for 4 of those years”
She says “You better wake up and fight back now” because what they’re spraying in the skies is toxic
“The different weather modification programs, there’s something like I think right around 32 in the continental U.S. alone going on — I think it’s wise for us to stay focused on just the aerospraying and the toxic effect of these chemicals, the destruction of the planet and the damage to human health.”
Greenland Surface Temperatures Fall for 20 Years in Fresh Blow to Climate Alarm Narrative
Further evidence that surface temperatures across Greenland have been cooling for around 20 years has emerged with the recent publication of findings from a group of Thai scientists and mathematicians. Processing 31,464 satellite recording from 2000-2019 over the entire area, they found that the average temperature fell by 0.11°C. This is said to indicate a “non-significant change in LST [land surface temperature]”. The latest evidence of actual cooling over a significant area of the Arctic will not be news in scientific circles since it backs up previous findings of recent temperature falls. But the information is of course kept out of the mainstream since it casts doubt on the key Net Zero scare about soaring sea levels caused by the catastrophic melting of the Greenland ice sheet.
There are some crumbs of comfort for alarmists since the Thai authors found that the ice-free sub-regions of Greenland are warmer than the ice-covered sub regions. But perhaps not – the authors attributed it to “population density”. Urban heat yet again corrupting the temperature data, even in Greenland. Read more…
Apple’s patent to use body parts to identify people when their face is not visible to a camera is granted
Apple has been granted a patent for “identity recognition utilising face-associated body characteristics,” which combines facial recognition technology with other body characteristics to identify people even when their faces are not visible to the camera.
Apple’s patent, filed in May 2022 and granted on 26 November 2024, describes a system that associates facial recognition with other body characteristics such as clothing, gait or gesture to recognise certain people.
The system works by linking a gallery of “body croppings” such as torso, arms or legs with their face biometrics, then comparing the data with a live video feed, and proceeds in a stepped approach to identify face, body parts and physical characteristics, which include body shape, skin colour, or the texture or colour of clothing.
The resulting data constitutes a cluster of “bodyprints” which can be assigned a confidence score against a person’s faceprint and other characteristics, with storage periods as brief as 24 hours for certain identifiers like clothing.
The system can recognise people based on their body characteristics, even if they are wearing different clothes, and can re-register their clothes periodically to maintain accurate identification.
“It all appears to add up to a smart camera system that knows a person’s face and walk but re-registers his clothes in the morning so that it is able to recognise him on his way home even if it can’t see his face because it knows his Hawaiian shirt,” Biometric Update reported.
Although the patent is primarily directed to performing identity recognition in a home environment setting, Apple notes that it should not be construed as being limited to this setting. Read more…
BOOM! The GITMO New List: Those Who Betrayed The United States of America – Insurrection Act, Treason Cases, Military Tribunals – Where They Go One, They Go All!
Where They Go One, They Go All. This cryptic phrase has resonated within the realms of conspiracy theories, political debates, and fringe movements. At the heart of these discussions lies a matter of paramount importance – The Gitmo and the insurrection acts surrounding it. In this comprehensive exposé, we delve into the origins, myths, and realities of The Gitmo, exposing the complex web of history, politics, and intrigue that have brought it into the limelight.
The Genesis of The Gitmo: To understand the present, we must first journey back in time to 1954 when the Insurrection Act came into existence under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Insurrection Act, a powerful piece of legislation, aimed to address a critical deficiency within the American judicial system. It was a response to the Supreme Court’s inability to adjudicate military actions against the United States.
At its core, the Insurrection Act bestowed upon the President the authority to deploy federal troops to maintain order and suppress insurrections. This marked the beginning of The Gitmo’s historical significance, as it became the symbol of a nation’s resolve to uphold its integrity in the face of internal strife.
The Supreme Court’s Paradox: The very foundation of The Gitmo’s existence hinges upon a paradoxical situation. The Supreme Court, the ultimate judicial authority in the land, found itself incapable of processing treason cases effectively. This created a legal vacuum, where military tribunals became the only viable recourse to address acts of treason and insurrection.
Stalin’s Subversion Plan: As we unravel the intricate layers of The Gitmo’s history, we stumble upon a shocking revelation – a Subversion Plan concocted by none other than Josef Stalin himself in 1937. This covert plan was designed to undermine the United States, and its execution was allegedly entrusted to communist Jews who had recently arrived from Germany just before World War II.
Today, Biden and the Deep State are actively capitalizing on Stalin’s plan. They argue that elements within the government are orchestrating events to sow discord and turmoil within the nation, ultimately leading to its downfall. The Gitmo, as we shall see, plays a central role. Read more…
LT. Riccardo Bosi “Trump makes a STATEMENT” Nov 21
The Q Documentary