“NATO, you are declaring war on Russia! We will respond” Putin warns west

Over the past 24 hours we’ve that the deep state puppets running the white house have finalized plans to expand the war against Russia. According to Politico the US and UK are getting ready for a massive escalation in the war against Russia.

US Considers Allowing Ukraine to Strike Deep into Russian Territory

“Tensions are escalating as the US considers lifting restrictions on Ukraine’s use of long-range missiles to strike targets deep inside Russia. During a visit to Kyiv, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken signalled a potential shift in policy, as Russia receives ballistic missiles from Iran, further complicating the conflict. Ukraine, backed by the UK, is pushing for greater missile capabilities, but concerns over escalating the war linger. Moscow has issued strong warnings, threatening retaliation if Ukraine attacks Russian territory. With winter approaching, the geopolitical stakes are rising, and a critical decision from Washington could redefine the battlefield.”

Prosecutors: Trudeau Facing Prison for Destroying ‘mRNA Genocide’ Evidence

The Canadian government has urgently withdrawn all Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines following a series of momentous scientific discoveries about the mRNA shots, and mainstream media has been ordered to cover up the magnitude of what is taking place before our eyes.

Trudeau and Health Canada have ordered tens of millions of Covid vaccines to be returned to the government and destroyed following the revelation that mRNA technology contains self-assembling nanobots.

As investigators scramble to preserve evidence of the crime against humanity in Canada, international prosecutors are warning that Trudeau and leading figures behind the vaccine roll out are facing decades behind bars.

WEF Insider: Elite Deploying ‘AI Terrorists’ To Cancel US Election

The winner of the US election has already been selected by the global elite, according to a WEF insider who warns the elite will spend the next two months doing everything in their power to ensure the selected candidate is “elected.”

According to insiders, it’s called Operation Lock Step and if the elite believe the election cannot be stolen, they are are prepared to unleash AI terrorists to hack the power grid, launch dirty bombs, and throw the world into chaos with a devastating cyber attack.

Final preparations are being put in place for a series of devastating AI terrorist attacks on the US that will disconnect the public from the internet, wipe out bank accounts, and plunge the nation into chaos for years, allowing the elite to roll out the next phase of their totalitarian master plan.

World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about Covid: It was a ‘test’ of our obedience to rapidly forming new world order

They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity.

Leo Hohmann:   I have long said that Covid 19 was launched by design by a small number of people in the globalist predator class for one reason and one reason only — as a beta test for the coming technocratic new world order.

Now, we’ve got the World Economic Forum coming out and all but admitting that was exactly why the Covid-19 “pandemic” had to happen.

The WEF gleefully posted the following snippet to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they make a pitch for so-called smart cities, which is just another term for 15-minute cities.

The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world can evolve into its utopian vision of “smart and sustainable cities,” is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It writes:

1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.

They were testing us. That’s what Covid was all about. They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a “new normal” that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd. Why, for instance was it “safe” to shop at Lowe’s or Home Depot but unsafe to shop at a small business or attend church? Why was it OK to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden?  Read more…

EU introduces biometric digital travel documents for visitors to the bloc

The European Union (“EU”) is introducing an automated border registration computer system for registering travellers from countries outside the EU, including short-stay visa holders and visa-exempt travellers, each time they cross an EU external border. The system aims to replace the current manual passport stamping process.

The automated border control system, known as the Entry-Exit System (“EES”), collects biometric data including fingerprints, captured facial images, and the date and place of entry and exit.

Biometric registration will be needed on first use, with subsequent visits requiring only one of the biometric checks – practically, facial biometrics will be used.

The EES is expected to launch on 10 November 2024, affecting British travellers to the EU and Schengen countries.

This comes as new biometric ID cards were rolled out across Europe this week with EU member states updating their national credentials in line with regulations requiring eID. The biometric ID cards have a QR code containing the citizen’s number and have chips embedded containing biometric details such as two fingerprints. The cards serve as travel documents within the EU, meaning no passports are required.

Meanwhile, in response to a rise in gang-related violence and cross-border criminal activities, the Danish government has confirmed plans to implement a facial recognition system for police to use in the investigation of crimes.  It is claimed facial recognition will be used by police in the investigation of “serious crimes.”

While the EU and EU countries roll out biometric digital IDs and facial recognition across various public services, including border control, US authorities continue to push for access to EU member states’ biometric databases to conduct traveller screening as part of its “visa-free travel regime.”

The US wants all countries participating in the US Visa Waiver Programme (“VWP”) to sign the Enhanced Border Security Partnership (“EBSP”) agreement by 2027.

Alongside the International Biometric Information Sharing Program (“IBIS”), EBSP is designed to gain access to national biometric databases to authenticate travellers’ identities. The EBSP would require direct connections between the biometric databases of participating states and the US’ IDENT/HART system.  Read more…

Digital Vaccine Passports

The US has begun biometric facial recognition at some airports in conjunction with its Real ID program, and the EU is piloting a program in 5 countries to track vaccination status with a digital ID, managed by none other than the WHO. With an ever growing number of vaccinations being added to the schedule, including a new COVID-19 booster, compliance with all vaccines could spell issues for travel for those considered under or unvaccinated.

Low Altitude Satellites to do Earth Surveillance

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “Bill Gates says, one of his companies is putting up 61,000 low altitude satellites to do earth surveillance. He says that his company alone will be able to watch every square inch of the earth 24 hours a day…what we’re creating is this kind of turnkey totalitarianism where the next totalitarian regime that steps up and really wants to clamp things down, they’re gonna have all these mechanisms in place like no regime has had it in human history.”  Watch….

Canada’s Pandemic Bill is a threat to privacy, civil liberties and more

Canada’s ‘Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act’, also known as Bill C-293, has been passed by the House of Commons and had its first reading in the Senate.

The Bill has raised several concerns about government overreach, health privacy, civil liberties and unclear priorities. Its language, surveillance powers and potential for economic disruption pose significant risks.

It grants broad discretion to officials without thorough oversight, allowing political interests to outweigh public welfare. The lack of clarity in the bill’s language could lead to arbitrary decisions with economic and legal implications.

Bill C-293, the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, which has passed its first reading before the Senate, aims to establish robust measures to mitigate future pandemics. However, a closer look reveals several concerns related to government overreach, health privacy, possible violations of civil liberties and unclear priorities.

One of the primary issues is the bill’s establishment and interlinking of surveillance systems for infectious diseases, both domestically and internationally. The extensive data collection proposed – especially with international linkages involving organisations such as the World Health Organisation (“WHO”), United Nations Environment Programme (“UNEP”), the Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (“OIE”) – raises significant privacy concerns. This could lead to widespread monitoring of citizens’ health data, potentially without their explicit consent.

The legislation also mandates collaboration between the federal government, provincial governments, and indigenous communities to collect and share health data. This requirement may create data privacy, security and misuse concerns.

Another troubling aspect is the bill’s broad discretion granted to the Minister of Health and other relevant officials. They are empowered to set pandemic preparedness standards and make far-reaching decisions about public health responses, surveillance, and commercial regulations. The absence of thorough oversight or parliamentary approval for such decisions raises concerns about transparency and accountability, potentially allowing political interests to take precedence over public welfare.

Furthermore, the bill compels the Minister of Health and other officials to “leverage international expertise” by adopting internationally developed pandemic prevention metrics. This could result in Canada aligning with global standards that don’t necessarily reflect its domestic needs, limiting the country’s ability to make independent public health decisions.  Read more…

Be aware, the silencing, the censoring, the defamation, the locking up of dissenters, will only get worse.’
More on 9/11 in GEMA Special Report

Meet The Pentagon’s NEW Weapon of Mass Surveillance
Lockheed Martin is working on a tool to “detect and defeat disinformation” from a $37.2 million grant from the U.S. government. Why would a weapons maker work on an algorithm tool? That idea makes me a little nervous. What about you?

Karen Kingston – Spraying Monkeypox?
Globalists Redefine Bio-Warfare

Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston explains how the globalists have redefined vaccines and viruses and plan to weaponise aerosol “viruses” to perpetuate biological warfare on unsuspecting populations.

WHO Approves First Mpox Vaccine for Adults in Africa — Then Says Babies Can Get It, Too, Despite No Clinical Trials

The WHO said that while Bavarian Nordic’s MVA-BN vaccine is not licensed for people under age 18, it may be used in infants, children and adolescents “in outbreak settings where the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) today approved the first mpox vaccine for use in adults — and also said it can be used for babies, children, teens and pregnant women if they are in “outbreak settings where the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.”

WHO’s approval of Bavarian Nordic’s vaccine will help governments and international agencies such as the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and UNICEF, buy it, MedicalXpress reported.

The MVA-BN vaccine — short for “Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic” — is a smallpox/mpox vaccine. It is sold in the U.S. under the name Jynneos.

WHO Assistant Director-General Yukiko Nakatani said, “The decision can also help national regulatory authorities to fast-track approvals, ultimately increasing access to quality-assured mpox vaccine products.”  Read more…

The Hepatitis C Treatment Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About: A Natural Cure Hidden in Plain Sight

Hepatitis C, commonly understood to be caused by a silent yet deadly virus, affects millions worldwide, with many facing grim prognoses and exorbitant costs due to the shortcomings of conventional therapies. Yet, hidden in the shadows of the pharmaceutical industry, a natural and highly effective alternative treatment exists–one that could save lives and significantly reduce healthcare costs, but remains overlooked because it’s not patentable.

Understanding Hepatitis C: Prevalence and Impact

Hepatitis C is a pervasive and insidious viral infection that affects an estimated 58 million people globally.1 The primary cause is believed to be a virus, primarily transmitted through blood-to-blood contact, and which is understood to remain asymptomatic for decades, earning its reputation as a “silent killer.” When symptoms do emerge, they typically manifest as liver-related issues, ranging from cirrhosis to hepatocellular carcinoma. Each year, approximately 400,000 people die from Hepatitis C-related liver diseases, making it a significant global health burden.2

The Prognosis of Chronic Hepatitis C

Without proper treatment, chronic Hepatitis C leads to severe liver damage, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. For many, the prognosis is bleak–about 20% of those infected develop cirrhosis over 20-30 years, and a portion of these patients progress to liver cancer.3 The liver transplantation rate for Hepatitis C patients has skyrocketed in recent years, and the demand is expected to increase dramatically in the next two decades.For those who do not receive effective treatment, the outcome is often fatal.

Current Treatment Modalities: Interferon and Antiviral Therapies

The standard treatment for Hepatitis C involves a combination of antiviral drugs, often including interferon and ribavirin. These therapies, while effective in some cases, come with a host of challenges. The success rate of interferon therapy is notoriously low, with less than 30% of patients achieving sustained virological response (SVR), meaning the virus remains undetectable in their blood six months post-treatment.5 Additionally, these treatments are accompanied by severe side effects, including flu-like symptoms, depression, and even severe anemia, making them intolerable for many patients….

The Natural Therapy that Could Revolutionize Hepatitis C Treatment

In contrast to the conventional therapies, a promising natural treatment protocol has emerged, combining three potent antioxidants: alpha-lipoic acidsilymarin (milk thistle), and selenium. This “triple antioxidant therapy” has shown remarkable success in treating chronic Hepatitis C, with patients experiencing significant improvements in liver function and overall health.12

Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that not only neutralizes free radicals but also regenerates other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and glutathione.13 Silymarin, extracted from the milk thistle plant, has been used for centuries as a liver tonic and has demonstrated hepatoprotective properties, particularly in combating oxidative stress and inflammation.14 Selenium, an essential trace mineral, supports the body’s antioxidant defenses and plays a crucial role in immune function. Read more… 

Dr. Mercola on the Truth About Skin Cancer and Sunscreen.

Big Pharma’s New Target: Kids? The Alarming Truth About Statin Hype

Recent headlines urging statin use in children as young as 15 are based on flawed science, ignore hundreds of known adverse effects, and may be influenced by pharmaceutical industry funding.

Quick Summary

  • New mouse study in Nature claims early cholesterol exposure increases heart disease risk
  • Media and some experts irresponsibly leap to recommending statins for children
  • Statins linked to over 300 adverse health effects in humans
  • Study and media coverage potentially influenced by pharmaceutical industry funding

The Flawed Science Behind the Headlines

A recent study published in Nature has sparked alarming headlines suggesting that children as young as 15 should be prescribed statins to reduce their risk of future heart attacks.1 However, a closer examination of the research reveals significant flaws in both the study design and its interpretation, raising serious concerns about the rush to medicate our youth.

The study, led by researchers at the University of Cambridge, primarily used mouse models to investigate the effects of intermittent high-cholesterol diets on atherosclerosis development.2 The researchers found that early intermittent exposure to high cholesterol in mice accelerated atherosclerosis compared to later continuous exposure. They also analyzed data from the Young Finns Study, a long-term observational study, to draw connections between childhood cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis in mid-adulthood.

Hidden Influence of Pharmaceutical Funding

It’s crucial to note that Nature, the journal in which this study was published, is part of the Springer Nature group, which receives funding from various pharmaceutical companies, including those involved in the production of statins.3 While specific details about which statin manufacturers contribute are not readily available in public records, it’s known that large trials and studies on statins often receive industry funding, particularly from companies like Pfizer, Merck, and AstraZeneca.

This potential conflict of interest raises serious questions about the objectivity of the research and its interpretation. As noted in systematic reviews published in The BMJ, there are significant risks of bias when industry-funded studies dominate the research landscape.4

Moreover, it’s important to recognize that the pharmaceutical industry is the largest funder of mainstream media through advertising.5 This financial relationship can potentially influence how medical research is reported and amplified in the media, often leading to sensationalized headlines that may not accurately reflect the nuances and limitations of the underlying science.  Read more…

Teen Brains Aged Faster During Lockdowns — and It Was Worse for Girls

A study published Monday 9th September 2024 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that accelerated brain maturation during the COVID-19 lockdowns was particularly pronounced in teenage girls, with a mean acceleration of 4.2 years in females compared to 1.4 years in males.

A new study by University of Washington (UW) researchers found that COVID-19 lockdowns accelerated the aging of teenagers’ brains.

The study, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that accelerated brain maturation was particularly pronounced in teenage girls, with a mean acceleration of 4.2 years in females compared to 1.4 years in males.

The teenagers’ brains demonstrated signs of cortical thinning — described by The Telegraph as “a natural process that happens with age and [that] can be accelerated by stress.”

According to the study, MRIs performed on participants’ brains showed that, in girls, all eight lobes sustained accelerated maturation, while significant cortical thinning was noted in 30 distinct regions. Teenage boys showed cortical thinning in just two regions.

According to The Guardian, “Many affected areas underpinning social cognition with roles in processing emotions, interpreting facial expressions and language comprehension” were affected in teenage girls — areas which “are critical for communication.”

Patricia Kuhl, Ph.D., the study’s senior author and co-director of UW’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS), told The Guardian her research team was “shocked by these data, that the difference is so dramatic.”

Neva Corrigan, Ph.D., lead author of the study and a researcher at I-LABS, told Euronews the study represents “just another piece of evidence that lockdowns had consequences that weren’t anticipated by policymakers.”  Read more…

Australian Government to Ban Social Media for Children and Teenagers

The Australian Government is set to impose social media age limits, amid increasing concern over the effect of social media on youth mental health, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced today.

Legislation is to be introduced later this year, and is expected to gain bipartisan support after the leader of the Opposition, Peter Dutton, called to ban social media for under-16s earlier this year.

“We know social media is causing social harm, and it is taking kids away from real friends and real experiences,” said Albanese in a statement today, which also happens to be World Suicide Prevention Day.  Read more…

“The safety and mental and physical health of our young people is paramount.”

“We’re supporting parents and keeping kids safe by taking this action, because enough is enough.”

The federal commitment to legislate social media age limits follows similar announcements from the Victorian and South Australian Governments, both of which want to ban social media for kids under the age of 14.

The new legislation will build on a report by former High Court Chief Justice, Robert French, released on Sunday. The report, commissioned by the South Australian (SA) Government, includes draft legislation banning children under 14 from social media outright, and requiring companies to gain parental consent for 14 and 15-year-olds to use their platforms.

AI in End of Life Decisions

“Can artificial intelligence help families make difficult decisions about the end of life of their sick loved ones?”

NBC News released a chilling report arguing that it would be more effective to place responsibility for making such decisions on AI rather than on doctors.

BREAKING Publication–Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: New Applications
for siRNA and RIBOTAC Therapy

Novel Molecular Antidotes for Vaccinated Unable to Shut Off Spike Protein Production

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH:  As the world is waking up to nearly two thirds with potential future disease and disability from the long-lasting mRNA coding for the dangerous Wuhan Spike protein, the search is on for ways to stop this molecular monster from doing more damage.

Hulscher et al have published a timely, fully peer-reviewed manuscript for the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex looking for large markets needing new molecular therapeutics:

“The stability of mRNA vaccines, their pervasive distribution, and the longevity of the encapsulated mRNA along with unlimited production of the damaging and potentially lethal Spike (S) protein call for strategies to mitigate potential adverse effects. Here, we explore the potential of small interfering RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs) as promising solutions to target, inactivate, and degrade residual and persistent vaccine mRNA, thereby potentially preventing uncontrolled Spike protein production and reducing toxicity. The targeted nature of siRNA and RIBOTACs allows for precise intervention, offering a path to prevent and mitigate adverse events of mRNA-based therapies. This review calls for further research into siRNA and RIBOTAC applications as antidotes and detoxication products for mRNA vaccine technology.”

It may seem unfathomable for doctors to inject more RNA to deactivate Pfizer and Moderna synthetic mRNA that has accumulated in the body after multiple injections. However, siRNA used today in my practice (patisiran, inclisiran) appears to be safe and well-tolerated only notable for injection site reactions.  Read more…

Download: Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines PREPRINT

General Flynn says the AIDS virus was likely manufactured by the US Government. 

“What it really comes down to is our government involved in manufacturing diseases and then manufacturing drugs that are supposed to help when in fact they don’t help, just like the vaccines that we have now.”

He also says Fauci created the HIV drug AZT which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men.

The Bird Flu Vaccine Clinical Trials

Bird flu is all the rage. As this issue heats up, here is a bit of information about each of the three bird flu (H5N1) vaccines licensed by the FDA.

First is Sanofi (National Stockpile), which was licensed for adults based on a clinical trial in which only 103 adults were vaccinated and 48 received the placebo. Worse, there were four serious adverse events in the vaccine group.  Read more…

MH370 Mystery Solved! The Shocking Evidence That Changes Everything We Were Told 

What really happened to Malaysian Airlines fight MH370?

10 years ago… Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared from radar on 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its intended destination in Beijing. But It never arrived and neither did the 227 passengers and 12 crew members whose family members have been in anguish ever since. What happened to their loved ones? Who’s covering up the real story?

10 years have now passed and we finally might have some leads as to what caused this disappearance. Ashton Forbes has in many ways devoted his life to figuring out what happened here and we decided to invite Ashton on to talk about some of this new evidence.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr discusses how industrial-owned agriculture is not only giving us unhealthy food, it’s wiping out generational family farms and allowing China and Bill Gates to take control of farmland.

Food Standards in Australia and New Zealand are being changed so real food can be replaced with fake “food” – here’s what you can do

The global mafia is trying to replace our real food with a fake gene-edited variety, without even telling us it is doing so.  It wants to change regulations so that natural food and genetically modified (“GM”) laboratory food are legally regarded as the same thing!

This is not some “conspiracy theory,” but a very real proposal currently being pushed through by corporate-controlled authorities.

It is happening in Australia and New Zealand – longstanding colonies of the dark enslaving empire which are often used as testbeds for new forms of oppression.  But you can be sure that, if they get away with it, this will then be rolled out everywhere.

Researcher Kate Mason is sounding the alarm and urging people in Australia and New Zealand to send in their objections before the fast-approaching deadline of Tuesday 10 September (6 pm Canberra time). You can read her report HERE and watch her video HERE.

She explains that FSANZ, Australia and New Zealand’s food authority, is proposing changes to the Food Standards Code which would deregulate gene-edited foods and deny customers any labelling.  Kate warns that this would allow the global processed food industry to self-regulate all gene-edited foods!

Yet the gene-edited foods made with CRISPR, that FSANZ calls NBTs (New Breeding Techniques), have scant history of safe use as food and unknown future impacts on health and wellbeing.

FSANZ asserts that genetically edited food is the same as natural-conventional food, that it has the same “characteristics.” Under this definition, lab meat may be seen as the same as meat, as the lab meat has added synthetic vitamins and minerals which match the natural levels of vitamins and minerals in meat.

The public is being asked to go along with a hypothesis that synthetic is the same as natural. It’s not!
Genetically edited food to be deregulated in Australia and NZ, Kate Mason, 7 September 2024
  Read more…

DEAD HUMANS LIQUEFIED, then fed back to the population via fertilizer on crops

One could call it involuntary cannibalism, or you could use the term Soylent Green, from a classic dystopian film about humans being fed their own kind without their knowledge.

Back in 2019, we were all warned. “Human composting” was legalized in the state of Washington in Bill 5001 entitled “Concerning human remains,” that legalized the “natural organic reduction” of human remains. No, we’re not talking about gelatin here, where the warped American food industry reduces pig, cow, turkey, chicken and other animal cartilage, muscles and other body parts humans normally don’t eat. We are talking about boiling down and incinerating dead people into powder, sludge and compost for inserting into the food supply, and nobody knows it’s happening right now.

Alkaline hydrolysis, a.k.a. aquamation, used to reduce human flesh for fertilizing food, watering crops, and as calcium phosphate “filler” for cheap supplements

Coroners and embalmers are blowing the whistle on one of the grossest atrocities now happening to American food, water and cheap supplements. Alkaline hydrolysis, also called liquid cremation, is the process of decomposing a human body using ultra-hot water and a strong base solution. Mainstream media claims there’s no human DNA, flesh or pathogens left after the big melt down, but then, who believes anything Big Food claims anymore. Remember, they’re the ones who say canola oil is “heart healthy” and fluoride in tap water is “good for building strong teeth.” Sure.

This whistleblower coroner says this recycling of dead people into the food and water supply is happening in most U.S. states. Human bones are being ground up into powder and used as calcium phosphate for prescriptions that “treat” calcium deficiencies.

If you still don’t believe this is happening, just ask Katrina Spade, the founder and CEO of Recompose, a company that uses this reduction process as an “urban, soil-based, ecologically friendly death-care option.” This is further covered in the feature film Biosludged.

Who is already suffering from mad human disease, the human version of mad cow disease? Is that why dementia cases are on a sharp uptick? Combine that with millions of spike proteins lodging in the medulla oblongata and what have you got? People who believe the nightly TV news and are voting for a complete communist takeover — that’s what.  Read more…

Shock Gulf Stream News: Top U.S. Scientists Find Flow Not Collapsing
But “Remarkably Stable” Over Last 40 Years

Last year, Georgina Rannard of the BBC reported that “scientists say” a weakening Gulf Stream could collapse as early as this year, a dire process that would bring catastrophic changes in the weather in the northern hemisphere. Routine fear mongering, of course, from the Net Zero promoting BBC and this ‘tipping point’ scare is common among alarmists. After all, everyone knows about the 2004 dystopian Hollywood blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow. ‘Most of us are going to die’ is a great scoop, it is just a shame about the facts. Ground-breaking new work from scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has discovered that the huge flow of tropical water through the Florida Straits has remained “remarkably stable” for over 40 years.

The Florida current is a key component of the Gulf Stream, which is an important part of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). This current flows north, raising temperatures in the higher latitudes by up to 10°C. Warm tropical water flows between the Florida Peninsula, Cuba and the Bahamas at speeds up to seven kilometres per hour and provides most of the heat taken north by the AMOC. The paper notes that several recent studies have used a possible flow decline to speculate about a collapse in the Gulf Stream and the AMOC. Thus, clickbait science papers using computer models have been picked up by mainstream media and politicians to provoke fear of a Gulf Stream catastrophe.

Using data derived from motion-induced change in submarine cable voltages, and adjusting for errors caused by past geomagnetic data processing, the NOAA scientists state that their new 40-year record “challenges” the previously made assertions on the statistically significant decline of the Florida current. The respected climate scientist Judith Curry has hailed the new paper from the U.S. weather service as “important” and notes that the AMOC is not weakening despite it being touted as a climate tipping point.  Read more…

The Sun Is Doing Something That It Is Not Supposed To Do, And That Could Mean
Big Trouble In The Months Ahead

The giant ball of fire that our planet revolves around has been far more active than scientists originally anticipated this year, and that could have very serious implications for all of us in the months ahead.  Fluctuations in solar activity affect our climate more than anything else does, and we also tend to see more earthquakes when solar activity is at elevated levels.  The current solar cycle is supposed to reach a peak at some point during the next 12 months, but so far there are no signs that solar activity is slowing down.  In fact, the average number of sunspots that we witnessed last month was the highest that we have seen since 2001

The average number of sunspots reached 215.5 in August, according to the Solar Influences Data Analysis Center at the Royal Observatory in Belgium. It’s the highest number since Sept.-Dec. 2001, according to SpaceWeather.com. July’s total was 196.5. Last month, NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center issued a preliminary statement that solar activity is at its highest since March 2001.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

Scientists were originally projecting that we would see about half as many sunspots during the month of August…

Experts had predicted that August would only see half as many sunspots, indicating that the solar maximum is imminent, and it may be more active than anticipated, possibly bringing intense solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

The number of sunspots has been increasing at an exponential rate for the past couple of months.

Hopefully we will get a reprieve here in September.

Because if we don’t, we could see more severe geomagnetic storms like we did in May

In May 2024, Earth experienced its strongest geomagnetic storm in over 20 years, with auroras visible much farther south than usual, including regions as far as Florida and Mexico. If another large sunspot appears around the time of the September equinox, it could lead to a similar or even stronger event.

When a very large geomagnetic storm occurs, it can disrupt our lives in countless ways.  Read more…


“Sunflowers follow the sun’s light.

But when it’s a cloudy, rainy day they turn towards each other to share their energy. May we all be the sunflowers.”

  •  Used for medicine for centuries
  • Sunflower seeds are rich in B complex vitamins which are essential for a good nervous system, helps with anxiety
  • Are an excellent source of Vitamin E which helps us have glowing eyes, skin, hair & nails
  • Helps lower blood pressure, blood sugar
  • Have significant anti-inflammatory effects
  • They are a huge calling card for pollinators such as birds & bees
  • Detoxifying benefits to soil, Sunflowers are considered ‘phytoremediators’, which essentially translates to remedy
  • Suck up harsh chemicals & other contaminants that are present in the soil, through their roots & stems
    (Humanitarians & Heros)