This presentation is put forth as a brief yet comprehensive overview of the history and legal structure of how we have become the indentured debt slaves of the world system. It will also integrate broader concepts of an esoteric and multi-dimensional nature that infuses the world system, unknown to most, as it follows the esoteric maxim of “Hidden in Plain Sight”. The word indenture means to attach something of value to a contract whereby the attached value becomes the bonded surety (guarantor) for the performance of the contract. We have all heard of the term “indentured servant”. This refers to a man or woman who voluntarily attaches his labor and life (the value) to a contract to serve for a period of time in return for some form of consideration as reciprocal value. The contract forms a trust. The life and labor are the initial corpus (property) of the trust and the party providing the immediate value in exchange for the future labor is the trustee and holds the value within the trust for a named or potential future beneficiary. An example is when a man wished to come to America in the 1700-1800s (and during that time it was gender specific to men only) and would agree to be an indentured servant to pay for his passage to the new world because he did not have money to pay for the passage. So, instead, he exchanged the value of his future labor for the value of the passage on the ship.