About 8 million children are abducted around the world every year and it has become a multi billion dollar industry.  Many of the children go missing from government care and in poorer nations get sold by their impoverished parents.  Thousands more get abused by their carers or people entrusted with the care of children like schools and the church.  The trafficking and grooming of children can not be separated.

America is the number 1 destination for pedophilia and child sex trafficking, and this huge market exists mainly because it is funded by taxpayers through the U.S. government Child Protection Services and foster care system.  85,000 children who have crossed the US border unaccompanied are missing and yet more come in hidden in cargo from places like Ukraine, Haiti and other countries torn by natural disasters and war that have not been counted.

Ukraine from the limited amount of information available is a centre for sex, child and labour trafficking, money laundering and a key centre for the manufacture of Adrenochrome.  It has been suggested that some of the children, adrenochrome and other such products are actually sent off world.  Why are they so keen to cover up what’s going on in Ukraine?

Many countries including the USA also have large number of underground tunnel systems used to house children and baby factories where young women are constantly impregnated to produce babies that are then taken from them.  Large scale operations over the last few years have been uncovering such operations.  It has been suggested that the tents in Central Park and the hospital ships in New York City at the time of COVID where not for overflow of COVID patients but to treat rescued children and young women.

The Contraland Documentary filmed in 2020 featured below, states 30,000 victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse, torture, and neglect,  some are as young as 6 years old.  Over 71% of trafficked children show suicidal tendencies.  Sex traffickers condition their victims with starvation, rape, gang rape, physical abuse, beating, confinement, forced drug use and shame.  Victims also face physical risks such as alcohol and drug addiction, sexual diseases, sterility, miscarriages, forced abortions, vaginal and anal trauma.

If this is your first time going down this Rabbit hole, go slowly and be gentle with yourself, allow the emotions that arise to safely flow.  It is hard to comprehend the level of evil in this world, but unfortunately what we know about I feel is still the tip of the iceberg.  As the truth and full extent of this issue comes out there is a lot to absorb and correct over the next few years, but many will go into denial and dissonance as this is all so traumatic to hear.

America #1 in Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia – CPS and Foster Care are the Pipelines

In 2016, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) published a six-month investigation looking at 125,000 unaccompanied minors who had crossed the U.S. borders into the United States since 2011, reportedly fleeing violence and unrest in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
This U.S. Senate report concluded that the Office of Refugee Resettlement, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), had failed to protect these children from human trafficking, leaving them vulnerable to abuses at the hands of government-approved caretakers.
U.S. law requires HHS to ensure that unaccompanied alien children (UAC) are protected from human trafficking and other forms of abuse, but Sen. Portman’s report made it clear that this was not happening, and that the U.S. had become a popular destination for child sex trafficking, increasing dramatically since 2014 under the Obama administration.  Read more…

Shocking, graphic suit alleges child abuse over nearly 40 years at Staten Island orphanage

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — A bombshell lawsuit filed against The Mission of the Immaculate Virgin at Mount Loretto alleges that multiple people endured appalling abuse, over decades, at the hands of nuns, priests and lay employees at the former orphanage.  Read more…

Florida House OKs Anti-Grooming Bill; Pedophiles to Be ‘Hunted’

‘You do this in the grooming world, all the way to raping a child under 12, and you are going to be hunted, you are going to be arrested, you are going to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law…’  Read more


The darkest, ugliest, most painful side of the awakening is facing these horrific truths

Includes trailer to Sound of Freedom, a  true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from traffickers.  https://www.angel.com/movies/sound-of-freedom

What is happening in Ukraine?

“The Khazarian satanists aka Nazis did it in WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iraq, Kosovo, Afghanistan and now in Ukraine!!! – All wars are made for $€ and for harvesting humans for blood = adrenochrome, organs, food and sex!!”

Lara Logan – Children are Being Sex Trafficked into the US!

• More people are being sex trafficked across the southern border than anytime in the history of this country by the most violent & criminal cartel in the world.
• The cartel groups are operating with impunity and assistance from the Biden Administration
• The Biden administration can close the border right now, but they have done the opposite
• The Biden administration got rid of DNA testing, not allowing the confirmation of identities to determine if children are even related.
• 85,000 children that have been processed into the United States have “disappeared”
• Children are raped mercilessly, one such instance where a 12 Year old boy had to wear diapers because he was raped so many times
• Women who are 8 months pregnant are being raped every day to pay off their debts to the cartels

The Fall of the Cabal have done 3 episodes that go into the issue of child trafficking and the harm been done to young ones that are available on GEM University.

Part 4 – Child-Lovers Everywhere – Haiti as a child trafficking island


Part 5 – Children, Art, and Pizza

Part 8 – Adrenochrome – Satanic Death Cult Beyond Kings, Queens & The Elites

ContraLand Documentary – Vets 4 Child Rescue #V4CR Exposing Child Trafficking & Predators in the USA

Child sex trafficking expose’ documentary, Contraland, filmed by the Veterans of non-profit organization Veterans For Child Rescue. V4CR exposes the multi-billion dollar industry of child sex trafficking, alerting the populace on the epidemic and how you can empower and safeguard all children.

 – Music video on the fight against human trafficking