Vaxxed 3
Childrens Health Defense go out in a second Vaxxed Bus to speak with those that have been bereaved or injured by the COVID vaccine and health professionals who realised things were not right with the care they were being asked to give.
The ‘Secret Ingredient’ in COVID Vaccines has Been Found
A peer-reviewed study has just found 55 undeclared elements, including 11 heavy metals, in the COVID-19 injections.
This is alarming because most of these specific elements are known to be harmful to the body.
“…among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples; arsenic 82%; nickel 59%; cobalt and copper 47%; tin 35%; cadmium, lead and manganese in 18%; and mercury in 6%,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.
“In all brands, we found boron, calcium, titanium, aluminum, arsenic, nickel, chromium, copper, gallium, strontium, niobium, molybdenum, barium and hafnium.”
The researchers found it “extremely unlikely” that these elements would be found across various brands of COVID vaccines by accident, pointing to the possibility of a very dark theory.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra Exposes Decades of Big Pharma Fraud
World-renowned Cardiologist, Aseem Malhotra, discusses the new documentary he co-produced, “First! Do No Pharm,” which examines the vast amount of fraud in medical research designed to benefit big pharma. Esteemed members of the medical community detail the systematic corruption from self regulated studies to political capture to financial control over mainstream media.
DIY Flu Vaccines Are Coming Your Way!
With the cold and flu season upon us, big pharma is pulling out all the stops with a first ever FDA approved at home flu “vaccine” in the form of a nasal spray. Find out why this same spray vaccine failed miserably in 2016.
How America’s Food and Healthcare Systems Were Compromised
Joe Rogan with Calley Means & Casey Means
15 minute clip
Full interview
The March to Kellogg’s HQ
Concerned citizens converge in Battle Creek, Michigan—home to Kellogg’s headquarters—to present a petition signed by over 410,000 Americans, demanding the removal of potentially harmful artificial food dyes and the chemical preservative BHT from the cereal giant’s products. Leading the charge is prominent food activist Vani Hari, widely known as ‘The Food Babe,’ who has rallied a diverse panel of health, nutrition, and medical experts, including Calley Means and Dr. Josh Axe, urging Kellogg’s to take immediate action in prioritizing consumer safety and transparency.

Bioengineered Food
I’m seeing that on labels more lately. What is it?
Dr. Tenpenny: I’ve become much more vigilant regarding my gluten-free and dairy-free choices. By so doing, I have necessarily become much more conscious about label-reading. I have noticed that almost everything I look at that is not a whole food, from soups to crackers, has this on the label: “Contains bioengineered food ingredients.” What is THAT!? What does that mean?
The Process
The first genetically modified food brought to market was a tomato. In 1994, the FDA approved FLAVR SAVR tomatoes to be sold to the general public. Created and marketed by Calgene, Inc. in Davis, California, the tomato was engineered to stay firm after harvest, allowing it to stay on the vine longer before picking and shipping. The project failed because, while extra firm, it was expensive and not as flavorful as other tomato varieties. It was discontinued in 1997.
Throughout the late 1990s, a wave of GMO products became available to consumers, and the technology has drastically outpaced regulation. The Agrochemical corporations, led by Monsanto, engineered a handful of commodity crops to withstand the weedkiller, glyphosate, found in products such as Roundup, Glyphomax, Durango, Touchdown (Syngenta), and many home garden products. The success of these HT (herbicide tolerant) crops led to deregulation that allowed the commercialization and release of HT canola in 1998 and of HT alfalfa and sugar beets in 2005. Two decades later, countless Biotech players are working on an almost endless list of new products. Read more…
“Life-Long Diarrhea & Sagging Faces” The DEVASTATING Reality of
Weight Loss Drugs like Ozempic
Hey, good news! The U.S. may have hit peak obesity! New data shows that obesity rates is declining. But here is the bad news: It’s because of injectable weight loss drugs, not because of a trend towards healthy habits. Oh and these drugs can cause sagging face, depression, intestinal blockage, vision loss and life-long diarrhea. Is this really good news then?
RFK Jr. Completely Destroys the Insane Push to Put Every Overweight American on Ozempic
During Senator Ron Johnson’s recent roundtable on chronic disease, RFK Jr. didn’t hold back in criticizing the government’s approach to health. He argued, “For half the price of Ozempic, we could give every American organic food, three meals a day, and a gym membership for every obese person.”
That sure sounds more reasonable than spending $3 trillion dollars for Ozempic injections.
Kennedy also pointed out that even the Danish government doesn’t recommend Ozempic and promotes diet and exercise instead. “Why are members of Congress doing the bidding of this Danish company instead of standing up for American farmers and children?” Kennedy asked.
Rather than subsidizing weekly injections for obese Americans that come with a host of nasty side effects, the government could easily subsidize healthy food instead with common-sense changes.
Watch Kennedy drive home his case brilliantly. This is exactly what America needs. Watch video…
Mortality Rates for 0-24 Year Olds 2018-2024
Rise in mortality in ages 0-24 since 2021 cannot be explained by food. (Mary Talley Bowden MD)

1 in 6 Germans Experienced COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Survey Finds
Harald Walach, Ph.D., founder of Germany’s Change Health Science Institute and professional research fellow at Kazimieras Simonavicius University in Lithuania, told The Defender the survey results likely don’t show the full extent of COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries.
One in 6 respondents to a survey in Germany reported experiencing side effects after receiving a COVID-19 shot, German newspaper Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung reported.
The survey, conducted by Germany’s Forsa Institute on behalf of the newspaper and the online magazine “Multipolar,” polled 1,002 people between Oct. 7-8.
According to The Gateway Pundit, “A significant 17 percent of respondents openly stated they did not ‘tolerate the COVID vaccination well overall.’”
Commenting on the 1 in 6 statistic, Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, told The Defender, “That is not a safe vaccine. I mean, you should be calling up these guys who are promoting the vaccine and ask them, with 1 in 6 people reporting side effects, how that’s a safe vaccine?”
According to the survey, 73% of respondents did not report adverse reactions. An additional 10% of respondents reported not getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
Christof Plothe, D.O., a member of the World Council for Health’s steering committee, said the survey “also asked whether the respondents ‘personally knew’ someone who experienced severe side effects after the mRNA treatment. The number is also explosive: 35% answered ‘yes.’”
Harald Walach, Ph.D., founder and director of the Change Health Science Institute in Germany and professional research fellow at Kazimieras Simonavicius University in Lithuania, told The Defender the survey results likely don’t show the full extent of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination.
“Whether people or doctors attribute causality of the symptoms to the vaccination depends on their attitude,” Walach said. “So it might be the case that side effects that start later, say six months later, such as an autoimmune disease, will not easily be attributed to the vaccination, even though it might be.”
Plothe noted there are “hardly any recognized vaccination injuries, and people are still told by their doctor that their changes in health are not gene therapy-related. “But here, 17% complained of adverse side effects, according to the survey, so 11 million Germans could have experienced side effects,” Plothe said.
“The actual number, including the long-term results, is expected to be even higher,” Plothe added. Read more…
Slovakia Moves to Ban ‘Dangerous’ Covid ‘Vaccines,’ Declares Pandemic a ‘Fabricated Operation’
Top government officials in Slovakia are moving to ban “dangerous” Covid mRNA shots from the country after an explosive investigation determined that the pandemic was a “fabricated operation” and the “vaccines” were a resulting “act of bioterrorism.”
The findings were revealed in a Slovak government commission report on the nation’s investigations into the Covid pandemic.
The investigation was led by Commissioner Peter Kotlár.
In releasing his report, Kotlár held a press conference to call for the immediate ban of the Covid mRNA injections and called on governments around the world to do the same.
Due to the severity of the findings detailed in the report, Kotlár has called for an emergency “session of the government” to immediately ban the “vaccines” and to cut the nation’s ties with the globalist World Health Organization (WHO).
While the report has not yet been made public, Kotlár confirmed that it will be released after the “session of the government.”
However, he did reveal that the report details evidence showing that Covid was artificially created in a biolab and deliberately spread worldwide.
“The most serious consequence of the whole fabricated operation called the COVID-19 pandemic is the endangerment of human health and the confirmation of the naivety of the world population to be subconsciously obedient,” Kotlár said.
“Let us at least make the right gesture together by stopping the administration of mRNA preparations until their effectiveness and safety have been proven,” Kotlar demanded when presenting his report. Read more…
Hospitals Treated Far More People for Covid Shot Side Effects than Unvaccinated Patients
for Covid Infections — Study
A journal article published October 5 documented how 3.8-times more Covid-vaccinated individuals were hospitalized due to the shot’s adverse events [AE] than non-vaccinated individuals were hospitalized due to Covid infection.
The paper mainly focused on the difference of Covid-related outcomes between genders, however, within its data lie notable revelations. The authors reported preliminary findings on endocrine systems based on a worldwide survey of roughly 8,000-10,000 participants collected between February 2022 and October 2023.
“Nearly 1.49% of respondents reported hospitalization after COVID-19, whereas 5.69% of the respondents reported hospitalization after vaccination in our cohort. SARS-CoV-2-related severe symptoms were reported by ∼9.3% of COVID-19 vaccinated versus 6.7% of unvaccinated individuals (p<0.001),” the journal article said in the ‘Abstract’ section. “Women reported more vaccine-related adverse events (AEs) than men; 30% of men and 19% of women reported no AEs after any vaccination dose. After the first dose, 60% women and 48% of men reported some AEs, whereas after the second dose, 46% of women and 40% of men reported experiencing several AEs.” Read more…
How to Clean Your Arteries With One Simple Fruit
The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree
Pomegranate Found To Prevent Coronary Artery Disease Progression
A study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis.[i]
Mice with a genetic susceptibility towards spontaneous coronary artery blockages were given pomegranate extract via their drinking water for two weeks, beginning at three weeks of age. Despite the fact that pomegranate treatment actually increased cholesterol levels associated with very low density lipoprotein-sized particles, the treatment both reduced the size of the atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic sinus (the dilated opening above the aortic valve) and reduced the proportion of coronary arteries with occlusive atherosclerotic plaques.
Remarkably, the researchers also found that pomegranate extract treatment resulted in the following 7 beneficial effects:
- Reduced levels of oxidative stress
- Reduced monocytie chemotactic protein-1, a chemical messenger (chemokine) associated with inflammatory processes within the arteries.
- Reduced lipid accumulation in the heart muscle
- Reduced macrophage infiltration in the heart muscle
- Reduced levels of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 and fibrosis in the myocardium
- Reduced cardiac enlargement
- Reduced ECG abnormalities
How can something as benign and commonplace as a fruit extract reverse so many aspects of coronary artery disease, simultaneously, as evidenced by the study above? The answer may lie in the fact that our ancestors co-evolved with certain foods (fruits in particular) for so long that a lack of adequate quantities of these foods may directly result in deteriorating organ function. Indeed, two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling argued that vitamin C deficiency is a fundamental cause of cardiovascular disease, owing to the fact that our hominid primate ancestors once had year-round access to fruits, and as a result lost the ability to synthesize it. Read more…
Migrant Surge: Misplaced Children And Communities In Crisis
The impact of the migrant crisis on local resources has hit an unprecedented level and even the mainstream media are reporting the outrage. Hear about the agencies that are coordinating this mass infiltration and the terrifying scale of child endangerment.
Devastating floods kill hundreds in African state
Severe rainfall has caused widespread destruction in Chad as the nation grapples with a food security crisis
Chad is grappling with one of its worst natural disasters in recent history, as relentless rainfall since July has caused severe flooding across all 23 provinces of the country.
The floods have resulted in the deaths of more than 550 people and the destruction of over 210,000 homes, leaving families homeless and vulnerable, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) reported. The rain season, which typically lasts until October, has seen unprecedented precipitation, submerging entire communities and destroying vital infrastructure.
In addition to the devastating death toll, around 432,000 hectares of farmland and 72,000 livestock have been wiped out, severely undermining the country’s agricultural backbone.
The natural disaster comes on the heels of a food security and nutrition emergency declared in February, with nearly 3.4 million people facing acute hunger. To address the crisis, the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan for Chad seeks $1.1 billion but is currently only 35% funded with $393 million, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
With approximately 1.9 million people affected, the UNFPA estimates that 85,000 of those impacted are pregnant women.
Many displaced families are now seeking refuge in makeshift shelters and schools, often without access to basic necessities such as clean water, sanitation, and health services. The risk of disease outbreaks, including diarrhea, malaria, respiratory infections, and skin conditions, is high in these overcrowded, unsanitary conditions. Read more and video…
He’s EXPOSING the truth of Antarctica’s SECRET Earthquake Generating Military Base
Former Raytheon Employee Eric Hecker, who worked at the South Pole Station in Antarctica, reveals how they use direct energy to control storms and Earthquakes.
Are We in a Covert Weather War? The Thin Line Between Science and Conspiracy
From military experiments to global geoengineering, the line between natural weather and manufactured climate has never been blurrier.
The Age-Old Dream of Controlling the Heavens
Since time immemorial, humanity has gazed skyward, both in awe of nature’s raw power and with an insatiable desire to harness it. From ancient rain dances to modern cloud seeding, our species has long sought to bend the forces of nature to our will. Today, as we stand on the precipice of what could be the most significant technological leap in human history – the ability to manipulate Earth’s climate on a global scale – a veil of secrecy and controversy has descended upon this once-fantastical notion.
The recent devastation wrought by storms like Helene and Milton has reignited a smoldering debate about the possibility of weather manipulation. As images of destruction flood social media, whispers of artificial enhancement and storm steering grow louder, challenging the boundaries between natural disasters and potential man-made catastrophes. This surge of public interest provides a rare window into the shadowy world of weather modification, a realm where science fiction seems to blur seamlessly into reality.
This article delves deep into the hidden history of atmospheric manipulation, exploring its military roots, examining cutting-edge technologies, and giving voice to the growing chorus of concerned citizens who see in our skies not just clouds, but the fingerprints of covert operations that could reshape our world. Read more…
Two teachers yanked from Texas classroom accused of giving students sleeping ‘stickers’
The alleged incident occurred on September 24, and the teachers involved were ‘immediately removed from the classroom,’ pending a police investigation, according to the school district
Two teachers have been suspended from a Texas elementary school after allegedly giving students special “stickers” to make them sleep.
According to the Spring Independent School District, the incident occurred on September 24, and the teachers involved were “immediately removed from the classroom,” pending a police investigation.
“Northgate Elementary administration was notified by a parent that their child was given a sleeping aid patch in the classroom by their teacher,” a statement shared with The Independent read.
“Upon learning of the allegation the teachers in that classroom were immediately removed and placed on administrative leave.” The district added that “as a precautionary measure,” two paraprofessionals in the classroom had also been placed on administrative leave. Read more…
U.S. Military Now Authorized to Kill Americans on U.S. Soil? New DoD Directive Drops
Just ahead, intriguingly, of the November elections, the U.S. military has granted itself permission to unleash “lethal force” on the civilian population in cases of “national security” emergency.
“As the U.S. prepares for one of the most controversial and closely watched elections in its history, a concerning update to DoD Directive 5240.01 has quietly been put into effect. Reissued on September 27, 2024, this directive governs the Department of Defense’s (DoD) intelligence activities and now includes provisions authorizing lethal force in certain circumstances when assisting civilian law enforcement. While the directive forbids assassination, it opens the door to lethal interventions under “national security” conditions….
DoD Authorizes Lethal Force Against Americans
The reissuance of DoD Directive 5240.01 repealed previous versions, including the 1982 DoD 5240.1-R. While the update might seem routine, the changes regarding the use of lethal force in domestic operations are significant.
In the 2016 version, the directive primarily focused on intelligence collection and ensuring civil liberties protections for U.S. persons. It emphasized strict oversight and the need for authorization before collecting U.S. person information.
However, the 2024 version expands the military’s role, particularly in assisting civil law enforcement, and authorizes lethal force under specific conditions, raising questions about its use during potential civil unrest surrounding the election.”
Read more…
North Korea blows up parts of inter-Korean road and rail links in a symbolic display of anger
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — In a symbolic display of anger, North Korea on Tuesday blew up the northern sections of unused road and rail routes that once linked it with South Korea, with the rivals exchanging threats days after the North claimed that the South flew drones over its capital Pyongyang.
The choreographed demolition underlines North Korea’s growing anger against South Korea’s conservative government. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has vowed to sever relations with South Korea and abandon the goal of achieving peaceful Korean unification.
Observers say it’s unlikely Kim will launch a preemptive, large-scale attack on South Korea because of fear that an almost certain massive retaliation by the more superior forces of the United States and South Korea would threaten Pyongyang’s survival.
In response to the explosions, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said its military fired warning shots within southern sections of the border as it bolstered its readiness and surveillance posture. The statement did not give details, but the move could have been an attempt to avert cross-border fire by North Korea.
South Korea’s Unification Ministry, which handles affairs with North Korea, separately condemned the North’s detonations as a “highly abnormal” and “regressive” measure that violates previous inter-Korean agreements. Read more…
Hackers Make Robot Vacuums Go Rogue Inside Houses
Ecovacs devices hurled racial slurs at US customers.
Those robot vacuums are handy devices—until they allow strangers to watch your family, hurl racial slurs, and torment the dog. ABC News of Australia reports that hackers gained control of Chinese-made Ecovacs Deebot X2s in the homes of US customers. It’s not clear how many devices were compromised, but the outlet rounds up examples from Minnesota, Los Angeles, and El Paso, Texas.
- In Minnesota, lawyer Daniel Swenson says what sounded like a teenage voice began yelling “f—ing n—–s” over and over in front of his family. A similar incident happened in El Paso. In Los Angeles, one of the devices began chasing the family dog—because the hackers gained control of the device’s camera and remote operations.
This hack may sound like a bunch of bored teens goofing around, but it demonstrates how easily hackers can gain access to people’s homes to spy through cameras and microphones, notes Gizmodo. “A lot of the time the intent of these intruders is just to be punks,” writes Tom Maxwell. “But you have to wonder how many times it happens and no one knows about it.”
Ecovacs denies its devices were to blame for any vulnerability, though ABC demonstrated six months ago how easily it could commandeer one of the company’s vacuums from afar and see through its camera inside a home. The latest hack may come down to a PIN code vulnerability. A four-digit code is needed to gain access to the device’s video feed, but the code “is not validated server-side—meaning anyone with the basic know-how of a tool like Chrome web inspector could bypass it,” per Gizmodo. Its takeaway: Before buying any kind of smart device for the home, put due diligence into checking the company’s security measures. And maybe stop using the same PIN code over and over. Read more…
Update from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich 15 October 24