How music industry really works

“Alzheimer’s is a physician CAUSED disease”

It didn’t even occur in people 40 years ago. And now it’s the #4 killer of people in the USA over age 65!!

What is Alzheimer’s disease? Well, it’s the disappearing of your brain’s insulation, the Myelin!! What is Myelin made out off? It’s made from CHOLESTEROL!!!

”If you go on a low Cholesterol diet or cholesterol medication, it’s the fastest way to Alzheimer’s disease”

Drugmakers Hid Suicides, Manipulated Data to Falsely Show Safety in Antidepressant Drug Trials
Drugmakers rig trials to make dangerous, ineffective drugs like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI, antidepressants seem safe and effective using tactics like subjective metrics, deliberately harming placebo groups, hiding reactions, brief studies, recruiting only healthy subjects and burying incriminating documents


Farmers are protesting in Berlin and throughout Germany blocking major highways in what they have said will be the largest protest the country has ever seen. They are also supported in other European nations by farmers and truckers.

A long but very interesting interview with Del Bigtree from the HighWire and Barbara Loe Fisher who was involved in the setting up of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Actand discusses how it was changed after it was bought into law and why it should not be completely scrapped.

“In 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act into Law, inadvertently setting the table for the pharmaceutical industry to become the most influential industry on earth. But that isn’t the whole story. Barbara Loe Fisher, a pioneer of the Vaccine Injury Awareness movement, was at the table, fighting for families and children as this controversial law took form. Listen to Barbara as she tells the untold story of the 1986 Act and how it came to be. Learn the betrayal that paved the way for vaccine manufacturers to secure immunity from liability for their products, opening the door for the complete capture of the agencies charged with regulating the vaccine industry and protecting the public trust.”

1986: The Untold Story

The Six Lesson we didn’t learn_from COVID 19 with Dr David Martin

Skip the Rx, Just Breathe: How Meditation Beats Medication

“With side effect warnings so long they require magnifying glasses to read, could drugs be replaced by something much simpler and safer? Science shows just minutes of meditation may be all you need to skip the pharmacy and feel better fast.
Seldom will you find a pharmacy dispensing recommendations on meditation, although it is regular part of my counseling practice. I firmly believe that if we as a society become more mindful, we will not only reduce stress and chaos in our lives, we will make a tremendous impact on our health, reducing the need for medications.
Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for your health and wellbeing. Meditation is easy, free, feels great, comes with no drug interactions, has shown profound success in preventative medicine, as well as a perfect complement to any course of medical therapy.”  Read more…

Average bottle of water contains 240,000 pieces of cancer-causing nanoplastics – 100 times more than previously thought

“Bottles of plastic water contain hundreds of thousands of toxic microscopic plastic particles, new research has found.

The findings are likely to shock anyone who has swapped from tap to bottled water, believing it was better for their health.

Drinking water from a bottle could mean you are contaminating your body with tiny bits of plastic, which scientists fear can accumulate in your vital organs with unknown health implications.

Nanoplastics have already been linked to cancer, fertility problems and birth defects.”  Read more…

UN temporarily closes Geneva headquarters due to lack of funds

The United Nations’ European headquarters in Geneva, known as The Palace of Nations, will remain closed until 12 January due to a liquidity crisis within the organisation. The decision has been taken to economise heating, electricity and maintenance costs.

“Surging energy prices have strained the UN’s budget, necessitating the palace’s closure from 20 December to 12 January. This news was confirmed on Friday by UN spokesperson Alessandra Vellucci according to Swiss radio station SRF. Swiss broadcaster RTS had previously hinted at a temporary closure until 7 January.”  Read more…


Neil Oliver delivers a sobering and thoughtful monologue and critique of the conspiracy theories, frightening people, inability to earn a living, various injectables, Banana Republic, Granny killers and excess deaths.