Dr. William Makis Exposes Child Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia and Abuse by Top Canadian Health Officials
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and Dr. William Makis discuss massive child abuse within Canada’s health industry.
Dr. Tenpenny
With Special Guest, Barbara Loe Fisher discuss Child hood Vaccination Act
In 1980, Barbara Loe Fisher’s oldest son suffered a convulsion, collapse, and brain inflammation within hours of his fourth DPT when he was two and a half years old. He was left with multiple learning disabilities. This led to the formation of National Vaccine Information Center, a non-profit charity she co-founded with Kathy Williams in 1982. The NVIC has long been the center of vaccination education, leading the way for parents to make informed decisions about vaccines before proceeding with the shot schedule.
For the past four decades, Barbara has led a national, grassroots, public information campaign, advocating for change in public health policies to protect children and adults. She has testified in Congress and state legislatures on vaccine policy and law. She has provided a series of written and oral public comments on vaccine science and policy issues for federal and state health agencies. She is well-known as one of the world’s leading non-medical, consumer advocacy experts on vaccination and human rights. In this interview, Barbara and Dr T share extensive information on the following:
* the 1986 Childhood Vaccination Act; Learn about the law of Liability Protection. Do you fully understand it? Listen here…
The Unseen Trauma: Rethinking Infant Circumcision in Light of New Pain Research

What if cutting deeply into and permanently altering the most sensitive part of an infant’s genital organs without pain relief caused lifelong trauma and harm–would this be acceptable, or an ethical breach that should be challenged?
Recent groundbreaking research has significantly advanced our understanding of how infants perceive pain. A study using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) revealed that the brain activity in newborns in response to pain stimuli closely resembles that of adults. This finding, highlighted in an eLife 2022 publication, challenges the longstanding belief that infants have a limited capacity to experience pain. Lead researcher Rebeccah Slater’s team observed significant activity in 18 of the 20 brain regions studied, indicating a highly developed pain processing capability in infants.
Moreover, it is discussed that aspects of circumcision may fall within the category of child sexual abuse. Read more…
Two-Thirds of COVID Patients Using Remdesivir Faced Side Effects in New Study
When remdesivir received emergency approval for COVID-19, real-world safety data took a backseat. A new study changes that.
A new study found that 66% of COVID-19 patients treated with the antiviral drug remdesivir experienced at least one adverse effect, with 14% having a severe adverse effect.
A new multicenter study published in the Journal of Korean Medical Science aimed to estimate the rate of adverse drug events (ADEs) experienced by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients using the antiviral medication remdesivir.1 Approved for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, remdesivir is believed to work by blocking viral replication.2 Previous clinical trials reported that remdesivir improved recovery times with mostly mild side effects.3,4 However, those studies had strict exclusion criteria, leaving open questions around its safety in real-world populations. Read more…
IMAGINE AN ENEMY THAT IS INVISIBLE, like a ghost or demon, except to
those who have special visionary powers. It lurks in unsuspecting places,
turning every person and every place into a potential threat. Once it takes hold, there’s no stopping it without the help of an arsenal of powerful poisons provided by the trusted protectors who are practiced at such exorcisms and know that their work inevitably results in some collateral damage. It’s a necessary sacrifice to exterminate the enemy. All bow to those who might protect us from this demonic takeover. There is no sacrifice too great if it promises to save us from such possession.
What if we told you that there is as much evidence for germs causing (or being the primary cause of) illness as there is for demonic possession with invisible entities that make us cough, purge, and waste away? And what if our collective belief in contagion, infection, and associated precautions, preventatives, and treatments is actually a belief system that has been leveraged for a century in service of population control and even depopulation?
We assert that the notion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus causing “COVID” is a recapitulation of the international infectious disease coup that took hold in
the 1980s, namely, that HIV causes AIDS. The aim here is to present our findings to propose that AIDS was a dress rehearsal for the present entrapment of citizens worldwide using the dominant COVID narrative.
The act of speaking the truth has been criminalised right before our eyes, says Neil Oliver
Truth is the kryptonite of the parasite class. There is nothing, nothing they fear like the crystal clear sound of someone somewhere telling the truth. So dangerous is the truth to those grown rich and fat on the profits of war and corruption, those who have profited most from all the lies and lying. The act of speaking the truth has been criminalised right before our eyes. Julian Assange, the Australian born journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, a non profit independent media outlet, has been held without trial in Belmarsh prison in London since 2019 for telling the truth. He published confidential details about, among much else, the identities of detainees in the dungeons of Guantanamo Bay filled to overflowing after the invasion of Afghanistan, about the Iraq War, about the relationship between the United States government and President Assad of Syria…
On Thursday, Tucker Carlson’s interview with the Russian President did no more and no less than give his audience the opportunity to watch and listen to a world leader stating his case, giving his opinion of events. Listen to him, or don’t, believe a word of what he says or don’t. Tucker Carlson at least let us look into Putin’s eyes, allowed us to consider his body language, to seek to weigh him up rather than merely demonising him as an irrational madman.
But the people of the West are being coerced into forgetting that opposing sides sitting down to listen to one another, to weigh one another’s words and gestures, is the essence of the diplomacy the West used to pride itself upon…. Watch and read more
Dr David Martin – Motives, Interests and the Importance of Public Accountability
Dr David Martin joins Hearts of Oak to unpack a number of aspects of what has been behind the last four years of destabilisation.
We start 20 years ago, in 2003 Dr Martin published a briefing on Coronavirus. Why was this on his radar 2 decades ago? We explore the hidden world of funding for pharma and research, which is widely unknown to the public. Yet it needs to be called out and Dr Martin has had some backlash for pointing out Vivek Ramaswamy’s links to this.
Is the motive behind all of this simply profit? ‘Profit with Impunity’ is a phrase that Dr Martin used in his speech in the UK Parliament back in December 2023 and we analyse that phrase. But its not just about money, it is a power grab and a reassessment of what freedoms we are allowed. There really is so much information packed into this interview, with people like Dr David Martin around, the truth will always come out.
Arctic Sea Ice Continues its Stonking Recovery
Arctic sea ice continued its stonking recovery last month, recording its 24th highest level in the 45-year modern satellite record. As reported previously in the Daily Sceptic, the ice climbed to a 21-year high on January 8th. Good news, of course, for ice fans and polar bears, but frankly a bit of a disaster if you are forecasting future summer swimming galas at the North Pole to promote a collectivist Net Zero agenda. Live by the sword, die by the sword – if you cherry-pick the scientific record to state the climate is collapsing, it might be thought you have some explaining to do when the trend reverts to the norm. Just ask coral alarmists about two years of record growth on the Great Barrier Reef. Sadly, explanations there are none, just a deafening, stunned silence. Read more…

“The EU are frightened… they’re beginning to realise that people will no longer let them get away with it… people are beginning to realise that [climate change] is a gigantic lie”
Why Is Almost Everything Fake These Days?

To rule over others you must force or deceive, and forcing 7.5 billion people is unworkable. That’s why the psychopathic would-be tyrants want to de-populate and to deceive, track, trace, inject, confuse, destabilize, demoralize and control the rest of us.
Their motto might as well be: “Fake it ’til you take it!”
We are immersed in:
- Fake leaders — manipulative force vs. inspiring power of truth and courage
- Fake banker’s wars started by lies and false flags, funded with stolen taxes and false credit
- Debt-based, made-up, fake money instead of asset-backed real currency
- Government indoctrination instead of curiosity-led education
- Fake-news media instead of truth-seeking journalism
- Oil and germ-based fake medicine instead of holistic natural healing
- Fear and myth-based coercive religions instead of direct experience spirituality
- Greed and domination instead of universal morality — based on non-aggression
- Porn, pedophilia, prostitution and perversion rather than intimacy and lovemaking
- Fake highs of gambling, social media and drugs instead of the earned happiness of discipline and accomplishment (dopamine vs. serotonin)
- Fake intelligence (digital calculation of AI, Transhumans and Posthumans) instead of the hard-won and lasting fulfillment of awake, aware, caring and realized humans!
Perhaps the ultimate extreme — the emerging digital Deep Fakes — will lead us to question what’s real at a more fundamental level. Read more…
Alex Jones & David Icke Debate Elon Musk (Adrian Dittmann), Transhumanism
“A News Gem, Alex Jones and David Icke have a conversation and David takes things to a higher level of clarity as to what the underlying manipulation is with the use of the Left Right dialectic to play both sides against the middle. Listen carefully to David explain this, because he presents an important level of sharpening one’s Decoder Ring and Discernment Wand (I just made that up) and the Gemmiest part of this is how amusing it is how many times David has to get Alex to stop making it about himself, while maintaining his cool and saying “Hold on Mate, give me a chance to say what the fuck I came here to say” but in his very tempered coolness and patience. And a big exposure of the real Elon agenda.” Ken Cousens
Schwab Rebrands Great Reset to ‘Humanocracy’: Unlocking Potential or Centralizing Power?
In a remarkable shift, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has rebranded the Great Reset from a ‘technocracy’ to a ‘humanocracy’. The announcement was made at the 2024 World Government Summit in Dubai, where Schwab emphasized the importance of using technology to unlock human potential and create a better world. Read more…