This weeks Special Report is on the Assassination Attempt on Donald J. Trump

‘INCREDIBLE HONOR’- JD Vance reacts to becoming Trump’s VP pick 

Transcript: Read the full Biden interview with Lester Holt on NBC News

LESTER HOLT: Mr. President, thank you for sitting down with us. There’s a lot to talk about. I’d like to start with the horrible events of last weekend that has shocked a lot of Americans. At a political rally your opponent, Donald Trump — shot — in the middle of greeting his — his supporters. You spoke to Mr. Trump afterward. Can you give me — a sense of that conversation?

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Very cordial. I told him how concerned I was, and want to make sure I knew how he was actually doing. He sounded good. He said he was fine and he thanked me for calling him. I told him he was literally in the prayers of Jill and me, and I hope his whole family was weathering this.  Read more…

President Trump’s Speech at the Republican National Convention

One Way Or Another Biden Is Being Replaced,
The Attempted Assassination Was A Double Op

Widespread technology outage disrupts flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world

July 19th – FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — A global technology outage grounded flights, knocked banks offline and media outlets off air on Friday after a faulty software update disrupted companies and services around the world and highlighted their dependence on just a handful of providers.

The trouble with the update issued by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike and affecting computers running Microsoft Windows was not a security incident or cyberattack, according to CrowdStrike, which said a fix was on the way.

But hours later, the disruptions continued — and escalated.

Long lines formed at airports in the U.S., Europe and Asia as airlines lost access to check-in and booking services at a time when many travelers are heading away on summer vacations. Hospitals and doctor’s offices had problems with their appointment systems, and cancelled surgeries.  Read more…

A disturbing reminder of vulnerability

“This is a very, very uncomfortable illustration of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” said Ciaran Martin, a professor at Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government and former Head of Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre.

Cyber expert James Bore said real harm would be caused by the outage because systems people have come to rely on at critical times are not going to be available. Hospitals, for example, will struggle to sort out appointments and those who need care may not get it — and it will lead to deaths, he said.

“All of these systems are running the same software,” Bore said. “We’ve made all of these tools so widespread that when things inevitably go wrong — and they will, as we’ve seen — they go wrong at a huge scale.”  Read more…

The CrowdStrike Global Outage Shows the Serious Dangers of a Centralised, Digitised World

The perils of over-reliance on digital systems have been once again highlighted by the crashing of computer systems around the world due to an update to the Falcon antivirus and security product from CrowdStrike affecting its interaction with Windows operating systems. The update has caused chaos for banking, retail, railways, airports, healthcare and for a wide range of other businesses and infrastructure where the Falcon software runs on Windows systems. Advice for bringing affected computers back into working order has been published but the exact mechanism by which the update caused “Blue Screen of Death” errors does not appear to have yet been reported.  Read more…

Putin’s Adrenochrome Taskforce Intercept Israeli Ship Trafficking Hundreds of Kids

Russian special forces have liberated dozens of children from an Israeli-registered ship, as President Putin’s war against the global adrenochrome industry kicks into high gear.

Following the discovery of a factory farm operation in Ukraine, Putin formed an “adrenochrome task force” of special agents and handpicked Spetznas to deal with the growing crisis.

According to reports, Israeli-registered ship was apprehended within the Russian sphere of influence in the Black Sea on July 10, and children were being held captive in atrocious conditions.

Hardened Russian soldiers who thought they had seen it all fought tears as they described the horrors of finding so many children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade operating out of Israel.

WEF Order Govt’s To Strip Parents of All Rights: ‘Children Belong to the State’

The globalist war on children opened a new front this week as California Gov. Gavin Newsom responded to longstanding globalist pressure by signing AB1955, a bill which threatens to allow the state to take away your children for the crime of being an interested and concerned mother or father.

The globalist elite have long dreamed of the day they can enact their longstanding plans to destroy the nuclear family and seize ownership of children, and now they are making their move.

Wpath Leaked Emails Spark Controversy

Leaked emails from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) reveal internal debates and disagreements among members regarding the best practices and guidelines for transgender healthcare. These leaks have sparked discussions about transparency and also revealed that the Biden Administration pushed for no age restrictions for medical transition of minors.

New Study Reveals Govt Covid Measures Had No Impact

A new study has been released looking at over 100,000 models of measures taken by governments in over 180 countries to try and curb the COVID pandemic. The shocking results show that lockdowns, masking, fiscal stimulus and school closures had no impact on stopping the spread of the virus.

BREAKING: Record-level data from Czech Republic FOIA proves that the Moderna vaccines increased all-cause mortality by over 50% (and the Pfizer vaccines weren’t safe either)

“Safe and effective?” Using this new data, we can finally prove that the COVID vaccines were not safe or effective for anyone of any age. No COVID benefits, and they increased your risk of death.

Record-level vaccination-death data obtained legally under FOIA from the Czech Republic can be easily analyzed to compare the one-year mortality rates for each individual age group by brand. If the vaccines are all safe, the mortality should be very similar, differing only by marginal effectiveness. If we exclude months of COVID mortality, the mortality rates between brands should be nearly identical, only differing due to very small composition differences between participants in each age group of the same sex and age.

Unfortunately, the brands differ substantially whether or not you exclude the COVID months of death.

The importance of this article is that it proves, for the first time, using gold-standard unimpeachable data and a new brain-dead simple analysis method that is not subject to confounding, that the COVID vaccines increased all-cause mortality.

This article will be ignored by the mainstream media and medical community for as long as possible. This is why it is important to spread the word.  Read more…

SHOCKING & EYE-OPENING Interview w/ Dr. David Martin

Shocking RFK Jr. and Trump Call Leaked

Before COVID, it was well-known that Trump was skeptical on vaccines. However, during the pandemic, it seems as if Trump’s stance on them shifted, at least according to the COVID vaccine. Now, a leaked phone call between RFK and Trump shows he may not be as far off from some of us as we may think — what else was said on the call?

Elijah Schaffer gets into all this and more.

We were never sick, we have been poisoned. The cabal brought the sickness & they also brought even more deadlier drugs — depopulation of humanity in the World.

▪️ AIDS: 
US-Patent 5676977 ( 

▪️ H1N1:
US-Patent 8835624 (

▪️ Ebola:
US-Patent 20120251502 ( 

▪️ Swine Flu:
US-Patent CA2741523 A1 (Erased from Google)

▪️ BSE:
US-Patent 0070031450 A1 (Erased from Google)

▪️ ZIKA ATTC VR-84 (Rockefeller foundation)

▪️ SARS:
US-Patent 789774 & 8506968 (

▪️ Coronavirus:
US-Patent 10130701 (

Mother Finally Wins Battle to Protect Disabled Son from COVID Vaccine

A British mother spent her life savings to win a battle to protect her disabled son from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, but the court’s decision avoided ruling on the “crux of this issue,” according to medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D.“How could it be that the state could override a mother [and] order to have her child vaccinated?” medical commentator John Campbell, Ph.D., asked on a recent episode of his YouTube show.

Campbell discussed the recent legal victory, reported in The Telegraph, of a British mother whose disabled 24-year-old son had a chromosomal abnormality that experts testified put him at greater risk for heart damage from the COVID-19 vaccine.

In 2021, the mother, who goes by the pseudonym “Sarah,” did not want her son “Tom” to get the COVID-19 vaccine given the risks posed to someone with his condition. Yet, doctors and social workers demanded he be vaccinated for the “greater good of society.”

After a three-year court battle, where Sarah spent her entire life savings of 25,000 pounds, plus an additional 65,000 pounds she raised through crowdfunding, she won the case to protect her son from vaccination….

Campbell said the court’s conclusion was problematic because it leaves open the possibility that, during the pandemic, it would have been right to vaccinate Tom. The ruling “doesn’t really address the crux of the issue,” he said.

“The uncomfortable issues of the state ordering a mother to do something she doesn’t want to do to her child to me is the fundamental issue,” he said.  Read more…

Nature’s Synergy: Vitamin D and Curcumin Piperine Offer New Hope for Lupus Patient

In a world where autoimmune diseases like lupus often leave patients and doctors feeling helpless, a groundbreaking study offers a ray of hope from an unexpected source: the spice rack and sunshine vitamin.

The Silent Battle: Understanding Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), commonly known as lupus, is a complex autoimmune disease that affects approximately 5 million people worldwide.1 This condition, which disproportionately impacts women, causes the immune system to attack the body’s own tissues, leading to inflammation and damage in various organs. The unpredictable nature of lupus flares can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life, making even simple daily activities a challenge.

Conventional Treatments: A Double-Edged Sword

For decades, the standard approach to treating lupus has relied heavily on immunosuppressants and corticosteroids. While these medications can be effective in managing symptoms, they come with a host of side effects, ranging from increased susceptibility to infections to long-term organ damage.2 Moreover, these treatments rarely lead to complete remission or halt the disease’s progression, leaving patients in a constant state of managing rather than overcoming their condition.

A Spicy Revolution in Lupus Treatment

In this landscape of limited options, a recent clinical trial published in Current Rheumatology Reviews offers a refreshing perspective on lupus management. The study, led by Cesarius Singgih Wahono and colleagues, explored the potential of a natural combination therapy using vitamin D and curcumin-piperine.3

The researchers state their hypothesis clearly: “Curcumin-piperine might synergise with vitamin D to induce clinical remission in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).” This approach represents a significant shift from conventional treatments, focusing on boosting the body’s natural anti-inflammatory responses rather than suppressing the immune system wholesale.  Read more…

New Studies Show Pediatric “Best Practices” Not Based In Science

Learning nothing from the opioid crisis, research misconduct and regulatory failure has opened the door to widespread public harm from new classes of weight loss and trans medicine drugs classes. Also, a new kind of scientific methodology is being brought to the forefront, driven by AI.

Unsafe Start: Heavy Metals Found in Baby Formula

Founder of Moms Across America, Zen Honeycutt, shares the alarming results of a recent study with Pediatrician, Michelle Perro, MD, testing the leading infant formulas for toxic metals. Hear the shocking results, and learn which brands have the most dangerous levels of heavy metals, several being substantially higher than what the FDA considers safe. Then, they discuss alarming amounts of gluten and glyphosate found in gluten free products.

Your NHS doctor is now an authorised climate change advisor.

The Telegraph confirms that UK doctors are being advised to ‘start talking to patients about climate change’

A new green toolkit produced by the Royal College of Physicians tells its members they are “uniquely placed” to raise the issue in consultations and that they should “repeat it often”.

I Will Repeat It a Hundred Times: Ursula von der Leyen Is Not Eligible as the
Future President of the EU Commission!

Due to the corruption investigations currently underway against her, she is not even suitable as a potential candidate.

Yesterday, I therefore used the first meeting of the new EU Parliament to call on those responsible to postpone the election of the future Commission President until the investigations into Ursula Von der Leyen have been concluded or at least until it has been legally clarified whether she is even eligible as a candidate.

The Brussels political establishment doesn’t want to hear it, but I’m sticking my finger deeper and deeper into their wounds. 
— Christine Anderson

Polish MEP destroys Von der Leyen ahead of vote

Ewa Zajaczkowska laid into European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for championing policies that have dragged Europe into becoming an “economic backwater”.

The Polish MEP slammed the “climate craziness” of the Green Deal, before raging at the migration pact that has left “millions of women… feeling threatened on the streets of their own cities”.

“You should go to prison, not the European Commission,” she said.

European Court of Justice Rules That EU Commission Chief Ursula von Der Leyen Has Violated European Law by Keeping the mRNA Injection Contracts Excessively Secret

According to a ruling by the EU Court, Ursula von der Leyen’s EU Commission violated EU law by keeping secret information on corona vaccine contracts worth billions. With regard to possible conflicts of interest and compensation rules for vaccine manufacturers, the Brussels authority did not grant sufficient access to documents, the judges in Luxembourg decided. The ruling can be appealed before the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

Despite violating European Law Ursula von Der Leyen is re-elected as Chief of the European Union with 401 votes against 284.  She goes on to declares “Europe will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes”, declaring her intention to create “common air defense.” 

Wait, What The F*ck Just Happened In France?

On 7th July French voters once again kept the far right out of power. But how democratic was it?

Leeds in rubble: Clear-up begins after night of shame which saw a patrol car tipped over and a bus torched – as questions grow over how the city was left to burn for hours after riot police were driven out by thugs

The clear-up in Leeds has begun after a night of mayhem and rioting saw ‘violent’ thugs flipping a police car, torching a bus and causing ‘£1million of damage’. 

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer today condemned the ‘shocking and disgraceful’ disorder, while Home Secretary Yvette Cooper insisted police would have her full backing to take swift and decisive action against the rioters. 

It comes as officers were today spotted at the aftermath of the chaos, with cars still smouldering in the streets and a police cordon still in place. 

The pandemonium erupted in Harehills, east Leeds early yesterday evening following an outbreak of ‘serious disorder’ that saw bonfires lit across the city, a police car overturned and a double decker bus torched, reducing it to a charred and twisted wreck.  Read more and video

The UN’s top court has ruled that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories, including settlements, is illegal and should be withdrawn as soon as possible

International Court of Justice rejects all objections raised by Israel, United States, and other Western nations, ruling that Israel’s occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and all settlements is unlawful.

The ICJ further declared that Israel is committing racial segregation and apartheid in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The 15-judge panel said Israel’s ‘abuse of its status as the occupying power’ renders its ‘presence in the occupied Palestinian territory unlawful,’ while issuing a sweeping condemnation of the country’s rule over the lands it captured 57 years ago.

It says its continued presence was ‘illegal’ and should be ended as ‘rapidly as possible.’  Read more…

3 Gorges Dam Flooding

800,000 cubic metre landslide on banks of 3 Gorges Dam Reservoir

The location is reported to be Jiajiadian Village, Guizhou Town, Zigui County, Hubei Province, on the banks of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Reports indicate that the landslide has a volume of about 800,000 cubic metres. The 17 July 2024 landslide in Zigui County, China.

Chinese State Media 3 Gorges Dam Open Flood Gates