Pandemic 2.0: FDA To Grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) For mRNA Bird-Flu Shots
(Just Like What Happened With COVID)

The medical establishment is teeing up for the launch of another “pandemic,” this one centering around H5N8 Influenza, also known as avian influenza or bird flu.

The American Medical Association (AMA) made a few changes this past week to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) system, described as “the leading medical terminology code set for describing health care procedures and services.” One change is the creation of a new CPT code for H5N8 Influenza virus “vaccine” candidates that “receive emergency use authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”

You may recall that during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic,” the FDA granted EUA to the lineup of injections unleashed through Operation Warp Speed. Now, for the first time since COVID, the medical establishment is readying itself for what appears to be the next scamdemicbird flu.

To ensure that health care systems across the United States are up to date with the codes in their electronic systems, the AMA is updating its CPT system right away “in advance for the potential FDA authorization,” which appears imminent.

“The new CPT code is a vital preparatory step in response to the potential danger to humans from a highly infectious avian influenza disease,” commented AMA President Dr. Bruce A. Scott, M.D.

“A CPT code that clinically distinguishes the avian influenza vaccine allows for data-driven tracking, reporting, and analysis that supports planning, preparedness, and allocation of vaccines in case a public health response is needed for avian flu prevention.” Read more…

Attorney Tom Renz on the Bird Flu Emergency Use Authorisation

WEF: The Mission Is Not the Vaccine – The Mission Is to Vaccinate Everybody in the World

New push for mRNA bird flu vaccine development: WHO

The World Health Organization announced Monday a new project to accelerate the development in poorer countries of vaccines for human bird flu infections using cutting-edge messenger RNA technology.  Read more…

The WHO said Argentinian manufacturer Sinergium Biotech would lead the effort and had already begun developing candidate H5N1 vaccines.

The bird flu H5N1 first emerged in 1996, but since 2020 an exponential growth in outbreaks in birds has occurred in parallel with the virus increasingly jumping to mammals, including cattle in US farms and a few humans.

This has prompted fears the virus could spark a future pandemic.

Sinergium is aiming to establish proof-of-concept in preclinical models for its candidate vaccines, the WHO said.

Once the preclinical data is ready, the technology, materials, and expertise will be shared with a network of manufacturers in poorer countries, allowing them to accelerate their own development and production.

The UN health agency said the project would be rolled out through the mRNA technology transfer program it established with the UN-backed Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) in 2021, at the height of the COVID-19 crisis.

Breaking! WEF Openly Announces Plan For Quarantines and Forced Injections

This will be BETA tested in New Zealand then implemented throughout the Western world — tune in! By • August 3, 2024

In this special Saturday news bulletin, Alex Jones breaks down a bombshell document
out of New Zealand detailing plans for the government to beta test quarantines and
forced injections on the people as a new pandemic emergency response. Watch video

Bill Gates and WHO Call for Military To Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers During Bird Flu Pandemic

The National Health Service of England banned the use of puberty blockers for any children at gender identity clinics.

FDA Email Turns Transgender ‘Health Care’
Narrative on Its Head

A team leader at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommended approving “puberty blockers” for teens who identify as transgender even while noting that a recent study showed these drugs are associated with an “increased risk in depression and suicidality.”

Many activists claim that children struggling with gender dysphoria (the persistent condition of identifying with the gender opposite their biological sex) must receive experimental drugs to make their bodies resemble bodies of the opposite sex to stop them from committing suicide, yet the FDA study suggested these drugs actually increase the risk of suicide.  Read more…

HPV Vaccine Proven Ineffective — Study

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine has been shown to not have had the desirable effect it was promised to, as findings of abnormal cells on women’s cervix’s have increased between 2007 to 2020, according to a research letter that analyzed medical data from the New Mexico HPV Pap Registry (NMHPVPR).

Dr. Peter McCullough explained the research letter in more detail in a post on his Substack.

“Over fourteen years through which the HPV vaccination should have had a population effect, the results are disappointing for the higher grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 and 3, which are findings from a cervical biopsy that indicates abnormal cells on the cervix’s surface,” McCullough said on his Substack. “It’s also known as high-grade or moderate dysplasia (CIN-2) and carcinoma in situ (CIN-3). CIN 2/3 is usually caused by infection with certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV).”  Read more…

The Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”

A majority of Americans now officially meet the definition of “anti-vaxxer

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an “anti-vaxxer” as “a person who opposes the use of some or all vaccines, regulations mandating vaccination, or usually both”:

So, to be an “anti-vaxxer,” per the dictionary, a person needs to only oppose receiving some vaccines. Meaning, a person that opposes receiving a COVID-19 vaccine or an influenza vaccine is an anti-vaxxer. And guess what? The majority of Americans now oppose receiving both of these vaccines.

In fact, according to the CDC, despite spending billions of dollars wildly promoting these products, less than half of Americans received an influenza vaccine, RSV vaccine, and the updated COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, less than 23% of the adult population in the U.S. has received an updated COVID-19 vaccine despite a relentless multi-billion-dollar national promotion campaign.  Read more…

Bill Gates Convinces Government To ‘Force-Jab’ Public by Adding mRNA to Everyday Food Items

Globalist billionaire and self-appointed world health czar Bill Gates has convinced the government to allow him to “force-jab” the public by adding mRNA to essential and everyday food items consumed by everybody in society.

According to Gates, the future of vaccination looks more like taking a breath of fresh air, drinking a glass of water, or eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm.

Gates and the Big Pharma cartel understand that the public are actively opposed to receiving regular mRNA booster shots, so they are finding new and deceitful ways to force vaxx the public without consent.

A baby is injected with 24 diseases by the age of 24 weeks.
No vaccine has ever been proven safe
No vaccine has ever been proven effective.
No two vaccines have ever been tested  together for their efficacy.

What tetanus is for
Have you ever wondered what the tetanus vaccine was for?
People are starting to wake up that they have been lied to for just about everything.

Dozens of babies diagnosed with new condition linked to fentanyl that causes deformed heads,
conjoined toes and clubbed fingers

Dozens more babies in the US have been born with a frightening new condition linked to fentanyl abuse during pregnancy.

Known as fetal fentanyl syndrome, the disorder causes multiple physical and brain defects, including conjoined fingers and toes and deformed heads.

Dr Miguel Del Campo, at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, has seen 20 babies with the syndrome and fears the issue is far more widespread and going undetected.

The condition was only identified last fall and there is no national or state-level data to track how prevalent it is.

Dr Del Campo was inspired by that research, which was published by doctors from Vanderbilt University, the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Nemours Children’s Hospital in Delaware.

He said: ‘After reading the paper and thinking about things, I have recognized the potential for exposure to fentanyl.’ 

It is thought that fentanyl damages the baby’s ability to make cholesterol in the womb, which is crucial for their brains and bodies to develop properly.   Read more…

Update on Fake Meat
Olympians are Demanding Real Protein – You Should Too

It’s hard to believe it has been a year since we first wrote about plant-based and cell-cultivated meats at The Tenpenny Report. We investigated what Bill Gates was up to; (why is he always involved in food-related matters?) We also told the story of the Italian senate pushing back against lab-engineered meat. On this substack I wrote about eating bugs, part 1 here and part 2 here.

Of course, eating meat – or not – is linked to the climate change agenda. This is certainly the main driver for developing “alternative meat” because methane gas from farting cows is going to destroy the planet (eyes rolling).

What’s been going on in the last year? The Tenpenny Report deferred to guest author Jon Fleetwood for details on this issue. Be sure to read his substack here.

Last year, our article on the Impossible Burger mentioned startup companies like Upside Foods and Believer Meats, but Fleetwood found a stunning new development: the Pentagon is investing in lab-grown meat.

The Pentagon?

Launched in 2021, BioMADE is a U.S. research institute formed to find ways to mitigate the consequences of global climate change. Last year (2023), the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) increased BioMADE’s research budget from $87.5 million to over $500 million.

This in not the first time the government has used millions of taxpayer dollars to fund the fake meat industry. Recall Barack Obama’s 2010 failed green energy projects like Solyndra, which cost taxpayers $570 million. has a list of these failures and more if you are interested.

Now, the Biden Administration has set a $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan in place that includes “green energy” provisions and “greener food growth.” What is BioMADE really up to?  Read more…

WEF Memo Reveals Plan To Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People by 2030

The World Economic Forum in Davos has ordered global authorities to radically reduce the number of white people in the world by 2030.

If you thought the Great Replacement was nothing more than a conspiracy theory, you might want to think again.

According to a WEF report, white people are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s problems including climate change and colonialism, and in the interests of an equitable future for the globe, the number of white people must be reduced as a priority.

The WEF has enlisted the United Nations to help with the plan and the results are already playing out before our eyes.

The UN Green Agenda Will Spark Famine

Where did the UN go wrong? Rhetoric aside, it erred from right at the beginning when it decided to meddle with national affairs. However, the old UN was vastly different from today’s iteration, which is based on sustainable development, aka Technocracy. Today’s agenda has baked in famine for humanity. – Patrick Wood, Editor.

The right to food once drove UN policy towards reducing hunger with a clear focus on low- and middle-income countries. Like the right to health, food has increasingly become a tool of cultural colonialism – the imposition of a narrow ideology of a certain Western mindset over the customs and rights of the ‘peoples’ that the UN represents. This article discusses how it happened and the dogmas on which it relies.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the farming equivalent of the World Health Organization (WHO), was founded in 1945 as a specialized United Nations (UN) agency with a mission to “achieve food security for all.” Its motto “Fiat panis” (Let there be bread) reflects that mission. Headquartered in Rome, Italy, it counts 195 Member States, including the European Union. The FAO relies on more than 11,000 staff, with 30% being based in Rome.

Of its US$3.25 billion biennial 2022-23 budget, 31% comes from assessed contributions paid by Members, with the remainder being voluntary. A large share of voluntary contributions come from Western governments (US, EU, Germany, Norway), development banks (e.g. World Bank Group), and other lesser-known publicly- and privately-funded entities set up for assisting environmental conventions and projects (including the Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). Thus, like the WHO, most of its work now consists of implementing the dictates of its donors.

The FAO was instrumental in implementing the 1960s and 1970s Green Revolution, associated with a doubling in world food production that lifted many Asian and Latin American populations out of food insecurity. The use of fertilizers, pesticides, controlled irrigation, and hybridized seeds was considered a major achievement for hunger eradication, despite resulting pollution to soil, air, and water systems and facilitation of the emergence of new resistant strains of pests. The FAO was supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) founded in 1971 – a publicly funded group with the mission to conserve and improve seed varieties and their genetic pools. Private philanthropies, including the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, also played supportive roles.  Read more…

The UN Will Sign the Pact of the Future in 60 Days

The day that the UN can levy taxes on member states, businesses, and individuals, it will be game over for liberty. The forces behind this push include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller family, The Open Society Foundation (Soros), members of the Club of Rome, etc. Who drives the UN? Unelected and unaccountable Technocrats. ⁃ Patrick Wood, Editor.

In September the United Nations’ 79th General Assembly will host the highly-anticipated “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the “Pact of the Future”, representing a major step towards the creation of a world government.

As the United Nations prepares for the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, the general public seems dangerously unaware of the UN’s plans for the “Summit of the Future”. It is at the Summit where member states are expected to declare a “planetary emergency” as part of the so-called “Pact for the Future”.

Although the UNGA is an annual meeting, this year’s gathering is unique because of the addition of the Summit of the Future, which will take place in New York City on the 22nd and 23rd of September. The summit has been in the making since at least 2022 after repeated calls by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to shift financial resources to rapidly complete the Agenda 2030 goals set by the UN in 2015.

In September 2021, the Secretary-General released his report, Our Common Agenda, which called for accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitments contained in the UN75 Declaration. Our Common Agenda also called for a Summit of the Future to “forge a new global consensus on readying ourselves for a future that is rife with risks but also opportunities”.

The Summit of the Future website says the outcome of the Pact for the Future will be “a world – and an international system – that is better prepared to manage the challenges we face now”. The Pact for the Future is likely to be another piece of the shift towards a world governed by unelected internationalist politicians.

During the Summit of the Future, UN member states are also likely to vote to radically alter the UN itself — what some are calling UN 2.0 — and the very nature of how nation-states make decisions regarding the future of the planet.

The UN has also recently announced their plan to sign a “Global Digital Compact” at the Summit of the Future. The stated purpose of the GDC is “to establish an inclusive global framework, essential for multi-stakeholder action required to overcome digital, data and innovation divides”. The UN claims the compact will help advance an “open, free, secure, and human-centered digital future for all” while helping complete the Sustainable Development Goals.  Read more…

Europe is in REAL TROUBLE this is the clearest sign yet

Christine Anderson: From 15-Minute Cities to Climate Lockdowns, the Onslaught of Digital Tyranny

SG Sits Down w/ Patriot and Translator Silvia Rocha for an Overview of the Great Awakening

In Anon Audio Chat 74, SG sits down w/ English-Spanish interpreter Silvia Rocha, for a bilingual discussion and overview of the Worldwide nature of the Great Awakening and and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.

It is worth remembering that much of what is “At Play” in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil.

Venezuelan Election

Venezuela Elections Trigger Civil Unrest

Venezuelans hold massive anti-Maduro protest in front of UN HQ in Caracas, Venezuela

President Maduro says the same system responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is now attempting to incite civil unrest in Venezuela.

So it begins, U.S. starts Civil War in Venezuela over election
results it doesn’t like

Was this fire natural or due to microwave energy as plastic didn’t burn/melt as part of a 15 minute city plan?

Jasper after 100m high wildfire hit

The fierce wildfire which swept through the Canadian town of Jasper in recent days melted cars to the road and turned homes to ash.

The first images of the devastation at the famous tourist town have emerged, after a 100m (328ft) firewall swept through late on Wednesday.

It has been difficult to get a sense of the scale of what happened because the fire burned out-of-control for days.

Some 25,000 people were evacuated from the town and the Jasper National Park, in Alberta.  Read more and images…

Riots break out in Manchester and Hull as police seen battling thugs amid reports of ‘stabbing’ in Stoke while chaos from protests organised after Southport horror continues across the UK

Riots have broken out across the UK amid ‘anti-immigration’ protests linked to the far right with officers firing tear gas into crowds and battling thugs as they are pelted with bricks and rocks.

Simmering tensions in the wake of the Southport stabbings have erupted into protests around the country, with mayhem breaking out in Leeds, Stoke and Liverpool, where multiple officers have been injured tackling the disorder.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has pledged his ‘full support’ for the police to take action against ‘extremists’ attempting to ‘sow hate’ by intimidating communities as he held emergency talks with ministers over the unrest in parts of England.  Read more…

Nigel Farage has his say on Southport stabbings

A peaceful revolution is what we need, not a violent one.

Unbelievable scenes as Protestants & Catholics put their age old difference aside & unite against Globalist controlled immigration ruining their Country

Boats full of unvetted foreign men chanting “UK” as they invade
the south coast.

Instead of being pushed back or even detained upon arrival, all are housed at the taxpayers expense.

Countries urge nationals to leave Lebanon as Mid-East war fears grow

Several countries have urged their nationals to leave Lebanon, with the US warning its citizens to do so on “any ticket available”, as fears grow of a wider conflict in the Middle East.

Iran has vowed “severe” retaliation against Israel, which it blames for the death of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on Wednesday. Israel has not commented.

His assassination came hours after Israel killed Hezbollah senior commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut.

Western officials fear that Hezbollah, an Iran-backed militia and political movement based in Lebanon, could play a key role in any such retaliation, which in turn could spark a serious Israeli response.

Diplomatic efforts by the US and other Western countries continue to try to de-escalate tensions across the region.

But reacting to such concerns, the US, the UK, Sweden, France, Canada and Jordan urged their citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible, as a growing number of flights are cancelled or suspended at the country’s only commercial airport in Beirut.

Some ticket fares have soared, but there were no signs of panic or people scrambling to leave.

Fears of an escalation of hostilities that could engulf Lebanon are at their highest since Hezbollah started its attacks on Israel, a day after the deadly Hamas attacks on southern Israel on 7 October, in support for Palestinians in Gaza.

Most of the violence has been contained to border areas, with both sides indicating not being interested in a wider conflict.

Hezbollah, however, has vowed to respond to Shukr’s assassination, which happened in Dahiyeh, the group’s stronghold in Beirut’s southern suburbs.  Read more…

Portable water power-generator allows people in the world’s remote regions to generate their own electricity.