Fluoridation of water has been occurring in the United States since 1945 and is also a common practice in Mexico, Canada and the United Kingdom who despite all the research want to expand the number of households who have fluoride added to their supply. It has also been endorsed by the World Health Organization. The reason that we are given to why they started adding fluoride to water is to improve dental health, yet in reality in causes fluorosis, a defect in the tooth enamel causing brown splotches. It is also a neurotoxin, calcifies the pineal gland and is an endocrine disrupter causing issues with the thyroid. Areas with fluoridated water also have higher cancer rates and reduced IQ. A recent study showed mothers with higher fluoride exposure during pregnancy were more likely to have children with symptoms of ADHD are linking it to ADHD. Yet if you look on mainstream media and health organizations nearly everything supports the addition of fluoride.  This is what the National Health Service website has to say:

“Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water in varying amounts, depending on where in the UK you live.
It can help prevent tooth decay, which is why it’s added to many brands of toothpaste and, in some areas, to the water supply through a process called fluoridation.
Most water supplies contain some fluoride and in the early 20th century, levels of tooth decay were found to be associated with fluoride levels in drinking water.
This led to the introduction of schemes to add fluoride to water supplies to improve dental health.
Community water fluoridation schemes have operated for many years; the first scheme was introduced in the US in 1945. The first substantive UK scheme was established in Birmingham in 1964.
Millions of people in England receive fluoridated water. This means fluoride has been added to bring it up to around 1mg of fluoride per litre of water, which is a level found to reduce tooth decay levels.”  read more…

Yet going by the govermental warning on toothpastes fluoride they admit is a poison and dangerous to health, so if large amounts of toothpaste are swallowed to seek urgent medical care. So why are they really adding fluoride to our water? Is it to dumb us down?

Given that a lot of bottled water has high levels of plastics and other potentially harmful additives the best way to avoid fluoride is to have a good water filter, use reverse osmosis or distill the water and add back the essential minerals.

Is Fluoride Bad for You? Or Is Adding Fluoride to Water A Good Thing?

Two-thirds of all Americans are drinking water with added fluoride. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?
Proponents of water fluoridation point out that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drinking fluoridated water reduces tooth decay and cavities by about 25% in children and adults.
The fluoridation of drinking water has been endorsed by the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization. A spokesperson for the American Dental Association has even said that every dollar invested in water fluoridation by a community saves $38 in dental costs. As a result, many people, including much of the medical community, think the fluoridation of our water supply is an entirely beneficial thing to do.
But there’s another, darker side to this story.  Read more…

Parents teach their kids the importance of brushing their teeth, unfortunately, when most kids do brush, they’re using toothpaste made from a slew of dangerous compounds including fluoride, which they make in bright colors and sweet flavors to make them enjoy brushing more.

These chemicals are added to the 99% of the commercial brands toothpastes. Fluoride is a poison, destroys your immune system, aids in cancer and destroys your pineal gland.


The Fluoride Deception

The truth about Flouride… They hid the dangers.

The Use of the Neurotoxin Fluoride for Influencing Brain Function

Only 2% of Europe fluoridates water. Fluoride is banned in China, where studies on large populations showed an I.Q. decrease. Parts of Canada have also banned it, as well as Japan and Israel.

Although some states and locales in the U.S. have chosen to stop adding fluoride to tap water, the response has been slow. Meanwhile, scientific studies showing its negative affects continue to be produced. The world’s oldest and most prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, classified fluoride as a neurotoxin and placed it in the same dangerous category as arsenic, lead and mercury.

Could fluoride be a primary cause for the zombies and the phenomenon of the chortling dumb dumb? On a personal note, for the last 10 years I have lived in locations that do not use fluoride. Since the change, I have to say that my brain is much more alert. Perhaps a better descriptive is that I’m much more aware.  Read more…

In a historical, incredibly positive move, Collier County (Naples, FL), votes to remove the highly toxic fluoride from its drinking water, setting a precedent for the rest of the country!  Watch here…

The Fight Against Fluoride Toxicity: Unveiling the Protective Power of Black Seed Oil

Fluoride, a common constituent in tap water and toothpaste (and pretty much anything prepared or cooked with tap water), aggressively marketed to the public for its purported dental benefits, has a pronounced dark side as a consequence of its broad-ranging toxicity, especially when it comes to its role in contributing to cognitive disorders and declining IQ in exposed populations. While found in hundreds of dental products, the truth is that fluoride is only one of many less toxic approaches available to prevent dental decay. The truth is that excessive fluoride intake can precipitate a spectrum of health issues, making it seem as if its health risks far outweigh its much lauded health benefits

Recent scientific exploration has cast light on black seed oil (Nigella sativa oil) as a formidable contender in shielding the body against fluoride toxicity[4]. Studies on Wistar rats have demonstrated the oil’s capacity to restore hormonal equilibrium, bolster antioxidant defenses, and repair oxidative damage, offering a beacon of hope for those grappling with fluoride’s adverse effects.  Read more…