Todays Special Report delves in to the World Health Organisation and its desire to control our health and lives.

Todays Special Report delves in to the World Health Organisation and its desire to control our health and lives.
As there continues to be so much information coming forward at the moment on COVID, the vaccine side effects and excess deaths, here is a part 3 of COVID Uncovered.
Are they poisoning us and making us sick to reduce the population?
This case is not just about extradition but freedom of the press to tell the truth
Is fluoridation of water damaging your health?
About 8 million children are abducted around the world every year and it has become a multi billion dollar industry.
Illegal immigrants are pouring across the borders to the United States but also in Europe and United Kingdom
This is not the first time there has been a pandemic and the deaths blamed on it were due to vaccination. There are many similarities on what has happened in this plandemic as occured with the Spanish Flu
The truth is beginning to come out about the last 4 years of tyranny and genocide of the COVID plandemic