Hippocrates famously said “LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE AND MEDICINE BE THY FOOD.” Today what is more important is what our body absorbs and it is getting harder and harder to get the nourishment we need to thrive from our diet. We are also daily being bombarded with toxins, not just from processed foods, genetically modified foods sprayed with pesticides and herbicides (see more in Are we Being Poisoned?) but also from fluoride (see more in Fluoridation of water) and other chemicals in our water supply, chemtrails raining down barium, aluminium and a heap of other chemicals and microorganisms that we don’t know about, that we are breathing in and absorbing through our skin. There is a growing organic movement to provide clean food, but how much is truly organic as these crops are also been covered by what is coming out of the chemtrails. In this report we look at the specific ways they are poisoning our food or feeding us something that really should not be termed “food”. Our governments are also trying to stop us growing our own food and are raiding and taking to court Amish Farmer (see below) who provide organic food and raw milk products.
This messing with our food and water supply is just one of many ways the Cabal, the deep state are using to make us constantly sick and to reduce the population to 800 million by 2030. This was agreed by 160 nations in 1994 at the World Population Summit in Cairo, Egypt where they all agreed the population was out of control and had to be reduced. They have been doing everything they can since to reach this number and this includes the COVID plandemic and reducing our access to healthy nutritous food.
It is impossible at this time to eliminate toxins totally, but we can reduce our exposure by using natural cleaning and skin care products, avoiding processed foods and eating organic and preferably home grown food as much as possible cooked in stainless steel or cast iron pans, filtering our water and doing regular detox protocols.
Sofia Smallstorm returns to SGT Report with the shocking truth about our food, and specfically, our young ones food. The school lunch programs nationwide are almost 100% polluted and quite deadly, containing more toxins than nutrients.
Mom’s Across America Executive Director, Zen Honeycutt, breaks down the groundbreaking study her organization helped sponsor testing 21 of the biggest fast food chains and the horrifying levels of deadly toxins, heavy metals and chemicals they found including glyphosate. In addition, they found that these foods are deficient in key nutrients necessary for mental health.

RFK Jr: “We’re Being Mass Poisoned”
“Americans didn’t suddenly get lazy,” says Robert Kennedy Jr., speaking on the obesity crisis.
“We’re being mass poisoned by a food industry that is highly subsidized and that owns Congress.”
“We’re the only country in the world that allows public funding for food to go to soft drinks. So, it’s 10% of food stamps are going to sugar water that is designed to make you diabetic.”
Furthermore, over 90% of Medicare bills are going towards treating chronic disease, a health epidemic that Kennedy described as “gravy trains for pharma.”

“When the words “citric acid” appear on a ingredient list, many believe it comes from limes / lemons. The truth is citric acid is poison & comes from genetically modified black mold. Hiding known toxins in food for the masses to consume is actually a form of spiritual warfare carried out by evil forces in a direct attempt to lower the population’s vitality & natural vibrational frequency.”
Beware of what you are cooking your food in as cookware coated with teflon, other non stick coatings or made from silicone can leach into the food when heated. This is also true for plastic and aluminium packaging, so always transfer food to ceramic, heat proof glass, stainless steal, or enameld containers before cooking.
“As farmers across Europe protest for their livelihood, Bill Gates is promoting a company called Savor, in which he’s investing.
Savor is working to replace animal-based butter with synthetic butter. In a recent ad, Gates said:
“Animal fat is the secret ingredient that gives many foods their richness, juiciness, meltability, and overall flavor. But it’s bad for the climate, so Savor has developed a process to turn C02 and hydrogen into fat molecules like the ones we get from milk, cheese, and beef—without greenhouse gas emissions, animal suffering, or dangerous chemicals.”
Major food corporations use tissue from aborted babies to manufacture flavor additives in processed foods
Since most of today’s processed food lacks flavor, companies like Senomyx are hired to develop flavors on their own
Every time you purchase mass-produced processed “food” from the likes of Kraft, PepsiCo, or Nestle, you’re choosing, whether you realize it or not, to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies.
Amish Farmer Who The Government Served With A Warrant & Raided For Selling “Raw Milk”
A farmer wouldn’t vaccinate his livestock with their poisons so the government raided him, criminal charged him, shut down his meat sales, seized all his food that fed 500 families and hauled everything to the dump.
“They just raided through everything. We can’t touch it. We can’t sell it. We can’t feed our family. We can’t give it away. Can’t feed it to the dogs. We can’t do anything with it. They just took it to the dump.”
Organic Amish farmer, Amos Miller, has been in a years-long legal battle with the state of Pennsylvania for distributing meat and dairy products not processed according to USDA guidelines. Is this just an attempt by government to enforce regulatory control over independent farmers? FarmMatch CEO, Max Kane, joins Del live from the courthouse where hundreds were there to support Amos and the fight for food freedom. (there are sound issues with this report)
The Complete Pesticide-Free Food List (And What to Avoid)
“There are numerous buzzwords around food — GMO, organic, and pesticides. Pesticides have been saving crop yields for centuries, but how have humans fared after that time, slowly ingesting pesticides little by little? Experts are studying the health effects of pesticides more, and the results are startling, from reproductive issues to potential cancer. With health consciousness on the rise, what can grocery shoppers look to for a definitive pesticide-free food list to ensure nourishing produce actually provides the body with nutrients?” Read more…
Winning!! Consumer protection bill to make sure people know whether they are picking up quackked produce passes in Tennessee.