Finally, the Uncovering of the Covered-Up? Or The Culture of Cover-Up

by Jolly Dee

This is a News Gem because it shows that there are some people who are done with coverups at the highest levels.  I don’t know if something will really come of this prior to us starting our real moves for change, but this gives one “hope” that covered up crime is going to start to be uncovered, and criminals made accountable.

I have been following Senator Josh Hawley on X since I saw him doing some really deep questioning regarding the censorship of certain items on Social Media.  There may have been something else regarding his intense questioning of people in Senate hearings, I can’t remember, but I know he gets intense with people he is questioning.  Recently, a post came up with a short part of a hearing where he was asking questions of a witness, and I ended up watching the entire hearing video 2 hours 22 minutes regarding this case, because it was most intriguing to me.  It was to do with something named “Operation Foul Anchor” and it was an inquiry into sexual misconduct and abuse in the Coast Guard Academy, over decades.  The thing is, although they finally did this inquiry, seemingly when it looked really bad for the Academy and its officers and those running the Academy, they COVERED IT UP!  Yes, they covered up the report for two and a half years, and actually, it was only because there actually IS at least one journalist who works for CNN who has morals, who found out about it, and started looking into this Operation Foul Anchor, and exposed it.

Now, it has been brought to the Senate by Senators Blumenthal and Johnson, and they brought in Iive witnesses (all women), one currently a Cadet at the Academy, three others, either Ex-Cadet or Ex-Coast Guard OfIicers, and another Colonel from the Air Force who has some expert experience and knowledge in Women and Minorities in the Military and various other areas to assist with this inquiry and is therefore part of this group of witnesses.  What is a gem about this is that these Senators really seem to be outraged (particularly Senator Hawley) about what has occurred over several decades regarding shutting down reports of sexual harassment, molestation and rape, by women and a few men at the Academy, whereby those who had the courage to actually report their abuse, were ridiculed or just shut down from pursuing their complaints about this, to the point that high up ofIicers would hush it up – for years and decades, whereby the women would end up having no choice but to quit, grin and bear it, or attempt (and even succeed in) suicide.  These stories are quite horrible, and then to hear that many of the abusers, who, as Senator Hawley stated, not just behaved badly, they behaved criminally, and they are still in the Coast Guard, holding high ranks – and there is something akin to a “Good Old Boys Club” where they see no evil, hear no evil, tell no stories/truth.  To make it worse, the current Commanding OfIicer (whatever rank it is that is in charge of the Academy) is a woman, and she has not used her position and authority to take action and start the process to bring these criminals to justice.

Senate committee holds hearing with Coast Guard Academy ‘whistleblowers’

The other part about the Culture of Cover-Up that is mentioned in this hearing in the Senate near the beginning by Senator Johnson (between the 11 & 18 minute areas of the recording), is regarding the creation of the Corona Virus and the Funding of the Wuhan Lab by Anthony Fauci.   Also, he brought up the topic of Vaccines and the lack of transparency related to vaccine injury.  As he said, it is information that the public has a right to know.  This made me feel that there actually IS something in this crazy world happening – even in the matrix part – where these people are seeing what is wrong, and how things have to change.  This is a News Gem because there are human beings who are good and moral and see when things are “just not right” and should not be shoved under any more rugs.  I have watched various other parts of hearings in the Senate where Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz and a few other Senators grille people who have been subpoenaed to appear at these hearings, from the FBI, Social Media, and various other ofIices of public service etc., and they have been very tough on these people regarding censorship, lying, failure to do their jobs and various other failures.  I don’t know how far any of these things go, but this one with the Coast Guard Academy seemed really genuine, with the Senators involved seeming to be very sincere with their resolve to have something done about this.

If you watch it all, be prepared, especially most women – it is very emotional, and to hear these women’s stories is very hard.  To hear what they had to endure, and then to either stay in the service and just keep going, or to end a very promising career, very early – or to end it all is so rough.  And in the case of the one who quit after one semester, I completely understand why she had to give it up.  These are very courageous women, and it sounds like some men were also assaulted, and no one did anything about it either.

It is time for change and we are here to assist, but to see something happening out there is encouraging.  When we remove all the “good old boy’s clubs” more can start to happen.

Lawmakers: Coast Guard academy sex assaults threaten national security
Reports of a Coast Guard sexual assault cover up that came to light in June threatens national security, lawmakers and whistleblowers said during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee inquiry into the issue on Tuesday…

Criminal investigation into Coast Guard Academy revealed years of sexual assault cover-ups, but findings were kept secret
A secret investigation into alleged sexual abuse at the US Coast Guard Academy, the training ground for the Coast Guard’s top officers, uncovered a dark history of rapes, assaults and other serious misconduct being ignored and, at times, covered up by high-ranking officials.
The findings of the probe, dubbed “Operation Fouled Anchor,” were kept confidential by the agency’s top leadership for several years. Coast Guard officials briefed members of Congress this month after inquiries from CNN, which had reviewed internal documents from the probe.
Despite credible evidence of assaults dating back to the late 1980s, investigators found that most of the alleged perpetrators were not criminally investigated at the time. Instead, the incidents were handled as administrative violations, and punishments, if they happened at all, were as minor as extra homework or lowered class standings. Sometimes, even those pushed out of the academy were still able to serve in the US military.
As a result, some of the accused ascended to top roles at the Coast Guard and other military agencies.
In contrast, many alleged victims left the academy after reporting their assaults, ending their hopes of a career in the service. ….