GEMA News from around the world for July 8th-14th 2024

Parasites are not just something in animals and the 3rd world, they are in all of us. Is it parasites and not virus’s that are making us sick and causing cancer?
Since Julian Assanges arrest the freedom of the press has been in question. After a plea deal with the US was reached he is free and returns to Australia.
GEMA News brings you news highlights from around the world for 24th-30th June 2024
The fear of a Bird Flu pandemic is growing. What is the truth, is it another plandemic or is it a real threat to animal and human health.
GEMA Special Report – mRNA Technology, vaccines, gene therapy and their role out for COVID and other viruses and the repercussions
Dr. Fauci testifies in United States Senate on COVID response – Special Report