On 14th Aug WHO declared Mpox to be a global emergency. What is Mpox? Why is a disease predominantly in Africa being declared a global emergency? Is this another planned plandemic like COVID?

On 14th Aug WHO declared Mpox to be a global emergency. What is Mpox? Why is a disease predominantly in Africa being declared a global emergency? Is this another planned plandemic like COVID?
The Olympics – GEMA Special Report. The dark history of the Olympic Games and how they are using the open and closing ceremony for mind control and predictive programming to showcase what is to come to a world population.
After large scale internet outages on Friday 19th July due to a Crowdstrike software issue this weeks GEMA Special Report is on Cybersecurity
GEMA Special Report on Assassination Attempt on Donald J. Trump. So many questions and theories are being put forward. What is the truth?
What is going on with the weather? We have a very early hurricane, extreme heat and wild fires. Are these natural or is the weather being manipulated?
Parasites are not just something in animals and the 3rd world, they are in all of us. Is it parasites and not virus’s that are making us sick and causing cancer?
Since Julian Assanges arrest the freedom of the press has been in question. After a plea deal with the US was reached he is free and returns to Australia.
The fear of a Bird Flu pandemic is growing. What is the truth, is it another plandemic or is it a real threat to animal and human health.
GEMA Special Report – mRNA Technology, vaccines, gene therapy and their role out for COVID and other viruses and the repercussions
Dr. Fauci testifies in United States Senate on COVID response – Special Report