“We will use tactical NUCLEAR WEAPONS” Russia warns NATO against escalation
Don’t be fooled: Zelensky’s “Victory Plan” is for more death. But he gets to pitch it once again this week as he tours the U.S. Here is why he should be shown the door and why Hillary Clinton wants anyone who points this out to be jailed!

Pentagon Sending US Forces to Mid-East as Israel Pounds Lebanon
The Pentagon announced Monday it’s sending more American forces to the Middle East to after Israel launched more than 300 missiles into Lebanon. Uncaptured Media’s Dan Cohen joins us to talk about the latest developments.

A large number of fighters from Yemen have arrived at the headquarters of the 175th Battalion of the 5th Division of the Syrian Army in the border area with Israel in the Daraa region. (https://t.me/RealWorldNewsChannel/32731)

Joe Biden Will Provide Ukraine With Long-Range Weapons – But There’s No Permission to Use Them in Russia

Nuclear War Alert! Putin Publicly Says He Will Nuke NATO Countries If Western Missiles Strike Russia.
In Response NATO Has Announced The Biggest Mobilization Drills Ever For Total War.

Putin sends a SHOCKING warning to NATO, Stop now or
face nuclear consequences

WEF Insider: Planned ‘Mass Casualty Event’ Will Result in Globalist Coup of America

The global elite’s “reset moment” is almost here, according to a WEF insider who warns final preparations are being made for a “mass casualty event” targeting non-compliant U.S. politicians, designed to overrule the election results and plunge the nation into martial law – paving the way for the next phase of their totalitarian master plan.

While the masses are locked down, with authorities deploying every authoritarian tool and trick in the globalist playbook, political figures handpicked by the WEF as “designated survivors” will be free to form a new, anti-democratic government.

These leaders will ignore the voice of the people, ruling on behalf of the tyrannical elite, with no regard for democracy or individual freedoms.

Further info on this topic: Holy SH*T! Congress is Prepping For a ‘MASS CASUALTY’ event before election

United Nations Pact for the Future Adopted

The WHO’s plandemic treaty didn’t pass but the UN just adopted what they are calling a “Pact for the Future” on Sunday.

The pact, which also includes an annex on working toward a “responsible and sustainable” digital future, was adopted without a vote at the start of the two-day Summit of the Future.

Other themes include: peace and security, global governance, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations.

This is where the beast system begins to accelerate. AI and the digitization of everything is KEY in all of this.

Meanwhile, the masses and many truthers are distracted with Puff Daddy and the Red vs Blue paradigm, the UN has just adopted worldwide (AI) governance.

The UN’s Pact for the Future: A Constitutional Crisis for U.S. Sovereignty

The United Nations’ Pact for the Future promises global cooperation, but critics argue it undermines U.S. sovereignty and threatens constitutional rights.

On September 23, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Pact for the Future, a comprehensive document aimed at addressing global challenges like climate change, inequality, and artificial intelligence. While the pact is celebrated for its global vision, it has sparked significant concern in the United States, where critics argue it threatens U.S. sovereignty and the Constitution. Several grassroots organizations–including Stand for Health FreedomChildren’s Health Defense, and the World Council for Health–are actively opposing the potential infringement on U.S. law and individual rights by global governance frameworks.

The Pact for the Future risks conflicting with the U.S. Constitution, undermining principles like state sovereignty, freedom of speech, and individual liberties. It could open the door to executive overreach and subordination of U.S. law to international regulations, violating core constitutional protections.  Read more…

The Diddy Indictment is just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG, it goes much deeper
Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs was arrested and indicted for allegedly running an extensive federal sex trafficking investigation. This is dark stuff that runs deeper than you think. Is every famous person you ever knew involved? For goodness sakes, it sure feels like it! Will we ever know the extent or will he suffer a mysterious fate like you-know-who?

“The Diddy indictment is PROTECTING the highest people in power” Ian Carroll
What are the missing pieces of the Diddy indictment? X host Ian Carroll joins us because he has been following this case closely and will help us leave no stone unturned!

Finding The Feds’ Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

We tracked down some of the 320,000 illegal alien children lost by the Biden-Harris administration.

During the course of our investigation, we discovered:
– The federal government is sending children to strangers.
– A CIA contractor is moving children across America.
– Children are being sent to labor trafficking rings.
– Traffickers use deportation as a threat to exact “debt” payments from sponsored children.

This report reveals the cold, hard truth about the reality of the Biden-Harris Administration’s open-border policies, which have resulted in the trafficking of untold numbers of children.

“Where is the Outrage?” Jillian Michaels at Health Roundtable

“What has happened to us? I’m here to tell you, in the late 70’s and the early 80’s, a sinister series of events converged to change food and subsequently health indefinitely…[we were] blindly trusting that the powers that be would never betray us…it seemed unthinkable to question whether a corporation would poison us for profit [and] it was this betrayal of trust that allowed them to insidiously infiltrate EVERY PART OF OUR LIVES”

This is one of the best overviews I’ve ever witnessed on how the whole system has been rigged, in what is essentially a “bad health by design” framework

As Jillian Michaels says emphatically – People have been “sacrificed at the alter of corporate greed”

“More than half the adult population of the world are anti-vaxxers.” — Dr. Andy Wakefield

Covid-19 vaccine damage numbers update :

  • Myocarditis – Up 2800%
  • Cancers – Up 300% to 900%
  • Infertility (Both Genders) – Up 500%
  • Miscarriages – Up 300%
  • Neuro Disorders – Up 1000%
  • Demyelinating Disorders – Up 1000%
  • MS. – Up 600%
  • GBS – Up 500%
  • HIV – Up 500%
  • PE’s – Up 400%

(Dr David Carland)

The Peanut Allergy Vaccine

Of all food allergies, those to peanuts are most common.

It never used to be that way.  And no one in the scientific community seems to know why that is.

The Treatments
In 2018, without addressing the cause, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wanted you to roll up your sleeve to be injected with a new ‘peanut allergy vaccine’ based on research in mice, using immunotherapy to alter the immune system’s response to prevent peanut allergies.

“By redirecting the immune responses, our vaccine not only suppresses the response but prevents the activation of cells that would initiate allergic reactions.” – Jessica O’Konek, Ph.D.

The vaccine concept had been repurposed. While the original vaccine model was designed to trigger the immune system to recognize the invaders and mount an efficient defense the next time the invaders returned, vaccinating against allergens “requires teaching the immune system to ignore these proteins.”

Allergy immunotherapy sounds very similar to allergy shots first introduced in 1911 where small doses of inhaled allergens are given over the course of many years. Allergy shots do not work on food allergens so why reinvent a broken wheel? The ‘original wheel’  (that vaccines attempt to mimic) is Homeopathy, developed in 1796 based on the doctrine of ‘like cures like’. Homeopathy and other holistic modalities trust the body to heal itself if given natural tools.  Read more…

Give You and Your Loved Ones the Flu… with FluMist

The FDA approved the ‘nasal flu-vaccine’ FluMist for self-administration on Friday. Per FDA data, FluMist causes flu symptoms, increases hospitalization rates and can infect others through shedding.

September 24, 2024: FluMist is a nasal flu vaccine that is FDA approved for adults and children as young as 2 years of age. On Friday, September 20, 2024, the FDA approved FluMist for self-administration by adults, meaning you can ‘vaccinate’ yourself and your loved ones at home without the supervision of a medical professional.

September 24, 2024: FluMist is a nasal flu vaccine that is FDA approved for adults and children as young as 2 years of age. On Friday, September 20, 2024, the FDA approved FluMist for self-administration by adults, meaning you can ‘vaccinate’ yourself and your loved ones at home without the supervision of a medical professional.  Read more

VICTORY! Fluoride in Water Poses “Unreasonable Risk” to Children, Federal Judge Rules

A federal judge rejected the EPA’s argument that the exact level at which fluoride is hazardous is too unclear to determine if the chemical presents an unreasonable risk, and ruled the agency must take regulatory action.

In a decision that could end the practice of water fluoridation in the U.S., a federal judge late Tuesday ruled that water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can no longer ignore that risk, and must take regulatory action, Judge Edward Chen of the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of California wrote in the long-awaited landmark decision.

More than 200 million Americans drink water treated with fluoride at the “optimal” level of 0.7 milligrams per liter (mg/L). However, Chen ruled that a preponderance of scientific evidence shows this level of fluoride exposure may damage human health, particularly that of pregnant mothers and young children.

The verdict delivers a major blow to the EPA, public health agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and professional lobbying groups like the American Dental Association (ADA), which have staked their reputations on the claim that water fluoridation is one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century and an unqualified public good.

Fluoride proponents refused to reexamine that stance despite mounting scientific evidence from top researchers and government agencies of fluoride’s neurotoxic risks, particularly for infants’ developing brains.

Instead, they attempted to weaken and suppress the research and discredit the scientists carrying it out.  Read more…

Los Angeles County Seeing ‘Unprecedented’ Number of Mosquito-Borne Disease Cases, Officials Warn

Los Angeles is ‘a region where dengue has not previously been transmitted by mosquitoes,’ authorities say

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health confirmed it is investigating additional cases of the dengue virus that was locally acquired in the city, according to a statement on Wednesday.

Two additional cases were found in Baldwin Park and among those who have “no history of travel to areas where dengue is endemic prior to their symptoms,” the health agency said.

Three cases of locally acquired dengue were reported, initially in a confirmed case of locally acquired dengue, according to the county health agency. The first case was found Sept. 9.

The three cases are an “unprecedented number of locally transmitted cases for a region where dengue has not previously been transmitted by mosquitoes,” the agency said. Previously, reported dengue cases in Los Angeles County were associated with travel to a country where the virus is spread locally.

“These additional cases of local virus transmission are a stark reminder for all Los Angeles County residents that simple steps to prevent mosquito breeding and mosquito bites can lower the risk of mosquito-borne diseases and prevent more sustained transmission in the future,” the department warned.

Dengue is transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito, which is common in Los Angeles, officials noted. But cases of dengue being transmitted locally “are extremely rare,” it added.  Read more…

 Vaccine Disaster: Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots

The truth is becoming undeniable.

A freedom of information request has revealed that over 14,000 people have applied for compensation through the UK’s vaccine injury scheme.

The claims are so widespread that “staff processing these claims had to be increased from four to 80 people last year because they were coming in so quickly.”

5 and a half thousand claims have been rejected because they were not “disabled enough,”

But the devastating effects of the shots don’t end there.

“By June 2021, there were already 300,000 registered adverse reactions to the UK’s own yellow card reporting system. 300,000 adverse reactions. And it had always been known for decades that the yellow card reporting system is so little known about, and so poorly administered, that it only registers between one to 10% of all injuries. So that 300,000 could have been just 1% of actual adverse events.”

Sharyl Attkisson: My Investigations of Medical Cover-Ups and Pharma Scandals

Sharyl Attkisson is an investigative journalist and the Emmy Award-winning host of “Full Measure.” She is also the author of several books, including, most recently, “Follow The Science: How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails.”

“Why am I as a non-medical reporter unearthing stories that this whole industry of medical and science reporters are not unearthing?” she asks.
In this episode, we dive into the problem of scientific and medical corruption, and how Attkisson’s eyes were opened to the dangers of blindly believing every establishment narrative about our health.
“The federal government/pharmaceutical industry have learned how to take our taxpayer money, legally launder them through universities—public and private, who then say they don’t have to reply to your FOIA requests or turn over any data, who then put out studies that are little more than narratives and propaganda that go unchallenged,” says Attkisson.
“The health of the individual and their informed consent is far paramount to what you think you are doing for the good of mankind. You don’t have the right, as a researcher, to say, ‘I can sacrifice this child or I can sacrifice something about informed consent because I think I have a more noble goal.’ That’s not your right.”

El Salvador President Nayib Bukele Criticizes the United States and Western Nations for Censoring and Jailing Political Opponents While Claiming to Support Free Speech and Democracy

SGAnon File 81 
SG Anon discusses Trump’s TruthSocial messages to Patriots, his foreknowledge of the assassination attempt on 9/15, the financial collapse, the “You’ll never see me again” remark, BIS Project Aurora, US Military, and more.

German MEP Christine Anderson: The same people who lied to you about Covid “are now trying to tell you we’re all going to die of climate change”.

“We are not… Nothing they tell us we need to do to save the planet will actually save the planet… but it will abolish freedom, democracy and the rule of law.”

Justin Trudeau just did the UNTHINKABLE and Canadians are FED UP
Justin Trudeau barely survived a non-confidence vote in parliament to end his leadership. Trudeau also lied on national American television in front of Stephen Colbert about his failed administration and Canada’s health care system.

UN Proposes Global AI Watchdog to Curb “Misinformation”

There’s a joke about the United Nations. It goes something like this: if you want something done with maximum deliberation and minimal speed, ask the UN to take it on. It’s not exactly a gut-buster, but in the world of global governance, it lands because it’s true. But now, in a world swirling with algorithms, misinformation, and artificially intelligent beings who, unlike toddlers, never sleep, the UN has decided to enter the AI ring. Yes, the same UN that’s still trying to get all 193 of its member states to agree on what’s for lunch.

So, what’s happening here? A new report suggests that the United Nations wants to establish its very own AI babysitting service. Imagine something akin to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, but instead of trying to save us from melting glaciers, it’s here to save us from an AI-driven future where deepfake videos are supposedly a major problem.

We obtained a copy of the report for you here.

But before we dive into this report’s recommendations (and oh, are they vast), let’s address the most important question: Is the UN, the world’s go-to for polite disagreement and watered-down resolutions, really equipped to keep up with something like artificial intelligence?  Read more…

The UN and the WHO – Owned by the Wireless Industry?

The future: Turning people into transmitters

Through the ubiquitous wireless connectivity promised by the Internet of Things (IoT) humanity and every living thing is turned into a wireless “transmitter.” As this is currently being done without full consent of the population, across the globe – it raises concerns from a health perspective, and a human rights perspective.

Governments rapidly rolling out 5G tell us that exposure guidelines backed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) ensure we are all safe within “set limits” and, that they readily support the wireless IoT for the purpose of developing a data-driven future epitomised by the smart city, a “vision” of a new society propelled by the UN’s politics of “climate change” and “sustainability”.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has already achieved a data-driven society. However, the CCP is technologically suppressing individual ideas, voices and social groups to align all minds and actions to the “goals” of the Chinese authorities.

Not surprisingly, “China now plays a significant role in shaping the IoT.” Spurred by China, the UK governments are already introducing facial recognition technologies, configuring internet censorship legislation and for their own benefit have even planned to overhaul the Human Rights Act, which allows citizens to hold the government to account. The world is changing rapidly, and unfortunately technological advancements favour unprecedented opportunities for a totalitarian government system to emerge. The late social theorist Paul Virilio, once said that “Totalitarianism is latent in technology”. Clearly he has a point.  Read more…

Isle of Man explores facial recognition at entry and exit points and mandatory ID for all residents

The Isle of Man government is exploring facial recognition technology (“FRT”) and mandatory ID registration for all residents.  The reason given for implementing these measures is to fight crime.

The government plans to introduce FRT at air and sea ports, utilising automated number plate recognition (“ANPR”) to secure borders and detect criminals before they enter the island.  In addition, the government is considering a mandatory ID registration system for all island residents, not just migrants.

The move comes in response to the growing threat of organised crime including drug trafficking, weapons, modern slavery, immigration abuses and other criminal activities being facilitated through the island’s ports. The ‘Securing Our Island’ strategy aims to address these issues by leveraging modern technologies and strengthening border security.  Read more…

World’s first carbon tax on agriculture costs farmers £75 per cow over their burps and manure

Dairy farmers in Denmark will have to pay an annual tax of 672 krone (around £75) per cow due to the planet-heating emissions they generate.

It is the world’s first carbon emissions tax on agriculture, and while it has been broadly welcomed by Denmark’s dairy industry, the move has angered some farmers.

The country’s coalition government agreed on the tax this week, with new levies on livestock due to start in 2030.

Denmark is a major dairy and pork exporter, and agriculture is the country’s biggest source of emissions.  Read more…

’Could be compromised’: Calls to ban ‘weaponised’ Chinese EVs

The United States has moved to ban a huge array of Chinese-made cars over fears they can spy on – and assassinate – their drivers.

The United States has moved to ban Chinese connected-car technology over fears vehicles can spy on – and assassinate – their drivers.

“Cars today have cameras, microphones, GPS tracking and other technologies connected to the internet. It doesn’t take much imagination to understand how a foreign adversary with access to this information could pose a serious risk to both our national security and the privacy of citizens,” Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said earlier this week.

“In an extreme situation, foreign adversaries could shut down or take control of all their vehicles operating in the United States all at the same time.”

The move came just days after the power of sabotaging key pieces of everyday technology was demonstrated when personal pagers and walkie-talkies were detonated in a widespread attack against Hezbollah jihadist fighters in Lebanon.

The attack was allegedly co-ordinated by Israel, although the nation is yet to accept responsibility.

“We’ve already seen ample evidence that [China] pre-positioned malware in our critical infrastructure for disruption and sabotage,” US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan added.

“And with potentially millions of vehicles on the road, each with 10- to 15-year life spans, the risks of disruption and sabotage increase dramatically.”

Digital duel

The proposal to ban “connected” Chinese cars comes after the US and its Five Eyes intelligence partners (including Australia) disrupted two large Beijing-sponsored hacking operations targeting more than 200,000 consumer devices worldwide.

Earlier this month, the Chinese hacking campaign dubbed Flax Typhoon was revealed to be targeting university, government and telecommunications company employees. Home computers, internet routers and web cameras were among the infiltration targets in a campaign designed to steal sensitive data and track user activities.

Earlier this year, another Chinese hacking group – dubbed Volt Typhoon – was discovered infiltrating critical infrastructure such as electrical grids and sewage treatment plants.  Read more…

Young people are checking out of life 
The article quoted https://catherineshannon.substack.com…

What is The Life Program?
How many hours do you spend in a lifetime just existing and how many actually choosing life?

Together-Neil Oliver “I remind myself that our freedom is inalienable, it’s not granted by any person, and for that reason, it cannot be taken away by anyone” Neil Oliver