GEMA News 16-22 Sept

Florida Health Department WARNS Providers NOT to Inject ANYONE with mRNA Vaccines,
Not Even the Elderly

Surgeon General Ladapo issued Florida’s updated COVID guidance warning healthcare providers against the use of COVID-19 mRNA injections and advising they warn their patients of their harmful effects.

Karen Kingston: September 16, 2024: I’m excited to share some fantastic news! Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo and the Florida Department of Health have officially (and harshly) advised against injecting ANY Florida residents with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, including those with co-morbidities or are 65 and older.

“…the State Surgeon General advises AGAINST the use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Any provider concerned about the health risks associated with COVID-19 for patients over the age of 65 or with underlying health conditions should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment.

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FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox — Warns It May Cause Death
in Vaccinated and People They Come in Contact With

ACAM2000, a vaccine approved last month by the FDA for mpox, comes with a list of “serious complications,” including myocarditis, death and fetal death. The FDA’s medication guide also warns that people who receive the vaccine may spread it to unvaccinated people, who also risk developing vaccine side effects, including death.

A vaccine approved in August by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for people deemed to be at “high risk” for mpox infection may cause more harm than good, according to the FDA’s own medication guide for the product.

ACAM2000 — made by Emergent BioSolutions, a company specializing in vaccines for biochemical warfare threats such as anthrax and smallpox — was approved for smallpox in 2007.

However, on Aug. 29, the FDA issued an expanded supplement approval for ACAM2000’s use against mpox.

Since then, social media users have been posting clips of the FDA’s ACAM2000 medication guide, which warns the vaccine may cause “serious complications” in both the vaccinated person and those with whom they come into close contact up to 6 weeks after getting the shot.

Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D. — senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defense — told The Defender that the FDA’s approval of the shot is a “public hazard, not the practice of public health.”

“You can call ACAM2000 a ‘vaccine,’ but its impact on the United States will be as a ‘disease,’” Jablonowski said.
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Nanotech Vaccine Nanoparticles – A Bioweapon for World Population Control

As with the last one, the next global pandemic is sure to be blamed on a non-existent virus. Further, in the hidden agenda, a “virus” will be used as an excuse to vaccinate the world population.

More attention is now given to mRNA. However, certain researchers such as la Quinta Columna claim that it’s not about mRNA (spike protein): It’s really about the self-replicating nanotech vaccine nanoparticles. This makes it a bioweapon for world population control.

It beggars belief to some of us that there’s so many people having no idea that this is going on. The next “vaccine,” having no purification, isolation and identification data to prove its existence, no evidence for its efficacy, as it’s fake, will also cause meteoric rises in many illnesses as in previous fake vaccines.

Further mounting evidence from growing sources confirm that these injected vaccines contain self-assembling nanoparticles with graphene oxide.

These self-replicating nanoparticles with graphene oxide in the body through vaccine injectables are present to amplify the controlled signalling of electrical and electromagnetic frequencies. This signalling has been designed to integrate with the human body, into the cloud (aka the ‘Internet of Things’) with 4G, 5G and the soon to be 6G.

This is why we have an abundance of towers. Then there’s the increasing space satellites. This cloud system is in place to technologically interact with the expanding self-replicating nanotech and graphene oxide in the body. It will be used to produce the AI-controlling ‘hive mind.’

Neuralink is another related project in motion that will be used to produce the AI controlling ‘hive mind.’ Besides Elon Musk, Google, the World Economic Forum and other avid proponents such as Ray Kurzweil are also involved… A number of these proponents have given us the ultimatum: Integrate with the ‘hive mind’ as 

 or otherwise, you will soon cease to exist if you remain a mk-1 human.  Read more… 

Digitally Manipulated Humans and Medically Assisted Death – Set to Become the Flagship Policy
of the British National Health Service

 Julian Rose: I can’t help wondering, is Medically Assisted Death (MAD) a symbol of the state of mind of Great Britain today?

Have the citizens of this storm-lashed island finally put their lives completely in the hands of those who devise so called ‘national health policies’ – 100% reliant on the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry to keep people alive?

‘Alive’? Surely not, this is a misnomer. Let us not denigrate life to a description of human beings becoming dumbed down replicas of the walking dead.

Ex Prime Minister and war criminal Tony Blair, has lent his voice to the latest proclamations of the newly elected Starmer government, that a fully IT based healthcare system is the future of the British National Health Service (NHS).


The emphasis is on replacing general practitioners (GPs) with non-human digital health diagnoses and treatments. Just as in the food and farming world, farmers are to be replaced by robots and real food by synthetic laboratory lookalikes, under the mantle of the World Economic Forum’s Green New Deal.

Tony Blair recently got together with Keir Starmer and his medical/health advisory panels to help spread the word that a new emphasis must be placed on legalising medically assisted death in the UK. A highly controversial issue which has been simmering under the surface for some time.

With brain targeted ‘behavioural adjustment’ technologies now being part of the cult’s expanding medical armoury, and mass media’s continuous pushing the story of ‘human vulnerability’ to new diseases – only being preventable by big pharma’s vax programme – doesn’t this add up to the calculated destruction of our human instinct to support our natural health and freedom of choice?  Read more…

The Australian Government Reboots the Misinformation Bill

This week, Australia’s Labor Party reintroduced its misinformation and disinformation bill. I did a deep dive into the bill last May. Among its many flaws, the biggest is its very origins.

As Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said in Parliament on September 12th, “This bill seeks to strengthen the voluntary code by providing a regulatory backstop.” That code was co-written by First Draft, participants in the Aspen Institute’s coordinated effort to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story.

If that story is new to you, the Twitter Files revealed that in August 2020, the Aspen Institute organised a “table-top” exercise with Twitter, Facebook, First Draft and a host of media organisations including the New York Times and Washington Post, that ran through a day-by-day playbook of how they would respond to the release of Hunter Biden’s laptop. The story didn’t break publicly until October, so how did the Aspen Institute know two months in advance?

Mark Zuckerberg thought the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story was so egregious he recently issued a sort of apology.

To be even more explicit, the bill extends the code, which is written in part by an organisation that worked to suppress a true story of major historical significance. It should be dead on arrival. It tells you all you need to know about the real aims of the bill.

But the Labor Party is adamant they want it passed, and they can likely count on the Greens and independents in the Senate to pass it. It was after all the Greens that recently teamed up with Labor to pass the Digital ID bill.

Predictably, Rowland cited the Bondi Junction attacks and the riots in the U.K. as part of her justification for the bill. Perhaps the most significant disinformation spread about the Bondi stabbing was reporting done by mainstream media. In such cases, there are already defamation laws that can deal with such issues. Interestingly, professional news organisations remain exempt in the updated version of bill.  Read more…

Breaking: International Governments Are Criminalizing Free Speech Through Global Coordination;
New Files Expose Plot

In a chilling assault on free speech, governments and shadowy organizations are secretly collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative.

EXPOSED: The Secret Global Plot to Silence and Criminalize Dissent 

In a chilling assault on free speech, newly obtained documents reveal how international governments are collaborating to silence dissent and criminalize those who dare to question the official narrative. Spearheaded by the Biden-Harris administration in the U.S. and the Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU) in the UK, these revelations highlight a disturbing global effort to suppress free speech and control the flow of information. 

The new files, uncovered through America First Legal’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, show how the U.S. and UK governments, in partnership with powerful non-governmental organizations (NGOs) like the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) and international bodies like NATO and the G7, have formed a global alliance to label and criminalize dissent. This global coordination is not just theoretical but has already manifested through Big Tech censorship, legal frameworks like the UK Online Safety Act 2023, and government pressure on social media platforms to deplatform individuals who challenge dominant narratives, especially those relating to health policies and vaccinesRead more…

Meta has acknowledged that all text and photos that adult Facebook and Instagram users have publicly published since 2007 have been fed into its artificial intelligence models. Australia’s ABC News reports that Meta’s global privacy director, Melinda Claybaugh, initially rejected claims about user data from 2007 being leveraged for AI training during a local government inquiry about AI adoption before relenting after additional questioning.

“The truth of the matter is that unless you have consciously set those posts to private since 2007, Meta has just decided that you will scrape all of the photos and all of the texts from every public post on Instagram or Facebook since 2007 unless there was a conscious decision to set them on private,” Green Party senator David Shoebridge pushed in the inquiry. “That’s the reality, isn’t it?”

“Correct,” Claybaugh responded.

Meta’s privacy center and blog posts acknowledge hoovering up public posts and comments from Facebook and Instagram to train generative AI:


“We use public posts and comments on Facebook and Instagram to train generative AI models for these features and for the open source community.

We don’t use posts or comments with an audience other than Public for these purposes.”

But the company has been vague about how data is used, when it started scraping, and how far back its collection goes. Asked by The New York Times in June, Meta didn’t answer, other than to confirm that setting posts to anything besides “public” will prevent future scraping. That still won’t delete data that has already been collected — and people posting back in 2007 (who may have been minors at the time) wouldn’t have known their photos and posts would be used in this way.  Read more…

Study warns of hormone-disrupting chemicals in children’s skincare products

As our awareness of the toxins present in our daily lives grows, many parents are going out of their way to limit their children’s exposure, whether it’s by scrutinizing food labels or avoiding plastics. However, one area that is often overlooked is skincare, and an eye-opening new study shows that many common products geared toward young children contain dangerous hormone-disrupting chemicals.

In a press release, George Mason University College of Public Health Professor Michael Bloom shared the findings of the study he led, cautioning: “We found associations between recent use of different skin care products and higher concentrations of phthalate and phthalate-replacement compounds.”

Phthalates are known for disrupting the human endocrine system and interfering with hormones, which is something that is particularly concerning in children, whose systems are still developing. These chemicals are often added to skincare products to improve qualities such as absorption and lubrication and make their fragrances last longer.

More than 600 children between the ages of 4 and 8 participated in the study across 10 clinical sites in the U.S., which entailed physical exams and urinalysis to detect the presence of phthalate byproducts in their bodies.

The children’s parents disclosed the skincare products that they had used on them during the 24 hours prior to examination, including shampoos, lotions, soaps, sunscreens and cosmetics. According to the researchers, the use of skincare products in the study’s participants was frequent, with most of them using at least one type of lotion and soap.

The study revealed that exposure to these toxins is linked to differences in immune function, neurodevelopment, body composition and pulmonary function. Although the researchers conceded that the evidence cannot be considered definitive right now, parents should proceed with caution given the many health hazards that have already been associated with phthalates.  Read more…

Shrinking island, vanishing polar bears — the climate scare stories that turn out to be false

Looking back on more than 20 years of climate agitation, two themes emerge: a stubborn unwillingness by campaigners to acknowledge any inconvenient science, and ever-shifting favorite stories, first elevated and then dropped by the wayside.

The one constant: a fixation on scaring the public, which has in turn shaped bad climate policies.

At the start of this century, the polar bear was the emblem of climate apocalypse.

Protesters dressed as polar bears, while Al Gore’s hit 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth” showed us a sad, animated polar bear floating away to its death.

The Washington Post warned that polar bears faced extinction, and the World Wildlife Fund’s chief scientist even claimed some polar bear populations would be unable to reproduce by 2012. 

And then in the 2010s, campaigners just stopped talking about polar bears.

Why? Because after years of misrepresentation, it finally became impossible for them to ignore a mountain of evidence showing that the global polar bear population has increased substantially from around 12,000 in the 1960s to around 26,000 in the present day. (The main reason? People are hunting a lot less polar bears). 

The same thing has happened with depictions of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

For decades, campaigners shouted that the reef was being killed off by rising sea temperatures.

After extensive damage from a hurricane in 2009, official Australian estimates of coral cover reached a low in 2012.

The media was flooded with claims of the “Great Reef Catastrophe” and scientists predicted the reef would be decimated by 2022. The Guardian even published an obituary

The latest official statistics show a completely different picture. For the past three years, the Great Barrier Reef has had more coral cover than at any point since records began in 1985, with 2024 setting a new record.  Read more…

Earth to get a new ‘moon’ this month that will orbit our planet for more than 50 days

Earth is about to gain a new cosmic companion as a small asteroid is on course to enter out planet’s orbit for about two months

Starting September 29, this ‘mini-moon’ will make a single orbit around Earth before moving on to other regions of the solar system.

This 33-foot-wide asteroid, now named 2024 PT5, was first spotted on August 7 by NASA‘s Asteroid Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), which may be seen using certain telescopes.

Researchers tracked the ‘mini-moon’s’ trajectory, finding it will briefly take up residence in Earth’s gravitational field until November 25.

When near-Earth objects – asteroids and comets – come within 28 million miles of Earth’s orbit, they follow a horseshoe-shaped path.

The orbit brings the objects closer to our planet at a low relative speed, which temporarily traps in Earth’s orbit like 2024 PT5 will.

Previous research had shown that this space rock does not pose a threat to Earth, but asteroid dynamics researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid suspected that it could temporarily take up residence in Earth’s gravitational field. 

The researchers analyzed data on the asteroid’s size, travel speed and trajectory to approximate its path over the two months following its discovery in August.  Read more…

US Congress to hold ‘huge’ UFO hearing

A massive flying disc was recently spotted above a missile base in Montana

The Senate Armed Services Committee is preparing to stage a new hearing to boost the credibility of the Pentagon’s division charged with dealing with unidentified flying objects, a senior lawmaker has said.

The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) was founded in July 2022, with the help of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a New York Democrat. She told the Daily Mail on Monday that she’s working to schedule a hearing within weeks.

“It’s a priority for me because I think it’s very important we continue to make things publicly available,” Gillibrand said. 

The Armed Services Committee intends to host 
“a progress report on how many unidentified aerial phenomena [UAP] we’ve assessed and analyzed, give examples of what we have identified and give examples of what we haven’t identified,” she told the outlet.

According to Gillibrand, the hearing should renew public trust in AARO, after a series of military whistleblower claims about the government covering up possible alien encounters.

“We also want to try to continue to build credibility within this office [AARO] so more of the public can feed in sightings and have a place and a platform to send information and inquiries,” she added, “because that’s eventually what this office is supposed to do.”

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